
data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1EnvironmentInfrastructureSpecOsImageRuntimeResponse(val imageVersion: String, val javaLibraries: List<String>, val properties: Map<String, String>, val pythonPackages: List<String>)

Software Runtime Configuration to run Analyze.



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object Companion


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Dataplex Image version.

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Optional. List of Java jars to be included in the runtime environment. Valid input includes Cloud Storage URIs to Jar binaries. For example, gs://bucket-name/my/path/to/file.jar

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Optional. Spark properties to provide configuration for use in sessions created for this environment. The properties to set on daemon config files. Property keys are specified in prefix:property format. The prefix must be "spark".

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Optional. A list of python packages to be installed. Valid formats include Cloud Storage URI to a PIP installable library. For example, gs://bucket-name/my/path/to/lib.tar.gz