
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Congratulatory Message to Jacob Ghai Ajok and Achol Garang Alier on their Colorful Wedding in Juba

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Congratulations to Jacob Gai Ajok the Wonderful Man and the most beautiful bride Achol Garang Alier for the wonderful and colorful wedding Ceremony in Juba, South Sudan

By Kuach Loch Garang Deng, Calgary, Canada

Thursday, January 21, 2021 (PW) — Dear readers,I would like to take this golden opportunity to congratulate newlyweds Jacob  Gai Ajok and Achol Garang Alier for the great union and blessed wonderful wedding that brought friends and relatives together . 

Most importantly, I would like to congratulate and appreciate Ms. Achai Wiir who made it possible for them to have this colorful and wonderful wedding event. Achai Awet Alor, God bless you and multiply your wealth as you continue to elevate the lives of vulnerable people indiscriminately. Cheers! 

To continue, An outsider who lived in the Dinka community for a while once said that Dinka do not die. Not physically but how they care for their dead and volurable one among them! 

Unfortunately, these were old days before Dinka came to contact with the outside World where they abandoned their God given culture of caring generously for their members  and they adopted the wicket World culture where life is nothing but a survival of the fittest. 

In Dinka culture, any enfact born if he or she died immediately after being named ,even if a few minutes old.His/her  name will be alive forever. A family would marry a wife on his/her behalf for that dead enfant to procreate his/her a family and keep the name alive.

Anyone with a disability or any form of intellectual disability, that person would be cared for by the family including getting married. A female  with a disability for example could have kids and her family would take care of them and her kids wouldn’t be disability.

Every human in Dinka culture has a right to live and a right to have a family, how disable,  how poor, how ugly or how old one might be,there is no issue that can stop one from finding love. Everyone must be loved and must love one in return.

Unfortunately, every female is a beautiful princess that needs a king nowadays . That king must be handsome and physically fit, rich materially, young and smart or educated nothing in between.

Similarly, a young man with money is nothing but a second God on the earth.That man would have no relationship with an average young lady, he would date the most beautiful lady with a pretty face. A girl of affluent family , a girl whose beauty is magical that cannot easily be found in search of that  uncreated creature by God , many young ladies would be abused and dumped later. For search of a dream wife material, many girls would be left heartbroken if they don’t meet the requirements.

In the old days however , a wife material in Dinka culture was a woman with beautiful characters, not a little beautiful face with ugly insides. A woman that cares for the family and procreates the family even if her womb is not blessed with children of her own. 

Even though women do not choose men, the best material husband was a man that can provide and protect his family.

Unfortunately, we live in an ideal World today more than ever before.A World where selfishness is celebrated and caring for  one anothers especially in the vulnerable and weak is demonized. 

As a result, I would like to congratulate Achai Wiir for showing care. She brought back old culture by sponsoring Jacob Gai – known as Wonderful Man’s wedding ceremony with Achol Garang .

In fact , I hope Achol Garang  the bride would be like Anyang, Chol Moung’s most caring wife.

In Dinka culture , life was mostly about caring and sacrificing for one another rather than living selfishly. Therefore, I hope Achol has promised with her wholeheartedly to love and care for her husband Fanan Jacob Gai like Anyang what did  to Chol Moung.

According to the legend, Chol Moung was having difficulty finding the love of his life due to his love for food.even though he falls under the category of a man who can provide and protect his family, it was difficult for his family to find him a wife. Many families with beautiful girls were approached but with no fruitful results. One day a young lady named Anyang saw a family of Chol Moung returning home with huge cattle from an unsuccessful marriage after they were rejected.

Anyang stood up and asked her father why they really rejected Choldit? 

Her father told  her that because Choldit  has a taste for food more than any man, many girls rejected him because no one would fulfill his duties of caring for him since he eats too much . 

Anyang asked her daddy again, he eats too much food? A father said yes? But who brings that food he eats ?She was told that Choldit  was a hard working young man and he brings his food only to be prepared by someone. 

Anyang took responsibility immediately and asked her father to accept Chol Moung cows for her dowry.Her father sympathized with her that you would not be able to handle this giant man my little daughter but Anyang said no dad, do not worry about me. Get the cows and I will take care of him. 

From that day until God took them apart, Chol Moung and Anyang lived a very happy marriage life any family could never ask for.

Similarly, Jacob Gai is a perfect young man who deserves to be loved and taken care of because his sigh disability doesn’t make him less attractive. I hope Achol accepted Jacob for who he is and she is in it for good and so does Jacob. 

Finally, congratulations to Jacob and Achol once again. May God bless you and  multiply your family.

The author, Kuach Loch Garang Deng, Calgary, Canada, is a concerned South Sudanese Canadian commentator who can be reached via his email address:

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