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SSNMC elects new Chairman to succeed Bakosoro who rejoined SPLM.

Juba, South Sudan

September 25, 2021—The leadership of South Sudan National Movement for Change (SSNMC) has yesterday on 24th of September 2021 elected Mr. Moro Issac Jenessio as the new Chairman of the SSNMC.

Moro Issac Jenessio, newly elected Chairman of SSNMC (Photo Credit :Supplied)

The South Sudan National Movement for Change has been holding meetings for the two months  to replace Joseph Bakosoro, the founder of the SSNMC who abandoned his party to be reintegrated into the ruling party, SPLM – a party he deserted before the 2010 general elections after failing to win the SPLM ticket for his constituency.

Speaking to Nyamilepedia from the capital Juba, the spokesman of the Federal Democratic Party /South Sudan Armed Forces (FDP/SSAF), Mr. Wazir M. Liah said he and his chairman Hon. Changson Lew Chang were invited to grace the election of Moro Issac as the new chairman of SSNMC.

“The new elected Chairperson of South Sudan National Movement for Change (SSNMC), replacing the deserted Chair Hon. Joseph Bangase Bakasoso”, Liah told Nyamilepedia.

Liah revealed that he was attending the election as an observer while his Boss Changson Lew, who doubles as the country’s minister of education, attended as the Chief Guest.

“.. I attended the electoral process as an observer together with my Chairman Hon. Gabriel Changson Chang, who was the Chief guest of the day”, he added.

The new chairman of SSNMC, Moro Issac Jenessio was the Secretary General of the Party and is also serving as a local official in Central Equoria State.

On July 15, 2021, Joseph Bakosoro rejoined the SPLM under the leadership of President Kiir Mayardit.

Bakasoso also announced that he abolished his party SSNMC; however, his party members refuted his decision and said his rejoining to SPLM was a personal decision which has nothing to do with the party.

The ruling party SPLM is considered the mother of most political parties in the country with exception of a few parties that emerged out of the NCP of Omar al Bashir from the North; however,  the SPLM is suffering from its militarized foundation that creates little freedom for expression and that has forced many politicians to either exit peacefully or violently leading to numerous civil wars since 2010.

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