
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan: Whining about Foreign Workers while Playing Dominos is a Bad Idea

3 min read

Complaining about foreign workers dominating the labor market in South Sudan, while playing dominos, cards and dressing smartly for public occasions such as local dances and churches and parties and community meetings is a bad idea

By Grace Akon Andrew Biar, Nairobi, Kenya

Tuesday, October 08, 2020 (PW) — In every part of South Sudan, there are so many foreigners starting from the the offices to businesses, talking of big restaurants or hotels.

I mean the expensive ones are being owned by the foreigners, you can find a kenyan lady or man making chapati or selling charcoal in Jonglei or other nationals bringing fish from the highlands.

Meanwhile a South Sudanese young man is playing games under the tree praying that his uncle in the US, Australia, Canada, New York will send him money or maybe moving from one girl to another, going for dates.

Pride especially with most of the dinka men is the reason why we are still in poverty, my tribesmen don’t want to accept any job outside the office, every young person wants to work in the office and as long as it is not in the office.

In South Sudan, nobody wants to accept especially small scale business of selling drinks or opening kinyozi is ashamed to my countrymen. I don’t know who told you that everyone must work in the office.

In every country 60% of the population is always depending on self employment, manual work or small scale business, only 40% is the one working in the office and life move on.

I think, we should learn from our brothers and sisters in aboard, those guys are working hard, you can find a man or a woman working for 12_20 hours per day in the industries, farms or carrying other heavy metals somewhere.

Only 1% of South Sudanese population in aboard are the one working in the office while a healthy young man in South Sudan just wants to call uncle, sister, inlaw or any relatives in aboard to give them money while doing nothing only to play with the money.

If we can do most of the jobs that these foreigners are doing here than they will be having limited opportunities and it won’t be easy for them to stay here.

It doesn’t need noise on the streets of Facebook. Let stands up for ourselves, families and those we love. To ensure that they always have food on the table.

The best gift you can give to your love ones is working hard and providing for them, let learn how to be independent, even if you get one dollar as your monthly salary, it is better than 100 dollars that you get with no sweat.


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1 thought on “South Sudan: Whining about Foreign Workers while Playing Dominos is a Bad Idea

  1. Well done Grace. Ignorance, Egoistic-pride, and prevalent of a prolonged lack of educations among some sections of South Sudan had to current situations, while opening Up and giving others generous opportunities to come to South Sudan to start improving their lives from scratch. It is shame see/compare these two interplay in South Sudan.

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