Opinion Politics South Sudan news

Opinion: Why Youths of South Sudan need to stop joining SPLMs and start building nation.

By Santino Puokleena Yien

August 29,2021—Youths of South Sudan should stop joining the SPLMs due to the three following reasons :

First: Tribalism.

SPLM has divided us based on tribal lines since Nasir Declaration of 1991. I’m not going to bind the node of 1983 to A’nyanya II, it seems national. In 1991, Dr.Riek Machar ousted the SPLM revolutionary leader, Dr. John Garang De Mabior as chairman of the movement and declared the SPLM/A Nasir faction Movement which later on changed into South Sudan Independence Movement (SSIM), claiming that he would ensure democracy which has not yet existed at the moment but the move had consequently led to bloodshed which is today referred to as ” Bor Massacre” of which Dr. Machar is held responsible for and also admitted it and publicly apologized for it in 2012.

Santino Puokleena Yien, Secretary General of Nuer Community in Egypt (Photo Credit :Courtesy Image)

In 2013, SPLM/A again with its usual internal stalemates divided itself into Gen.Salva Kiir and Dr.Riek Machar supporters the two senior rivals who were struggling in the party primary election normally looking for who can take the party seat runner in the awaiting national presidential election, which led to the massacre of innocent Nuer civilians after a long party friction. SPLM under president Salva Kiir carried out massive killings of innocent Nuer civilians intended for the revenge of Bor massacre that has taken our country into win win situation of defense and offense for nearly eight years.It was not agreed by our all Nuer brothers to carried out massive killings in 1991. 1991 Nasir Declaration was a SPLM faction led by South Sudanese who hailed from Nuer which has nothing to do with Nuer as a civil society. It was not also agreed by our all Dinka brothers to carry out massive killings in 2013, it’s the same SPLM led by South Sudanese who hailed from Dinka which has nothing to do with Dinka as a civil society. All these are the dirty activities of the expired ill-SPLM. SPLM divided our country in our watch into Dinka and Nuer country. SPLM now is a multi-operating party with 3 derailed common goals redefined remaining objectives into looting, nepotism and tribal incitement.

We’re all too familiar with these two stories in details, if you may need me to write more details. Why should youths not continue joining such a blood thirst party?

Second :Expiration of the SPLM Party.

SPLM/A was an armed struggle which was fighting for the new Sudan vision as the main central point and right of self-determination as the last option. There is no any logical reason for having SPLM the previous political wing of the SPLA armed struggle as a political party in South Sudan after independence of South Sudan whatsoever, SPLM is too militarized political party which South Sudanese do not deserve. To make the matter worse all abbreviated letters of SPLM don’t have any logic meaning except letter “P” which stands for the people, we now remain as the “People” in South Sudan.
Letter S which stands for “Sudan” make no any single sense in South Sudan, now we are South Sudanese in South Sudan.
Letter L which stands for “Liberation” make no any single sense in South Sudan context since we have already liberated ourselves from unwanted theocratic regime in Sudan.

However, letter M which stands for “Movement” make no any single sense per now because we cannot have a fixated political party dynamically moving with arms. It’s a crime to have an armed movement in form of political party it doesn’t make any sense. SPLM should be put into files together with SPLA as two historical bodies which struggled for our today and be appreciated for it over retirement period.

Third :Membership Criteria.

SPLM constitution, Chapter 3. Article 7, condition of Membership.

“Membership of the SPLM shall be opened to all Sudanese citizens irrespective of
gender, origin, race, creed or social status provided that the person satisfies the
following conditions: (Mentioned therein).”

This article illustrated it very clear that SPLM is not a South Sudanese party, it’s a part of the old Sudan. You may have also heard about SPLM-North to complete the illusionary existence of SPLM as Odwak Nyaba paraphrased, that before South Sudan got her independence, “Sudan was a one country with two system of governances and now Sudan became two countries with one system of governance”. The heck that is really going on here is is that SPLM and the recent uprooted NCP are a strategically looting tools to elites of the old Sudan in new Sudan which work with seniority ideologies. SPLM doesn’t support energy and competency other than seniority. Generally, or during any National Elections SPLM gives its candidacy party ticket to senior members instead of looking for competency of the candidates. Even if you are a competent junior Cadre they sabotage your candidacy for the incompetent seniors, you might have heard about most recent noise while party Secretary General position left by Nunu Kumba when appointed into parliamentarian speakership. Imagine, you are full packaged member in your early 30 who can contest for any positions with junior membership. Will you not reach your late 90s without achieving anything?

How can youths continue joining such open life imprisonment (SPLM) without being prisoned? How can young intellectuals continue joining party which is dividing our own country and its citizens into tribal lines? Wouldn’t we be an intellectual cowards?

Excuse me, I know you, you gotta uncles there in SPLM but you have only two choices uncle or country. Youths of South Sudan please abandon these SPLMs and send SPLM back to old Sudan, renovate new Sudan into second republic.

Our country is sinking in our watches.

Youths rescue the country from SPLMs tribal traditional elites.

The author is Santino Puokleena Yien, Secretary General of Nuer Community in Arab Republic of Egypt, Science student at Ain Shams University and he can be reached via santinoyien@gcis.asu.edu.eg.

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