A society of Humiliation and targeting of Awiel people.

By Garang Paul Malong Awan 

Sep 23, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — On account of humiliation, the incident in Bor is not the first time for such inhuman to happen. Two years ago, three youths of Awiel origins were burnt alive by Akol Koor and institution, National Security, nothing was done about it, and the incident of 30 Awiel boys pick at the airport and killed in Luri, by national security.  A few days ago, with no crime worse than homicide, and no penalty for any crime than jail and sentenced, a young Awielian has to endure another humiliation in Bor, being strip naked and humiliated publicly.

Author, Garang Paul Malong Awan

Author, Garang Paul Malong Awan

In the history of South Sudan, not even the Arabs have done such inhuman and humiliation in our waste conflict. We never ran and deserted our community for lack of men to fight the uncouth enemy. And if we never abandon our community for any fear or favor, we need to question ourselves as Awiel Community what and for how long will such humiliation continue and if taking this country back to Khartoum will do so, be it.

All these are happening to Awiel youths because they lack a voice in the national government,  and don’t tell us, 

Gen. Santino Deng Wol

Hon. Ateny Wek Ateny 

Hon. Kuol Athian Mayuen

Hon. Albino Bol Thieu

Hon. Thieu Mathok

Hon. Deng Deng Hoc

Hon. Deng Deng Akoon

Gen. Butrus Bol Bol

Hon. Tong Akeen

These are other victims who risk being killed and fired at will. what voice do they hold to air out and not fired tomorrow or fall victim of being humiliated and killed as well. As Equatoria are fighting for an independent Country, Awiel need to make a choice between going to Khartoum and self independent, the oil in Riang Awai is enough to develop and restate its failed institutions.

The humiliation and the killing of Awiel sons has reached its saturation and a decision is needed by the community.  We need not to address these cases on blame to others but as the Awiel who never surrendered and never accepted humiliation. The question goes to the Awiel elders and those who are supporting the Kiir regime that burnt youth alive. 

“The humiliation and targeting of Awiel youths in South Sudan.”

“leng aduk kuem we yich…?” our elders and youth…

The youths are being humiliated and harassed by the system that you all support and hold accountable for. With due respect, what are you all doing about these humiliations of our youth or are you all waiting for us who are in exile to come and respond to such inhuman acts done by the police who should always follow the law. We have people in this government who I ask for their voice to speak now or forever remain silent.

H.E. Hussain Akol

Hon. Ateny Wek

Hon. Kuol Athian 

Hon. Albino Bol

Hon. Elder, Aldo Ajou

Hon. Thieu Mathok. 

Hon. Deng Deng Akoon

Hon. Tong Akeen

Hon. Deng Deng Hoc

Hon. Garang Majak

Gen. Santino Deng Wol

Gen. Butrus Bol Bol

Gen. Dau Aturjong 

Gen. Akech Adim

Hon. Awiel youth Union leadership 

Hon. Awiel community leadership 

Hon. Student union leadership 

All the honorables and military ranks of varies respective leadership of Awiel and South Sudan, what is this humiliation at your watch…? For what happened in Bor is a humiliation that need an immediate address or another community, no matter the size will always undermine our ability and disrespect us. 

As the photos proof that they are nakedly humiliated, we expect Bor to condemn the incident and not deny the facts if we all seek peace. This is something they have never done to (ber)  Murle or Lou Nuer who have always displaced them from their ancestral homes, and they do it to the innocent Awiel youths who have always died defending Bor and Jonglei at large. We expect a condemned letter and not a denial letter from Bor community.  Our concern now as a community is not about what happened, but about our unity and defend of our integrity as Awiel community. I asked all the elders and all respective honorables and generals to address this or take the community to join Khartoum regime who never humiliate us, and fight for our rights. 

We fought for our rights in order for such act to cease and take each step in a lawful manner, but now that we are all being asked to always take action in our hands, this is not the society we needed to build. The youths of Awiel needs to unite, the future belong to us and not to the elders who are currently divided and confuse with the situation. Actions are needed to address such inhuman behavior, if the leadership is letting us down, as a community let’s appoint someone now or soon to address the community issues and revive our relations with other communities in the country.

 Proudly Awielian.

The author is a concerned South Sudanese. He can be reached through social media

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