
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Blatant Illegitimacy of the Current Parliament in South Sudan

3 min read

The Volume is Loud: Current Parliament is Illegitimate

By Taban Gabriel, Juba, South Sudan

Wednesday, January 20, 2021 (PW) — The justifications given by information Minister Michael Makuei to reject summon by parliaments is genuine and it speaks Volume!

For your perusal: in a letter dated January 2021, the chairperson for the Information Committee, Hon. Paul Yoane summoned the Minister of Information and twoother senior government officials over matters concerning Dockets. The summoned officials were given six days to appear before the committee.

However, Michael Makuei declined to appear before the said committee; he argued that the current parliament is on recess and that he will only appear before the yet to be reconstituted peace parliament. He argued that theincumbent government and executives are revitalized and can’t be answerable to the un-reconstituted parliament 

Michael Makuei isn’t the first public figure to question the legitimacy of the current parliament; 

In April last year, Edmon Yakani the Executive Director of Community Empowerment for Progress (CEPO) Throw jabs at some members of the National legislativeassembly over what he described as their legality to operate before a new parliament is reconstituted.

The September 2018 peace agreement stipulates that the parliament shall be expanded to 550 members, of which the incumbent government will have 332 sits while its giant counterpart the SPLM-IO will have 128, SSOA 50, OPP 30 and FDs 10 respectfully.

The Peace accord also demands that the reconstituted Parliament shall support the agreement to enact legislations that assists the transitional processes and reforms.

As it’s traditionally known, the role of parliament is to make laws and hold government accountable on its policies and actions. However as we speak, the NTLA isn’t yet reconstituted and that certifies the question of its current legitimacy 

Michael Makuei just like any other cabinet member is holding a reconstituted cabinet position and for this reason, he can only be answerable to a reconstituted parliament which we don’t have now.

Instead of summoning Reconstituted Cabinet members, why don’t the illegitimate parliament and it’s embattledheads of committees push for the speedy formation of the TNLA, this will earn them a moniker and at the same gain them the status of seriousness.

Of what benefit is your summon if your findings can’t be commended on by a reconstituted presidency?

Paul Yoane and his drama kings should not hoodwink South Sudanese masses; our eyes are now open and we can’t allow such irrational and thoughtless lies to precipitate on us any more

The writer is a Freelance journalist. For any query about the article, he can be reach on the email address;

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