South Sudan Ministry of Interior denies selling passportst to foreigners for $100

Nov 5, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — Lt. Gen. John Akot, the Director General of Nationality, Civil Registry, Passport and Immigration in the ministry of interior has dismissed claims that the ministry is selling national documents to foreigners for one hundred dollars ($100).

South Sudan's Interior Minister Hon. Paul Mayom Akec(Photo| Credit: supplied)

South Sudan’s Interior Minister Hon. Paul Mayom Akec(Photo| Credit: supplied)

“I have not heard of this. South Sudan can’t be sold out with a hundred dollar, these cases are not there because there are procedures in place,” Lt. Gen. John Akot said during a press conference in Juba.

The director general said this after people on social media accused the ministry of selling the national documents.

However, Lt. Gen. John Akot admitted that last year, there were criminals who used to sell the national documents adding that they were arrested.

“We found a group of criminals operating last year in Nimule and we apprehended them. They used to print false documents such as nationality. They were found and our team managed to arrest them,”

He alleged that people with South Sudan national documents must have gotten them in a fraudulent manner.

“If you find any foreigner with South Sudanese nationality, it will not be a real nationality, it must be a false one,” he added.

Lt. Gen. John Akot urged the members of the public to identify such people in the community and the authorities will deal with them.

“If you find any one, don’t leave him, get his name and come to me. We will send our crime officer and summon him to our office,”

According to the law, a foreigner can only get citizenship through marriage or by naturalization.

By Marriage: Foreign woman who marries a citizen of Sudan may obtain citizenship provided she is married according to Sudanese Law, lives in marriage with her husband for at least two years, and renounces her former citizenship.

BY Naturalization: Sudanese citizenship may be acquired upon fulfillment of the following conditions: Person is a legal adult, has resided in Sudan for 10 years, knows the Arabic language, is of good morality, has committed no crimes, desires to remain in the country, renounce previous citizenship, is in good health, and declares loyalty to the country.

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