NAS Condemns UK Ambassador Christ Trott for taking side in South Sudan politics

British ambassador to South Sudan Christopher Trott(Photo credit: supplied/Nyamilepedia)

British ambassador to South Sudan Christopher Trott(Photo credit: supplied/Nyamilepedia)

Sept 2, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — Responding to the UK Ambassador to South Sudan Amb. Chris Trott over his recent statement, South Sudan rebel group condemns the UK ambassador’s statement for blaming their forces.

The National Salvation Front/Army said their action was a matter of self-defence and it is justified.

“The condemnation of the self-defense action of NAS against the brutality and crimes committed by this Division specially the killing and rape cases of women and young girls is shocking.” NAS writes in a statement extended to Nyamilepedia.

“The forces of NAS engaged this enemy force in self-defense resulting in the loss of lives. ” The statement added.

Despites the incident NAS reiterates its commitment to the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement that was signed on December 21, 2018 and assures that they will continue to observe Rome Declaration that they signed earlier this year; however, the group claims entitlement to self-defense.

“NAS reiterates its commitment to the Cessions of Hostilities Agreement (CoHA) signed on 21st December 2017 in Addis Ababa Ethiopia, and to the Rome Declaration signed on 12th January 2020 in Rome, Italy. NAS however, reserves the right to self-defense.”

NAS was responding to a statement in which Amb. Chris Trott blamed NAS forces for taking advantage of loopholes in the peace agreement saying the forces do not observe Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, Rome Declaration and the fact that CTSAMVM does not strictly monitor isolated incidents like this

“All signatories although they signed the Rome Declaration and they signed the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, they are not fully part of the CTSAMVM and so CTSAMVM is not able to look into incidents like what happened this week, which we condemned,” Amb. Chris Trott said.

NAS reiterates that Amb. Trott is entitled to his opinions but NAS and the people of South Sudan expect his sources to be accurate and credible.

“The statement condemning NAS is unfortunate. While Ambassador Chris Trott is entitled to express his opinion, NAS and the people of South Sudan expect the Ambassador to verify all violations in a credible manner before making public statements that speaks to the contrary and hurt the suffering people of South Sudan,”  Reads part of NAS statement.

The hold-out rebel group regrets that South Sudan government forces constantly violate the peace agreement at the watch of peace mediators and guarantors but they can’t even condemn it.

“The regime of Salva Kiir has been flagrantly violating the CoHA in broad daylight with South Sudan Defense Force (SSPDF) and Sudan People’s Liberation Army in Opposition (SPLA-IO) attacking the civil population and NAS bases in several locations in Equatoria starting from the 5th April 2020,” the statement added.

According to NAS of Thomas Cirilo, the UK Ambassador should have condemned the regime forces and James Wani Igga for their actions instead of blaming their forces.

“The suffering people of South Sudan expected at least a condemnation of the regimes actions against civil populations and NAS position from H.E. Ambassador Chris Trott but all they got was a loud silence.