
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Tribute to Cde Edward Lino Wuor Abyei, an Epitome of Bravery and Patriotism in South Sudan

6 min read
Reception of the body of the late Edward Lino, Juba Airport, 24 April 2020

Reception of the body of the late Edward Lino, Juba Airport, 24 April 2020

By Jok WaMonychok, Abyei, South Sudan

Friday, April 24, 2020 (PW) — The passing on of Cde Edward Lino Wuor Abyei caught South Sudanese by grieve and shock. The Sudanese who hold similar love and respect for him suffered the loss as well. However, South Sudanese suffered the heaviest lost since the news was broken on social media and all the news websites.

In fact I first refused to accept the sad news when I received a message about his death, not because I was not aware of his sickness, but because every time I hear his name, I remember the SPLM/A and liberation struggle, which like all of my compatriots has fervaded my life. I tried to confirm it from reliable sources with heavy heart, cloudy mind, and broken soul.

Cde Edward Lino Wour Abyei dedicated his life to the liberation of South Sudanese. He served as the Director General for External Security and Commander of Independent Command in Bahr el Ghazal region during the liberation struggle. He also served as the Chairman of Abyei Joint Oversight Committee (AJOC).

In 2008, President Salva Kiir Mayardit issued a presidential decree appointing Cde Edward Lino Wour Abyei as the Chief Administrator for Abyei Administrave Area referred to as AAA by then. The Man of the People, Freedom Fighter, and Symbol of Bravery and Patriotism was received by tens of thousands of citizens of all the Nine Ngok Dinka Chiefdoms and the neighbouring states of Warrap, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, and Unity. All the nine chiefdoms each slaughtered more than one white bulls for the fit, athletic Freedom Fighter who jumped over them gracefully, mindful of the task before him.

He was to be later not given a chance by the enemy to deliver his vision of development and security to his people who became the anvil of wrath from the Khartoum regime, which was irritated and jealous of his appointment. The Abyei invasion by Khartoum in May 2008 displaced thousands amid thousands loss of lives and property. He couldn’t come back as the chief administrator as it was understood that the war was waged by Khartoum to sabotage the Icon of Nationalism.

Therefore, I think it is imperative to make it clear that this article came out after trying for long and so much not to write about him, but because I couldn’t be left out in paying my tribute to one of the men who liberated and inspired me and many, I did it. It should be explicitly understood that I am afraid of underrating the greatness that has gone to Paradise with the man described with many adoring adjectives.

I have never come close to him, but he had been glaring that I was able to see him from afar and melodious that I had been hearing him from thousands miles

The Press Secretary in the Office of the President, Ateny Wek Ateny described him as a man with legacy, a thing that inspires the young generation and the generations to come. Edward Lino fought while teaching, saying: ” As we liberate ourselves from successive oppressive Khartoum regimes, we should also liberate ourselves from illiteracy.” He comes from a family, which is education-oriented as his father was one of the two teachers that opened Abyei Elementary School and taught there.

 While the great poet, Akol Miyen Kuol who is one of his closest friends described him as a man who endures with utmost resilience, a man who feels the pain but rushes to take care of other people’s. This is evident as he was always seen taking photos with family and friends smiling and waving while on sickbed. He attended South Sudan National Basketball Team’s match in Nairobi, Kenya in a wheelchair, sparking widespread adulation as fans and players posed with the rare breed of nationalism.

Social media users never lack words of admiration and respect for him, too. His portraits were made the profile pictures captioned with several words of endearment, recognition, and respect.

Deng Diar-Manyok on his Facebook account described Cde Edward Lino as the man who established the relations between Dr. John Garang and Mengisto Haile Mariam through Ethiopian embassy in Khartoum, which resulted into Dr. John Garang being airlifted from the Sudan border to Addis Ababa. He described him as a brave man who recruited South Sudanese intellectuals in Khartoum under dangerous spying Sudanese intelligence, a man who didn’t reap what he sowed.

Akol Amet Peter Abel also paid his emotional tribute, calling him the true nationalist and equating him to great Lual Ding Wol in term of wisdom. He asked him to take the message to Dr. John Garang about the suffering of the people adding that both our martyrs should channel their prayers for our country’s volatile situation.

In Sudan, the news of Cde Edward Lino’s unfortunate passing was received with gloom and doom. The Sudanese Facebook users described him in many words derived from the Freedom Fighter’s dedication to New Sudan and revolution. Words like father of freedom, liberator, teacher, poet, writer, guru and many others of praise and honour were translated from their condolence messages.

All Sudanese from Blue Nile to Nuba Mountains, from Kordufan to Darfur, and from Eastern Sudan to the silent oppressed Sudanese in the country paid their tributes through Facebook and twitter. Those in Juba visited his family, Ngok Dinka and South Sudanese mourning his departure in his house.

Cde Edward Lino Wour Abyei was vocal and zealous about the independence of South Sudan. Aggressively and bravely, he fought to see South Sudan an independent country, a thing rued by the Sudanese. But he was smart and professional, observing just war and Rules of Engagement. This gives those of us who maintain that there is nothing to admire and copy from someone fighting against us something to think about.

In other way round, it was the government of Sudan of few elites that despised our leaders and us because we were showing them how to properly rule the country. Al Bashir and his clique hated outspoken leaders such as Edward Lino to their bone marrow, while the patriotic citizens and intellectuals loved Edward to their hearts.

  • Reception of the body of the late Edward Lino, Juba Airport, 24 April 2020
  • Edward Abyei Lino Wuor Abyei
  • Edward Abyei Lino Wuor Abyei

At this juncture, those of us who could not believe that Edward Lino is dead have come to the sad reality that he is no more. He is laid to rest in Abyei next to his father. He was received by our ancestors who patted his shoulders in honour, saying: ” You have done your part; you have died a good death.”

While his father, the proudest father, beamed proudly as he watched on. There are not many people who can die in the time of global pandemic that has forced all the countries of the world to lock down who can be flown back to their hometown for burial and attended by thousands grateful mourners without fear of contracting the virus.

In remembering him, we shed tears of love, respect, and sympathy. However with deeper thinking, we shed uncontrollable tears of mercy. The sower who did not harvest should have lived at least for a while to give us his advice, knowledge, and guidance.

Cde Edward Lino Wour Abyei, your body is in the grave alongside that of your father. Your soul is with our ancestors and martyrs. Be our messenger to them and be their messenger to us. Tell them that the Struggle Continues.

And above all, know that your spirit lives with us to guide us in abiding love for our country. Abyei is still not free. Tell Dr. John Garang, martyrs, and our ancestors.

Rest in Eternal Peace, Cde Edward Lino Wour Abyei!

The writer can be reached at

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