
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

#Mamarasakit: Division of labor in the family is crucial in South Sudan

5 min read
Betty Yom Mageer

Betty Yom Mageer

By Betty Yom Mageer, Nairobi, Kenya

Saturday, October 10, 2020 (PW) — Division of labor is vital in the family in South Sudan and the whole world. In the family, there’re responsibilities and duties that need to be carry out by the members of the household. Every family member need to know his/her role in the family. There’s no one who can do everything in the family solely while others sit idle and watch. Everyone in the family has a role to play and there’s no fox’s game where one pretends to be clever and an expert in trickery. Moreover, family’s responsibilities and duties need collective effort and cooperation in order to avoid burdening one person in the family. There should be no one who can do everything by himself/herself only while others do nothing in the family. Furthermore, in South Sudan, there’rethose who entirely don’t like to share in the family’s responsibilities and duties both socially and economically. 

They want other people to carry the burdens by themselves alone. They want other family’s members to do everything socially and economically in the family and that’s very unfair completely. Both the woman and man plus other family members must do whatever they can to assist each other in the family’s responsibilities and duties in South Sudan. there should be no spectator and idler in the family. All they family’s members must play their roles effectively and efficiently in the family. Furthermore, there’re different roles that men and women perform in the families. In South Sudan traditionally, women are known to have various roles while men have their different duties in the families. Women for instance play their greatest roles in the families’ chores such as taking care of the house, cleaning, washing, supervising and taking care ofchildren plus the elderly. 

Women also does cooking and teach young children good manners and discipline. Moreover, women do farming, fetching water and collecting firewood. Women also cut grass for building houses. Women milk cows and gather edible wild fruits and etc. Those were some of the major roles that the women in South Sudan used to do traditionally and they’re continuing to do them up to now in South Sudan. Additionally, men on the other hand have their duties too. They include looking after the cattle, doing cultivation, providing security for the family, looking for wealth, building houses, providing food, raising and teaching the children good manners, hard work, discipline and etc. Those were some of the main responsibilities and duties of the men in South Sudan and they’re continuing to do most of those things until now in the modern South Sudan. However, in the contemporary South Sudan, We’ve witness some irresponsible, lazy and hilarious characters in our country and in the diaspora. 

many women and men have abandoned and neglect most of their responsibilities and duties in many families in South Sudan. What causes those changes whether it is western culture,democracy, economic hardship, civilization, education or religion is not properly known in South Sudan. There’re many men and women who entirely don’t want to play their roles in the families in our country. Some of those women and men have abandoned and neglect their natural duties and responsibilities in the families. There’re some women who’ve left all their duties and responsibilities in the families to men alone. There’re also some men who’ve run away from their duties and responsibilities and left everything to women to do by themselves alone in the families. Those behaviors of some men and women who’ve run away from their duties and responsibilities in the families are they reasons why we continued to see many families and marriages breaking apart in South Sudan and around the world today. They’re the motives why we continued to see endless mistrust, fight, quarrelling and divorce in many families in South Sudan and worldwide.

In addition to that, who should be blame for such irresponsible behaviors amongst men and women? Who is refusing to play his/her duties and responsibilities among those who refused to play their roles in the families? Who should do the family’s duties and responsibilities alone while others do nothing in the family? Who should be blame for this unnatural family’s rebellion and irresponsibility among the spouses and family members? Furthermore, in the present-day world, both the woman and man need to play their duties and responsibilities effectively and efficiently in the family. A woman need to play her duties and responsibilities in the family to assist her partner, children and other family members. A woman should not abandon her roles in the family and let the man carry the burden of doing everything in the family alone. 

A woman also need to go out and look for the job that’ll bring extra income to the family. Be it office’s work or business. Also a woman will still do her family chores without excuseswhatsoever in the family. Additionally, a man need to do his duties and responsibilities without excuses or abandonment also. A man need to work hard and fulfill his roles effectively in the family without leaving all the duties of the family to his partner.A man need to go outside and look for a job to do in order to generate income for the family. A man should not run away from his duties and responsibilities in the family. Moreover, other family members and grown-up children need to do their roles also in the family and there should be no one who’ll be an onlooker or idler in the family. Finally, men, women, children and family members need to accept division of labor in the families and perform their duties and responsibilities effectively and efficiently without trickery, laziness and abandonment. No one should run away from their roles in the families and everyone need to perform their duties and responsibilities diligently and wholeheartedly. We need to build better and prosperous families in our country and we’ll achieve that through division of labor where each one of us perform his/her duties and responsibilities effectively in South Sudan.

The author, Betty Yom Mageer, is a women rights activist and can be reached via her Email:

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