
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

CEPO Deplores the Killing of Radio Journalist, Marko Agei Makor Chol, in Tonj, South Sudan

2 min read

Tribute to Isaiah Abraham: The Dark Ages of South Sudan Liberation

Friday, July 03, 2020 (PW) — Marko Agei Makor Chol was shot in a road ambush while travelling to Tonj town, according to the former Information Minister of the defunct Tonj state.

Community Empowerment for progress Organization in strong terms condemned the killing of the journalists and CEPO calls for the state authorities to investigation the motives behind the killing of the journalists and bring the perpetrators to book

Mr. Edmund Yakani, Executive Director Executive Director of CEPO said the trend of killing Journalists in South Sudan is on raise and is disturbing trend that require urgent move of the state authorities for its stoppage.

Killing a Journalists is denying the public accurate information and promote rumors mongers to shape information for public consumption. This is unaccepted act 

It is time to honor and respect journalists across the country. Journalists played essential role in shaping the public information for transforming our society from violence to peace; from corruption to transparency and from being divided to being united together live in difference and diversity. Mr. Yakani stressed  

Finally, CEPO urge the authority in Tonj to urgently investigate the incident for killing Journalists Marko Agei Makor Chol. CEPO wish the family, relative and loves of Journalists Marko Agei Makor condolence and let his soul rest in internal peace.

The Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) is a non-profit, civil society, South Sudanese organization, registered by the Ministry of Justice on 17th November 2010. The organization was initially formed in Khartoum in 1999 and consisted of mostly University students, but its scope broadened after it was established in Juba, Southern Sudan as a separate entity. Presently, CEPO is engaged in the areas of Peace and conflict mitigation, human rights, rule of law, livelihood, governance and democratic transformation. Mr. Edmund Yakani Berizilious is the Executive Director of CEPO.

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