
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Is the September 2018 revitalized peace agreement on an intensive care unit (ICU)?

7 min read

By Akol Abiong Bol, Juba, South Sudan

Thursday, September 15, 2020 (PW) — As today mark exactly 2 years after the signing of the Revitalize Agreement on the resolution of conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCISS), one would like to highlight on few things to evaluate the agreement at my capacity and see how far the parties have gone. I will briefly be looking at the achievements and setbackson security, political, economic and citizen views toward the agreement.

1. Security

The situation in the country has relatively calm in some parts especially in greater Upper Nile and Bhar el ghazal states although there a lot of communal fights in greater Jonglei and Warrap states. The communal fights in greater Jonglei and warrap can be attributed to lack of local government at the grassroots after the dissolution of thirty-two states by the presidential orders as part of the roadmap to R-ARCISS. The political vacuum in the country for the last seven months has cost the country loss of many lives.

At some point, greater equatorial states remained at the hotspot as there has been a continuous fighting between government forces and the holdout group led by Thomas Chrillo. So, on the security context one would like to appreciate the signatories to the Revitalize peace Agreement on the Resolutions of Conflict in South Sudan especially the main opposition group led by FVP Dr. Riak Machar and the government led by president of the republic H.E Salva Kiir for making some progresses on article 2.1 onpermanent Ceasefire. 

The main opposition and the government have given some hopes to the citizen of the republic by instructing all their forces to respect the cessation of hostilities and abide by September 12, 2018 ceasefire agreement. An average citizen has a glimpse that if situation continues like then we will have everlasting peace in our country. Unfortunately, a lack of political will from both parties to implement all the security arrangements is making some setbacks in the progress of implementation.

If both parties can continue with letter and spirit to implement all the security protocols in the agreement to restored hope of the citizens.

2.  Political 

In the first place, I would like to appreciate the parties to the September 2018 agreement for making some progresses in forming the collegial presidency and executives. Although at some point, one would describe as unsatisfied with the process of the implementation of the agreement. Both parties have forgotten that the agreement was intended for the suffering majority in internally displaced camps, protection of the civilians and the refugees in the neighboring countries.  

The politicians of our country have taken the peace agreement hostage and refused to implement the agreement having in mind their transitional leadership extension to keep them in the system regardless of the sufferings. The lack of political will at all levels have created the huge political vacuum in the country to the extend that the peace guarantors have lost hope on pushing the parties to the agreement to expedite the processes needed. Two years have gone with continuous extension of the implementation period.

The political pulling of rope among the parties have added more sufferings on the citizens. According to articles 1.14.1 on the reconstitution of the parliament, theTransitional National Legislative shall consist of the Transitional Legislative Assembly and the Council of States. All the 550 members are very clear in the agreement starting from Incumbent TGONU (332), SPLM-IO (128), SSOA (50), OPP (30) and 1.14.2. 5 FDs (10). 

There is nothing one would see as a political game to keep the same old parliament. All the parties have their agreed numbers in the agreement nominated by each party and submit the list to the president for appointment. The question that has been ringing in my mind is that “why does the parties failed to reconstitute the parliament”? the simplest answer I have is that the parties are looking at their political weight especially the government. President Kiir has been surrounded by old minds and to move them away from him will cost their positions which is one of the stalemates.  

Coming to the power sharing at states level, it is very clear in the agreement although there are articles which both parties need to have a political compromise for the interest of peace. The appointment of governors of nine states excluding upper Nile state is worrisome to both POCs and IDPs camp citizens. The future of upper Nile state is at a nightmare. Many returners are going back to the refugee camps in Sudan and Ethiopia because of unpredicted security situation at the state.

If both main parties comprise and form the government at states and local administrative levels to restore the lost hope, then citizen will return in huge numbers. The September 2018 peace agreement shouldn’t be kept in an intensive care unit for the last two years if both parties were to put more effort. 

3. Economy 

During the formation of Revitalize transitional government of national unity (R-TGONU) in February 2020, there was too much hope from the citizens that the collegial presidency would work very hard to address the economic crisis in the country as per the general principles of the economic and financial management according to article 4.1 in the agreement.

For example, the article 4.1.1 which says Political leaders and stakeholders shall ensure that the RTGONU is transparent and accountable, with legal, institutional, policies and procedures fully functional for sustainable development. But to the dismay, the RTGONU focus much on power sharing then looking at how the economy of the country can be revived. The meltdown of South Sudan economy can be counted on few individuals who have no heart of doing good things to the citizens of this country.

The people to have a big share of blame is the current minister of finance and economy planning Salvatoria GarangMabiordit and the governor of central bank Jamal Wani who aredoing nothing at all to rescue the situation. The economic recession of South Sudan is hitting the worse hyperinflation period. It was in some days back when I saw a post on social media appreciating the ministry of finance and central bank of South Sudan for printing one thousand bank note as a solution to current economy crisis.

A decision that can’t be appreciated by even kindergarten child. In the economic perfective, the more you print the currencies is the more you are inflating the economy twice. Printing of more bank note is the permanent economic problem. An economic problem is a man made and the solution should come from the same men. 

It was not a surprise to the leaders of key economic institutions by giving in saying “we are indebted, we cannot regulate the commercial banks” Governor of Central Bank and on the other hand “currently we are unable to control the market, we are powerless” Minister of Trader and Industry. Looking at these discouraging statements from the top economic officials, one would conclude that our economy has lost the direct. There is no miracle that will revive the worsen economy when there is no political will. All the revenues have been privatized at the RTGONU watch and the averages are left suffering across the country.  Two years have past with no any step forward to revive the economy. The civil servants have gone for the last 7 months or more without salary. When I paid a visit to national revenue authority (NRA) in July it was like a community association after the removal of Dr. Attipoe. The thievery network in the country is very powerful more than the presidency and therefore, there is a need for radical change in the economic institutions across the country. 

4. Citizens view: the continue delayed in the implementation of the agreement fully by the parties have discourage and make the citizens lost hope on the ability of their leaders to bring everlasting peace. The peace agreement that was expected to benefit those in need is being held hostage by our leaders without even feeling about the pain and suffering of the citizens. 

In conclusion: one would like to recommend the followings:  1. The security arrangements should be implemented in letter and spirit by the signatories to the agreement. 2 All the parties to the agreement should have a political will to compromise on some political issues and make the agreement move forward by forming the reconstituted parliament at both national and states level. 3 Formation of all state executives and county local administrations to fostered security at the grassroots. 4  Removal of finance Minister, NRA acting commissioner and Governor of central bank and appoint those with economic brain, the likes of Dr. Lual Achuek, Dr. Marial Awuou, Spencer Kenyi, Prof. Akec Apuruot to mention few. 5 Urge the R-TOGNU peace guarantors to keep on pushing the signatories to the agreement to expedites the implementation processes. 

The writer is the graduate of BSc in Statistics and Demography, college of Social and Economic studies, university of Juba, can be reaching @ email address:

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