
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

SPLM-IO: Stop politicizing the nomination of “Johnson Olony” as Upper Nile State Governor

3 min read

Press statement For an immediate Release: The government should stop politicizing the nomination of “Johnson Olony” as Upper Nile State Governor

Tuesday, July 07, 2020 (PW) — The Office of the Army Spokesman of Sudan People’s Liberation Army in Opposition SPLA (IO), would like to dismise the claims that was publicly announced on the national (TV) and acrimoniously circulated on the social media by the Press Secretary of the President, Ateny Wek Ateny, that Sector One (1) Commander, Lieutenant General, Johnson Olony Thabo, should not be announce as the governor of Upper Nile State, because he owned a faction and commander in chief of the Agwelek forces.

Ateny, also claimed that, Agwelek forces have no presence in the unification training centers and Gen.Johnson Olony, has no right at all to be potential nominee of the SPLM/A (IO) and he is not ready for peace since he has the separate army. All the claims made by the Press Secretary of the president, seems to be ambivalence in the public.

First if all, the Agwelek, is not standing a lone as an entity but is a Division in Sector One (1) army structure with Division Seven (7) and Division One (1), during the selection of the unify forces, Agwelek Division sent the equal share requested at the training centers but where did Ateny Wek Ateny got that information?

It is better that peace could go straight as it is being written, but my question is; how could the president of the republic, disregarded the appointment of the SPLM/A (IO) potential nominee? While in the other hand, he was appoint some notorious politicians who had caught red-handed on the genocide of the Nuer in 2013, and even some of them castrated the young boys purposely to extiminate and blackened the future of the young generations.

The SPLM/A (IO) is a national movement fighting for the right of South Sudanese people and signed the current peace deal with the government purposely to end the suffering of the innocent population of South Sudan not because the government has an upper hand and could dictate the SPLM/A (IO) legitimate rights. Let the government stop fabrications and politicization so that the peace could avail in the country.

Brig. Gen. William Gatjiath Deng, SPLA (IO) Army Spokesman, GHQs, 07/07/2020, South Sudan.

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