Package-level declarations


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data class GetAspectTypeIamPolicyResult(val auditConfigs: List<GoogleIamV1AuditConfigResponse>, val bindings: List<GoogleIamV1BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetAssetResult(val createTime: String, val description: String, val discoverySpec: GoogleCloudDataplexV1AssetDiscoverySpecResponse, val discoveryStatus: GoogleCloudDataplexV1AssetDiscoveryStatusResponse, val displayName: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val resourceSpec: GoogleCloudDataplexV1AssetResourceSpecResponse, val resourceStatus: GoogleCloudDataplexV1AssetResourceStatusResponse, val securityStatus: GoogleCloudDataplexV1AssetSecurityStatusResponse, val state: String, val uid: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetAttributeResult(val attributeCount: Int, val createTime: String, val dataAccessSpec: GoogleCloudDataplexV1DataAccessSpecResponse, val description: String, val displayName: String, val etag: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val parentId: String, val resourceAccessSpec: GoogleCloudDataplexV1ResourceAccessSpecResponse, val uid: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetContentitemResult(val createTime: String, val dataText: String, val description: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val notebook: GoogleCloudDataplexV1ContentNotebookResponse, val path: String, val sqlScript: GoogleCloudDataplexV1ContentSqlScriptResponse, val uid: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetContentResult(val createTime: String, val dataText: String, val description: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val notebook: GoogleCloudDataplexV1ContentNotebookResponse, val path: String, val sqlScript: GoogleCloudDataplexV1ContentSqlScriptResponse, val uid: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetDataAttributeBindingIamPolicyResult(val auditConfigs: List<GoogleIamV1AuditConfigResponse>, val bindings: List<GoogleIamV1BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetDataAttributeBindingResult(val attributes: List<String>, val createTime: String, val description: String, val displayName: String, val etag: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val paths: List<GoogleCloudDataplexV1DataAttributeBindingPathResponse>, val resource: String, val uid: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetDataScanIamPolicyResult(val auditConfigs: List<GoogleIamV1AuditConfigResponse>, val bindings: List<GoogleIamV1BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetDataScanResult(val createTime: String, val data: GoogleCloudDataplexV1DataSourceResponse, val dataProfileResult: GoogleCloudDataplexV1DataProfileResultResponse, val dataProfileSpec: GoogleCloudDataplexV1DataProfileSpecResponse, val dataQualityResult: GoogleCloudDataplexV1DataQualityResultResponse, val dataQualitySpec: GoogleCloudDataplexV1DataQualitySpecResponse, val description: String, val displayName: String, val executionSpec: GoogleCloudDataplexV1DataScanExecutionSpecResponse, val executionStatus: GoogleCloudDataplexV1DataScanExecutionStatusResponse, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val state: String, val type: String, val uid: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetDataTaxonomyAttributeIamPolicyResult(val auditConfigs: List<GoogleIamV1AuditConfigResponse>, val bindings: List<GoogleIamV1BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetDataTaxonomyIamPolicyResult(val auditConfigs: List<GoogleIamV1AuditConfigResponse>, val bindings: List<GoogleIamV1BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetDataTaxonomyResult(val attributeCount: Int, val createTime: String, val description: String, val displayName: String, val etag: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val uid: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetEntityResult(val access: GoogleCloudDataplexV1StorageAccessResponse, val asset: String, val catalogEntry: String, val compatibility: GoogleCloudDataplexV1EntityCompatibilityStatusResponse, val createTime: String, val dataPath: String, val dataPathPattern: String, val description: String, val displayName: String, val etag: String, val format: GoogleCloudDataplexV1StorageFormatResponse, val name: String, val schema: GoogleCloudDataplexV1SchemaResponse, val system: String, val type: String, val uid: String, val updateTime: String)


