
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

What next after the removal of economic officials?

4 min read

By Akol Abiong, Juba, South Sudan

Friday, September 18, 2020 (PW) — For the past number of days, social media platforms have been inflated by so many messages requesting his excellency the president to remove finance minister Salvatoria Garang Mabiordit and acting National Revenue Authority Commissioner General Hon. Bullen Erjok. The request was base on the fact that the duo have been badly defeated by heavy flowing wind of ailing economic recession in the country. 

So, at this moment I would like to appreciate and congratulate H.E the president of the republic Salva Kiir Mayardit for responding to the voices of the voiceless. The call was the public demand after the national currency depreciate against United states Dollars in the parallel market. The former government officials where removed yesternight by presidential decree in the state-owned television SSBC and appointed new faces. Regardless of the changes there still a big question in every one’s mind that “what next after the removal of finance minister, Acting Revenue Authority Commissioner General and Managing Director of state owned Nilepet”?

I am yet to celebrate the appointments of new finance minister Hon. Athian Ding Athian, NRA Commissioner General Hon. Africano Mande and Managing Director of Nilepet Hon. Bol Ring Mourwel, given the fact that their appointments came at a difficult time where South Sudan economy is drastically in an intensive care unit. When the economy reaches the hyperinflation period, its need a strong economic brain to deal with the recession. 

The truth of the matter is that South Sudan is not broke as people think, but we have continuously been installing those corrupt officials in the system to compromise the public interest and do what favors them. So, the good and the bad news depend much on the outcome of their performances. They should be kept under a close probational period of not more than three months and the public and pressure groups will evaluate their performance. The evaluation results will determine whether they are good to go for another three months or they should be sent back to their mothers. 

And Still it should be the responsibility of H.E the president of the republic to empower those appointed to execute their duties independently. The network of corrupt officials in the country is very strong and its need strong radical decisions to move forward. The reform in the economic sectors should be the joinresponsibility of head of state supported by Judiciary and the pressure groups. Fighting corruption without accountability is meaningless unless all tools for accountability are used against the corrupt government officials. 

For the economy to gain its momentum, we should apply effectiveness and efficiency; that means to do things right and achieving what was supposed to be achieved and do the right thing with the right resources and within the right time.  If those appointed are supported to do the right thing with the right resources, then South Sudan economy at some point will regain.

In conclusionthe first thing for the appointed officials to tie their belts hardly to live the mark behind. Making a step forward is the act of courageous personality. Secondly the National Revenue Authority should open a single account where the locally collected amount should be remitted and the Commissioner General declare the amount collected for the sack of accountability and transparency at the end of every month. This will create confidence between the government and the citizens.

Thirdly, all the income generating institutions in the country should be encouraged to open accounts that should be monitored by acting commissioner General and declare the amount collected as per each institution. Fourthly, Auditor General and Anticorruption commission should be empowered to act in accordance to with the law.

By doing that, all the corrupt officials will fear of be held accountable when putting their dirty fingers into public safe. 

The writer is the graduate of BSc in Statistics and Demography, college of Social and Economic studies, university of Juba, can be reaching @ email address:

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