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Machar and Kitgwang faction agree to dialogue to resolve differences

Juba, South Sudan

August 12, 2021 — Latest reports from the rivaling SPLM/A-IO factions confirmed that Machar’s and Gatwech Dual faction have agreed to dialogue to resolve gross misunderstanding that led to recent fighting in Magenis on Saturday, Aug 7, 2021.

SPLM/A-IO’s rivaling spokesmen, Brig. Gen. WIlliam Gatjiath of Kitgwang faction and Machar’s press secretary Puok Both Puok Baluang(Photo credit: Nyamilepedia)

Although the two spokesmen could not agree on who initiated the phone calls between Machar and Gen Olony, they agree that their leaders have agreed on phone to ceasefire and find neutral grounds to dialogue.

According to Machar’s press secretary, Puok Both Puok Baluang, Gen. Olony initiated the phone call to confirm their acceptance of ceasefire but according to Gen. Willaim Gatjiath, it’s Machar who initiated the call.

“H.E. the Chairman and Commander -in- Chief of the SPLM/SPLA (IO) and the First Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan, Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon received today August 11, 2021 two telephone calls at 11:54 AM and 05:50 PM from Lt. Gen. Johnson Olony, member of the Kit Gwang Declaration group led by SPLA (IO) former Chief of General Staff Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual” Machar’s spokesman, Puokt Both Puok Baluang said.

“Gen. Johnson Olony informed H.E. Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon about their group acceptance of the ceasefire” Baluang continued.

According to Gatjiath, Dr. Machar called Lt. Gen. Johnson Olony and asked for forgiveness for launching attacks on their position on Saturday, August 7, 2021.

“the letter which had poorly written by the so called himself “acting Spokesperson” Puok Both Baluang, alerged that Gen. Johnson Olony Thabo, called the former Chairman Dr Riek Machar, this afternoon is twisted but the real sense was that, Dr. Riek Machar, himself was the ones called Gen. Johnson Olony Thabo to deliver his apology on behalf of SPLM/A (IO) for launching an attack against the SPLA-IO Forces in Kit-Gwang ( Magenis)” Said Brig. Gen. William Gatjiath Deng, the military spokesman of Kitgwang group.

“he also informed Gen. Johnson Olony, about the cessation of hostilities between the two forces Moreover, he requested him if the interim Chairman and commander in Chief, H.E Gen Simon Gatwech Dual, would accept to disengage the forces.” Gatjiath continued.

Machar’s spokesman confirmed that the two leaders want to resolve their differences without further violent.

“In an amicable atmosphere, H.E. the Chairman and Commander -in- Chief emphasized the need to resolve peacefully the incident that took place in Magenis in Upper Nile State” Baluang said.

“H.E. Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon and Lt. General Johnson Olony agreed to immediately send the Commissioner of Panyikang County Hon. Mustafa Gai to the country headquarters to assume his duties and to assure the population that there is peace in the area. The two agreed to maintain contact” He emphasized.

On the other hand, William Gatjiath said Olony reiterated their call for a peaceful resolution to the conflict but demanded for peace guarantors to intervene.

“But Johnson Olony, replied to him that we have no intention to wage war against our forces but we felt astonished for sparodic attack at Magenis. So now, it shall be upto guarantors to come up with the solution to end up this merciless behavior of your own forces.” Gatjiath said.

On 4th of August 2021, the former SPLM/A-IO Chief of General Staff Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual declared himself as the leader of SPLM/A-IO replacing the long time opposition leader Dr. Machar from power accusing him of being vulnerable to lead the revolution, a move which was later denounced by Machar as unilateral declaration that does not follow SPLM/A-IO doctrines.

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