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data class GetEntryGroupIamPolicyResult(val auditConfigs: List<GoogleIamV1AuditConfigResponse>, val bindings: List<GoogleIamV1BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetEntryTypeIamPolicyResult(val auditConfigs: List<GoogleIamV1AuditConfigResponse>, val bindings: List<GoogleIamV1BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetEnvironmentResult(val createTime: String, val description: String, val displayName: String, val endpoints: GoogleCloudDataplexV1EnvironmentEndpointsResponse, val infrastructureSpec: GoogleCloudDataplexV1EnvironmentInfrastructureSpecResponse, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val sessionSpec: GoogleCloudDataplexV1EnvironmentSessionSpecResponse, val sessionStatus: GoogleCloudDataplexV1EnvironmentSessionStatusResponse, val state: String, val uid: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetLakeAssetIamPolicyResult(val auditConfigs: List<GoogleIamV1AuditConfigResponse>, val bindings: List<GoogleIamV1BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetLakeContentIamPolicyResult(val auditConfigs: List<GoogleIamV1AuditConfigResponse>, val bindings: List<GoogleIamV1BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetLakeContentitemIamPolicyResult(val auditConfigs: List<GoogleIamV1AuditConfigResponse>, val bindings: List<GoogleIamV1BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetLakeEnvironmentIamPolicyResult(val auditConfigs: List<GoogleIamV1AuditConfigResponse>, val bindings: List<GoogleIamV1BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetLakeIamPolicyResult(val auditConfigs: List<GoogleIamV1AuditConfigResponse>, val bindings: List<GoogleIamV1BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetLakeResult(val assetStatus: GoogleCloudDataplexV1AssetStatusResponse, val createTime: String, val description: String, val displayName: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val metastore: GoogleCloudDataplexV1LakeMetastoreResponse, val metastoreStatus: GoogleCloudDataplexV1LakeMetastoreStatusResponse, val name: String, val serviceAccount: String, val state: String, val uid: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetLakeTaskIamPolicyResult(val auditConfigs: List<GoogleIamV1AuditConfigResponse>, val bindings: List<GoogleIamV1BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetLakeZoneIamPolicyResult(val auditConfigs: List<GoogleIamV1AuditConfigResponse>, val bindings: List<GoogleIamV1BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetPartitionResult(val etag: String, val location: String, val name: String, val values: List<String>)
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data class GetTaskResult(val createTime: String, val description: String, val displayName: String, val executionSpec: GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskExecutionSpecResponse, val executionStatus: GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskExecutionStatusResponse, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val notebook: GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskNotebookTaskConfigResponse, val spark: GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskSparkTaskConfigResponse, val state: String, val triggerSpec: GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskTriggerSpecResponse, val uid: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetZoneResult(val assetStatus: GoogleCloudDataplexV1AssetStatusResponse, val createTime: String, val description: String, val discoverySpec: GoogleCloudDataplexV1ZoneDiscoverySpecResponse, val displayName: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val resourceSpec: GoogleCloudDataplexV1ZoneResourceSpecResponse, val state: String, val type: String, val uid: String, val updateTime: String)
data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1AssetDiscoverySpecCsvOptionsResponse(val delimiter: String, val disableTypeInference: Boolean, val encoding: String, val headerRows: Int)

Describe CSV and similar semi-structured data formats.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1AssetDiscoverySpecJsonOptionsResponse(val disableTypeInference: Boolean, val encoding: String)

Describe JSON data format.

Settings to manage the metadata discovery and publishing for an asset.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1AssetDiscoveryStatusResponse(val lastRunDuration: String, val lastRunTime: String, val message: String, val state: String, val stats: GoogleCloudDataplexV1AssetDiscoveryStatusStatsResponse, val updateTime: String)

Status of discovery for an asset.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1AssetDiscoveryStatusStatsResponse(val dataItems: String, val dataSize: String, val filesets: String, val tables: String)

The aggregated data statistics for the asset reported by discovery.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1AssetResourceSpecResponse(val name: String, val readAccessMode: String, val type: String)

Identifies the cloud resource that is referenced by this asset.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1AssetResourceStatusResponse(val managedAccessIdentity: String, val message: String, val state: String, val updateTime: String)

Status of the resource referenced by an asset.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1AssetSecurityStatusResponse(val message: String, val state: String, val updateTime: String)

Security policy status of the asset. Data security policy, i.e., readers, writers & owners, should be specified in the lake/zone/asset IAM policy.

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data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1AssetStatusResponse(val activeAssets: Int, val securityPolicyApplyingAssets: Int, val updateTime: String)

Aggregated status of the underlying assets of a lake or zone.

Configuration for Notebook content.

Configuration for the Sql Script content.

DataAccessSpec holds the access control configuration to be enforced on data stored within resources (eg: rows, columns in BigQuery Tables). When associated with data, the data is only accessible to principals explicitly granted access through the DataAccessSpec. Principals with access to the containing resource are not implicitly granted access.

