Cuban Doctors kidnapped by the Somalian Al-Shabaab in Kenya not yet released

Oct 7, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — Alshabaab are yet to release the two Cuban doctors they kidnapped last year in Garissa near the Kenya and Somalia border.

Cuban doctors, Assel Herrera Correa and Landy Rodriguez Hernandez who were kidnapped by the Al-Shabaab in Kenya(Photo credit: supplied/Nyamilepedia)

Cuban doctors, Assel Herrera Correa and Landy Rodriguez Hernandez who were kidnapped by the Al-Shabaab in Kenya(Photo credit: supplied/Nyamilepedia)

According to daily mail, a senior Somali intelligence official told The Associated Press that the doctors were released over the weekend after months of negotiations with their captors.

He declined to give further details. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

The Cuban government have denied that two doctors kidnapped by suspected Al-Shabaab militants have been released.

“I deny the information circulating this morning about the alleged liberation of the two kidnapped Cuban doctors, Assel Herrera Correa and Landy Rodriguez Hernandez,” said Foreign Affairs Ministry Press Director Juan Antonio Fernandez.

“Considerable efforts are ongoing to ensure their freedom and their safe and healthy return to our country.” He added.

Kenya has also denied the any knowledge about the release of the two doctors.

“We have not received any news about the release of the Cuban doctors,” government Spokesperson Col (Rtd) Cyrus Oguna said.

The Cuban Foreign Affairs Minister Bruno Rodríguez had earlier this week tweeted about the doctors taking time to thank his counterpart in Somalia, Ahmed Isse Awad, for helping in the negotiations to secure the release of the doctors.

However, he failed to mention whether Kenya was offering any help in the negotiations.

“I had a telephone conversation with the Foreign Minister of Somalia, Mr Ahmed Isse Awad.” Mr Rodiriguez said.

“I appreciated the support and efforts of your government to guarantee the safe return of our kidnapped doctors. We highlight the will to strengthen bilateral ties between the two governments” He added.o