
data class GoogleCloudApigeeV1CredentialResponse(val apiProducts: List<GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRefResponse>, val attributes: List<GoogleCloudApigeeV1AttributeResponse>, val consumerKey: String, val consumerSecret: String, val expiresAt: String, val issuedAt: String, val scopes: List<String>, val status: String)


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fun GoogleCloudApigeeV1CredentialResponse(apiProducts: List<GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRefResponse>, attributes: List<GoogleCloudApigeeV1AttributeResponse>, consumerKey: String, consumerSecret: String, expiresAt: String, issuedAt: String, scopes: List<String>, status: String)


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List of API products this credential can be used for.

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List of attributes associated with this credential.

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Consumer key.

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Secret key.

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Time the credential will expire in milliseconds since epoch.

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Time the credential was issued in milliseconds since epoch.

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List of scopes to apply to the app. Specified scopes must already exist on the API product that you associate with the app.

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Status of the credential. Valid values include approved or revoked.