Represents a subresource of the given resource, and associated bindings with it. Currently supported subresources are column and partition schema fields within a table.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1DataProfileResultProfileFieldProfileInfoDoubleFieldInfoResponse(val average: Double, val max: Double, val min: Double, val quartiles: List<Double>, val standardDeviation: Double)

The profile information for a double type field.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1DataProfileResultProfileFieldProfileInfoIntegerFieldInfoResponse(val average: Double, val max: String, val min: String, val quartiles: List<String>, val standardDeviation: Double)

The profile information for an integer type field.

The profile information for a string type field.

Contains name, type, mode and field type specific profile information.

DataProfileResult defines the output of DataProfileScan. Each field of the table will have field type specific profile result.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1DataProfileSpecResponse(val rowFilter: String, val samplingPercent: Double)

DataProfileScan related setting.

DataQualityDimensionResult provides a more detailed, per-dimension view of the results.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1DataQualityRuleRangeExpectationResponse(val maxValue: String, val minValue: String, val strictMaxEnabled: Boolean, val strictMinEnabled: Boolean)

Evaluates whether each column value lies between a specified range.

Evaluates whether each column value matches a specified regex.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1DataQualityRuleResultResponse(val evaluatedCount: String, val failingRowsQuery: String, val nullCount: String, val passRatio: Double, val passed: Boolean, val passedCount: String, val rule: GoogleCloudDataplexV1DataQualityRuleResponse)

DataQualityRuleResult provides a more detailed, per-rule view of the results.

Evaluates whether each row passes the specified condition.The SQL expression needs to use BigQuery standard SQL syntax and should produce a boolean value per row as the result.Example: col1 >= 0 AND col2 < 10

Evaluates whether each column value is contained by a specified set.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1DataQualityRuleStatisticRangeExpectationResponse(val maxValue: String, val minValue: String, val statistic: String, val strictMaxEnabled: Boolean, val strictMinEnabled: Boolean)

Evaluates whether the column aggregate statistic lies between a specified range.

Evaluates whether the provided expression is true.The SQL expression needs to use BigQuery standard SQL syntax and should produce a scalar boolean result.Example: MIN(col1) >= 0

DataQualityScan related setting.

DataScan execution settings.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1DataScanExecutionStatusResponse(val latestJobEndTime: String, val latestJobStartTime: String)

Status of the data scan execution.

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data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1DataSourceResponse(val entity: String, val resource: String)

The data source for DataScan.

Provides compatibility information for a specific metadata store.

URI Endpoints to access sessions associated with the Environment.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1EnvironmentInfrastructureSpecComputeResourcesResponse(val diskSizeGb: Int, val maxNodeCount: Int, val nodeCount: Int)

Compute resources associated with the analyze interactive workloads.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1EnvironmentInfrastructureSpecOsImageRuntimeResponse(val imageVersion: String, val javaLibraries: List<String>, val properties: Map<String, String>, val pythonPackages: List<String>)

Software Runtime Configuration to run Analyze.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1EnvironmentSessionSpecResponse(val enableFastStartup: Boolean, val maxIdleDuration: String)

Configuration for sessions created for this environment.

Status of sessions created for this environment.

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data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1JobResponse(val endTime: String, val message: String, val name: String, val retryCount: Int, val service: String, val serviceJob: String, val startTime: String, val state: String, val uid: String)

A job represents an instance of a task.

Settings to manage association of Dataproc Metastore with a lake.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1LakeMetastoreStatusResponse(val endpoint: String, val message: String, val state: String, val updateTime: String)

Status of Lake and Dataproc Metastore service instance association.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1ResourceAccessSpecResponse(val owners: List<String>, val readers: List<String>, val writers: List<String>)

ResourceAccessSpec holds the access control configuration to be enforced on the resources, for example, Cloud Storage bucket, BigQuery dataset, BigQuery table.

A data range denoted by a pair of start/end values of a field.

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The data scanned during processing (e.g. in incremental DataScan)

Represents a key field within the entity's partition structure. You could have up to 20 partition fields, but only the first 10 partitions have the filtering ability due to performance consideration. Note: Partition fields are immutable.

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Schema information describing the structure and layout of the data.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1SchemaSchemaFieldResponse(val description: String, val fields: List<GoogleCloudDataplexV1SchemaSchemaFieldResponse>, val mode: String, val name: String, val type: String)

Represents a column field within a table schema.

