
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Vatican Scholar: Appreciations to the Holy See Embassy in South Sudan for the Precious gift of Education

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Appreciations and thanksgiving be to the Holy See Embassy in South Sudan for the precious gift of the University Education in Kenya

By Dut Augustino Agei, Vatican Scholar (2015-2020) & Class of 2020 USIU-AFRICA, Nairobi, Kenya

Thursday, October 08, 2020 (PW) — On behalf of Holy See missions to Kenya and South Sudan allow me to express my message of thanksgiving and appreciations for sending to me to University in Kenya. A message of thanks be to Holy father Pope Francis on behalf of his Nuncios Monsignor Charles Daniel Balvo the outgoing as well as the incoming Nuncio Monsignor Habutus Matheus Van Maria besides other apostles on Holy See missions to both Kenya and South Sudan for the gift of the University education in Nairobi Kenya. 

Excellencies, four years durations in academia contributed toward my personal outlooks about the future South Sudan in relations to the world. I am thankful for the fact that University trainings through seminars, simulations, classroom teaching and eventually fieldworks exercises play some significant roles in my personal understanding of the relations between South Sudan with Vatican and the rest of the world. 

In peace and conflict studies the catholic faiths still take a lead under the exemplary roles of St Thomas Aquinas and St Augustine whose teachings shape the message of good peace and justice not only in South Sudan but  also the rest of sub Saharan African states the case of former Zaire or DRC Congo.Sending me to University was the best things that ever happened in the History of Holy father works in South Sudan.

Throughout four years program I was and we were in class of international relations and I was specializing in diplomacy and I minor in Peace and conflict studies besides other studies in the example of French and Philosophy. Besides University training my actual dreams of being special envoy was nurtured by the accreditation given by the university as we were from all over the world in the example of student from China, Korea, Indian, Swishes,  and from all over the Sub Saharan Africans Countries most in particular the nations affected by the civil war conflictsand famine. 

In international relations classes there were imaginations of South Sudan internationalism with the world more in particular the Holy See mission in Juba South Sudan as well as the precaution measures under the UN mission of the responsibility to protected therefore in the example of earthquakes, climate change, tsunamis, waves of migration and eventually the humanitarian protections in wars affected areas.

I am too impressed by the message of structural adjustment program SAP a situation where states economic redemptions are done by the international communities in the aftermaths of conflicts the case of catholic states of Chile, Bolivia, Argentina and Haiti. Most of the human rights and civil societies reforms of amnesty and justice during wars besides other legal works in the example of statutory refugee rights and statelessness persons to mentioned but a few were my favorites at the University. 

In the context of international relations class with South Sudan the future and the better South Sudan to comes are around the central points of diplomacy in the example of border disputes, governance, Human rights, justice and democratic governance system and above all the management of good peace under the reconciliation done by the Holy father Pope Francis in the other examples of Congo and sub sharan African nations.  

In conclusion I am therefore forever grateful to the Holy See missions in South Sudan for good time and support given to me by the apostles of Christ who are in Vatican missions. I am thankful to the current and outgoing Nuncios in the example of His Excellency Monsignor Charles Daniel Balvo and his successor Habutus Van Matheus Maria besides other nunciature staffs in the examples of sisters in both Czech and in Kenya for all the goodness accorded to me I am forever grateful. 

The actual trying moments were overcomes as a results of tireless works and determinations of His Excellency Monsignor Daniel Balvo whose loves to me were beyond Africa. I must mentioned the catholic prayers and intercessions for God favour during pandemic and durations graduation that I must say it was only God who was working. Last but not least the impressions that keep me going were the freedom of career choice and also the University choice given to me may Good Lord be thanks for the opportunity and many more to come. I am therefore thankful to Holy See mission to South Sudan for their apostolic blessings to me in person of Monsignor Marco Ganci the outgoing Holy See missions to European Union.   

Finally I am made to believe that catholic schools and professionals are always meant to be good people not only in western societies but also in Africa. I was reflecting on the current Rwandese President, Tanzanian former President Julius Nyerere, France current President, Kenya former President the list is endless. Among several other reasons I am so grateful to first Pope Apostolic Nuncio to South Sudan and Kenya His excellency Monsignor Charles Daniel Balvo for sending me to University and above all for very good missions not only in South Sudan but also in the rest of the world under Vatican diplomacy.

The author, Dut Augustino Agei, is a Vatican scholar in Kenya, member of South Sudan civil society groups and he can be easily contacted through his mail addresses

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