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Gen. Gatwech denies ties to both Khartoum and Juba, confirming he is in Magenis

Magenis, Sudan

August 9, 2021 — The leadership of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army-In-Opposition under the 1st. Lt. Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual, also known as the Kitgwang Group, has refuted the allegations that they have ties to Sudanese government in Khartoum or to the South Sudanese authorities in the capital, Juba.

1st Lt. Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual giving a speech in Magenis(Photo credit: supplied)
1st Lt. Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual giving a speech in Magenis(Photo credit: supplied)

This comes after Machar’s loyalists accused Gen. Gatwech’s faction of having been bribed by Salva Kiir regime in Juba, while referring to a recorded audio that featured Brig. Gen. William Gatjiath Deng.

Brig. Gen. Gatjiath was heard revealing his closed-door meeting with the Director of National Security Gen. Akool Kur  to his uncle Puok Deng who worked for the government.

In the audio Gatjiath revealed that he was being encouraged by Akol Khor to overthrow the First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny, who doubles also as Commander-In-Chief and Chairman of the SPLM/A-IO, so that they can strike a deal with Kiir’s regime.

Speaking to Nyamilepedia on condition of anonymity, a senior member of the SPLM/A-IO Kitgwang faction in the directorate office of Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual said the news being spread on media that they have links to the governments in Juba and Khartoum are false and can’t be generalized.

The senior opposition official said when someone fails he also wants other people to fail too.

” It is not true that we are being supported by the government, the government doesn’t support us because we are for the cause and we are for full implementation of the security arrangements but propaganda are disseminated against us in order to fail like them because they have now realized that they have failed”, a senior opposition member loyal to Gatwech told Nyamilepedia from Magenis.

He also denied that Gen. Gatwech is in Khartoum as per media reports saying Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual is now in Magenis.

” The interim Chairman of the movement cannot move anywhere, he is here with his forces in Magenis.” I got the same report that he and Gen. Johnson Olony went to Khartoum but such news are not reliable but as soon as possible Gen. Simon Gatwech will make a press conference where every citizen will listen to his word” he added.

Based on the audio and reports Nyamilepedia cannot verify, Machar’s loyalists believe that Gen. Gatjiath held secret meetings with Akol Khor in which he accepted a lumpsum of money that he and his senior commanders are currently spending in Kosti, a report Kitgwang Declaration dusts off as a mere propaganda by their former allies to tarnish their image.

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