Describes the access mechanism of the data within its storage location.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1StorageFormatCsvOptionsResponse(val delimiter: String, val encoding: String, val headerRows: Int, val quote: String)

Describes CSV and similar semi-structured data formats.

Describes Iceberg data format.

Describes JSON data format.

Describes the format of the data within its storage location.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskExecutionSpecResponse(val args: Map<String, String>, val kmsKey: String, val maxJobExecutionLifetime: String, val project: String, val serviceAccount: String)

Execution related settings, like retry and service_account.

Status of the task execution (e.g. Jobs).

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskInfrastructureSpecBatchComputeResourcesResponse(val executorsCount: Int, val maxExecutorsCount: Int)

Batch compute resources associated with the task.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskInfrastructureSpecContainerImageRuntimeResponse(val image: String, val javaJars: List<String>, val properties: Map<String, String>, val pythonPackages: List<String>)

Container Image Runtime Configuration used with Batch execution.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskInfrastructureSpecVpcNetworkResponse(val network: String, val networkTags: List<String>, val subNetwork: String)

Cloud VPC Network used to run the infrastructure.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskNotebookTaskConfigResponse(val archiveUris: List<String>, val fileUris: List<String>, val infrastructureSpec: GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskInfrastructureSpecResponse, val notebook: String)

Config for running scheduled notebooks.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskSparkTaskConfigResponse(val archiveUris: List<String>, val fileUris: List<String>, val infrastructureSpec: GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskInfrastructureSpecResponse, val mainClass: String, val mainJarFileUri: String, val pythonScriptFile: String, val sqlScript: String, val sqlScriptFile: String)

User-specified config for running a Spark task.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskTriggerSpecResponse(val disabled: Boolean, val maxRetries: Int, val schedule: String, val startTime: String, val type: String)

Task scheduling and trigger settings.

The scan runs once via RunDataScan API.

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DataScan scheduling and trigger settings.

The scan is scheduled to run periodically.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1ZoneDiscoverySpecCsvOptionsResponse(val delimiter: String, val disableTypeInference: Boolean, val encoding: String, val headerRows: Int)

Describe CSV and similar semi-structured data formats.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1ZoneDiscoverySpecJsonOptionsResponse(val disableTypeInference: Boolean, val encoding: String)

Describe JSON data format.

data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1ZoneDiscoverySpecResponse(val csvOptions: GoogleCloudDataplexV1ZoneDiscoverySpecCsvOptionsResponse, val enabled: Boolean, val excludePatterns: List<String>, val includePatterns: List<String>, val jsonOptions: GoogleCloudDataplexV1ZoneDiscoverySpecJsonOptionsResponse, val schedule: String)

Settings to manage the metadata discovery and publishing in a zone.

Settings for resources attached as assets within a zone.

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data class GoogleIamV1AuditConfigResponse(val auditLogConfigs: List<GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfigResponse>, val service: String)

Specifies the audit configuration for a service. The configuration determines which permission types are logged, and what identities, if any, are exempted from logging. An AuditConfig must have one or more AuditLogConfigs.If there are AuditConfigs for both allServices and a specific service, the union of the two AuditConfigs is used for that service: the log_types specified in each AuditConfig are enabled, and the exempted_members in each AuditLogConfig are exempted.Example Policy with multiple AuditConfigs: { "audit_configs": [ { "service": "allServices", "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ", "exempted_members": "" }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE" }, { "log_type": "ADMIN_READ" } ] }, { "service": "", "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ" }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE", "exempted_members": "" } ] } ] } For sampleservice, this policy enables DATA_READ, DATA_WRITE and ADMIN_READ logging. It also exempts from DATA_READ logging, and from DATA_WRITE logging.

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data class GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfigResponse(val exemptedMembers: List<String>, val logType: String)

Provides the configuration for logging a type of permissions. Example: { "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ", "exempted_members": "" }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE" } ] } This enables 'DATA_READ' and 'DATA_WRITE' logging, while exempting from DATA_READ logging.

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data class GoogleIamV1BindingResponse(val condition: GoogleTypeExprResponse, val members: List<String>, val role: String)

Associates members, or principals, with a role.

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data class GoogleTypeExprResponse(val description: String, val expression: String, val location: String, val title: String)

Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner ==" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information.