
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Thony of Mading Community Deserves Recognition, Respect, and Equality from Bor County and Jonglei State

6 min read

The Thony of Mading Community Lived in Mading for many decades, and they deserved respects. Therefore, our rights could not be in vain in Jonglei State and Bor County in my view.

By Ayuen Achiek Mayen, Mading de Ngeth Angoh, South Sudan

Tuesday, September 29, 2020 (PW) —  I demanded respects and equality to be established in Jonglei State for the best democracy and solidarity of our communities. I believe that our State is rich ineverything, so we need to join our hands together to remove totalitarianism and oppression for opulenceof our people in the future.

The Thony of Mading Community loves everyone residing in Mading City as the capital of Jonglei Statebecause we have one thing in common. We have intermarriages to each other and our cultural norms are pretty much the same. We also speak the same language even though we have slide intonation with our neighbours. We still share the same values and we are equal in term of benevolence, but we are oppressed in the past until now.

Nevertheless, we are demanding our rights, but not only the Payam; it’s involving veneration as well. People should know that the name of Thony is like other names in Jonglei State and also within Bor County. Therefore,you need to compliments to Thany like other communities in the nation period. The Thony of Mading Community deserved more respects because they are the Indigenous of the land and have never discriminated anybody in the city of Mading since the period of theirsettlement up to date. So why are we being’s neglected in claiming our rights if I can ask?

I am appealing to Bor County and the current Jonglei State government to revisit our request regarding the Thony of Mading Payam to be considered. The demand was submitted to the Jonglei State government and Bor County administrative fourteen years ago, and there is no outcome or feedback. It is unequitable to us when the foreigners in the affairs of the Jonglei State representingMading people without our concerns.

If other Communities rights are perceivedinstantaneously, what is wrong with our rights being scorned without contemplation? I perceived that those who were subsisting more than four hours back of Mading Town, left their local residential areas due to the situation we all comprehend, we cognised that ailment, but I am confused because they turned to claim the land of Mading to be the first settlers before Ngeth Angoh descendants which is utterly erroneous, it is antagonisticin my opinion. We are both brothers and sisters, so we should discern the rights of others so that we keep dwelling together incontrovertibly.

The Thony of Mading, have subsisted for a decades in Mading Town before many communes noticed that Mading people have lived there for many centuries. Essentially, we love many people bordering us and even the Lord Jesus knows that from the bottommost of our hearts. If you are against our rights, make sure ‘things will fall apart’ as I quote from Chinua Achebe. The Thony of Mading Community is excelled and many communities around Bor can testify about what I am prognostic. Hence, Thany have a very marvelous pride and they have been aiding many societies around them since Mading community occupied that area in the past.

We have been rendering our supports to Anya of Joseph Lagu to the time of the struggle of the SPLM/A. However, many people used to be killed by firing squad regarding losing of guns. The Thony of Mading have a legend guy known as Angau Jok Wel, he used to submerged under the water to bring out the guns so that the soldier is sphere. I believed that all communities in Jonglei State are equal and they have fought equally during the civil war, which have taken the life of two and half million people.

Under the Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in 1966, specified that ‘no one shall be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Therefore, all people deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the interest of all people. Actually, the meaning of the torture is any act that is severe pain or suffering either physical or mentally and intentionally inflicted on a person with purpose of protecting all people’.

However, dishonesty in the affairs of the state or county could be considered as torture in my opinion.Essentially, other communities who are enjoying their privileges in Jonglei State, have equal rights has Mading people and when it comes to the Thony of Mading Community, they are treated less.

I felt embarrassed when I see others oppressing the Thony of Mading Community people, one day I reflected on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 1, which has stated that all humans are born free and equal, so you are significantly looks like others and have the same rights as anyone else. All people are born to reflect on the rights and wrong and act appropriately to others in essence of pleasantness. As human beings, we prepared to lived in social cohesion in order we prosper and not hiding being mistreatment, no one can survive in that character. We should consider ourselves equally so that we can do better thing to our own innocence people, and we need to stop the assassination character in our state so that we lives essentially.

Integrity is essential in the society

In our state of Jonglei, there are some members who considered themselves like topmost mongrels and no integrity in there compassionates. The ethics encroached in here curiosities of others seem to be embedded. The people with the respect are those individual with integrity and honesty, those human being deserved respects more than anyone. Some people can build their integrity level with confidentiality to enable them to do better. So if some people forgot about what integrity is, then they should reflect that truthfulness should be built as a complete honesty in my view.

If we allow honesty, truthfulness, reliable, impartiality, sincerity, open mindedness, trustworthiness, and courage, we can prosper significantly in our esteem residential and we could bring the difference to the people with intention of living in social cohesion and uprightness. I do believethat integrity is an individual efficiency in my view and it is more than ethics.

So, we all lives next to each other and should treated one another equal. This could allow people to desire closely residing to each other rather than abhorring one another. However, rejecting other people rights completely could be acquisitiveness and it may cause pandemonium in the future if the community become much aware of oppressions.

In conclusion, I am appealing to the authority of Jonglei State and Bor County regarding the rights of minorities to be considered. Those rights are overdue, and they needs to be put into consideration, as I know our state of Jonglei always have best governors.  In fact, issuing the rights of minorities is not creating disunity, butestablishing unity to the state and the counties rather than people living in disarray.

However, The Thony of Mading Community is excelled and many communities around Bor areas can testify ofwhat I am prognostic about. I am opposing demean practiced on the Thony of Mading Community, and I can say BIG NO to marginalisation and oppressions of Thany. Moreover, this time no assimilation and political affiliation to minority group regarding representations in Jonglei State affairs.

In the past and currently, there ismistreatment enforce to minority societies in Jonglei and Bor County, and now I am against it. To establish the development in our State, we needs to lives in social cohesion, and practice the right and lawful act period. I can be reach through email and the Facebook if you want to discuss any issue regarding this article.

The author, Ayuen Achiek Mayen, popularly known as Mading De Ngeth Angoh on the Facebook, is a proud member of Thany ke Mading Ngeth Angoh and can be reach via his email:

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