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Disgruntled SPLM group of Jonglei State seeks removal of state party chairman.

Jonglei, South Sudan

July 28, 2021— Frustrated members of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) in Jonglei state are appealing to president Kiir to remove the state party’s Chairman citing his incompetency.

D. Governor of Jonglei State, Antipas Nyok addressing the media after he paid a courtesy call to President, Salva Kiir Mayardit in the state house J1. (photo credit : Courtesy Image)

The SPLM Senior Representatives in Jonglei State capital are calling on President Kiir to sack the state party leader, Antipas Nyok Kucha, over alleged inexperience in public service.

Nyok is serving also as Jonglei State’s deputy governor and the differences between him and his SPLM comrades started two months ago after his comrades petitioned Kiir to remove him over alleged incompetence and divisive sentiment.

At least 30 SPLM members of the discontent group were later apprehended by the Police but have since been released on bail after some days without trails.

In a statement extended to Nyamilepedia, the group wrote another petition on 24th of July, 2021 and addressed it to the national SPLM chairperson, President Salva Kiir Mayardit saying that the party is losing vision and direction and are they are therefore reiterating their call for the removal of a controversial State party leader, Antipas Nyok, who doubles as the Deputy Governor of Jonglei State.

“We are now in the media because we found no avenue for dialogue. As a party, it is a concern to us that we are divided while the elections are approaching. So, we are calling on the president to dismiss Antipas Nyok,” Gabriel Deng Ajak who named himself group’s representative told media.

“Our chairman Nyok has proven to be incompetent to lead the party. He continues threatening us. He continued dividing the party and closed down the activities of the party. So, we submit this appeal because we want the president to salvage SPLM.”, Ajak said.

Responding to whether the stalemate was due to a job-related issue or not, the former Director of Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) said they are not advocating for portfolios at all but he said they are just seeking  for party reform.

State party leader, Antipas Nyok, rubbished all the allegations labeled against him, and described them as “baseless”, adding that his comrades are unhappy just because they were not reassigned in the unity government.

“Some of them were former constitutional post holders. They are disappointed in losing positions as a result of the reunification of the states. So, this has nothing to do with my failure,” Antipas said.

Meanwhile, the state SPLM Secretary General, Deng Ajang Dut promised that they will seek peaceful means to resolve the matter but said the party continues running its activities smoothly in the state.

“As a party, we are operating normally. What happened is that this group is not happy for not being in the government. But if they are willing, we will dialogue with them to solve the problem,” he added.

The stalemate between SPLM members and their State party leader started in May. Antipas further disagreed  with his Governor Denay Jock Chagor over the appointment of State Secretary and town mayor whom Antipas said were appointed by Chagor without his consultation.

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