
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Justice for Sherkat Victims: My Cousin Magot Arok Maketh was Killed in Cold Blood in Juba

3 min read
Sherkat Killing, Juba

Sherkat Killing, Juba

The toilet owner and his partner have been tried and convicted of killing Lual-Marine, we need full justice for #SherkhatVictims murdered in Juba, South Sudan. My cousin Magot Arok Maketh was killed in cold blood.

By Mawut Chol, Juba, South Sudan

Thursday, July 01, 2021 (PW) — In 1968, a Sudanese military intelligence captain newly assigned in Mading Bor insisted he wanted to go patrolling in outskirts of town against advice from junior officers who knew the surrounding was frequented by forces of Anya Nya, the then gorilla fighters. He went patrolling in a military vehicle. Unfortunately, the vehicle was blown up by a land mine killing everyone on board, most likely planted by the Anya Nya forces. The captain happened to be a brother to Sadiq el Mahdi, the then prime minister of Sudan. 

On hearing the sad news, the prime minister caught military helicopter and landed in Mading Bor town before the burial. He escorted the body to a cemetery. After burial, he allegedly said he wanted hundred graves around his brother’s. That message created an atmosphere of fear in town. Shortly, many black people were slaughtered in cold blood to avenge the killing of a captain who happened to be a brother to a prime minister. No one cared of lives of those who were with him, but him.

More than five decades later, the same story repeated itself. Lual Akook Wol (Lual -marine) had a fight with a toilet owner. Lual wanted to develop cemetery into a business area by building shops. He wanted a public toilet as part of his area too. That public toilet was co- owned by two men from Bor community. He was reportedly hit on his head with a stick by one of toilet owners.

Lual-Marine Akook
Lual-Marine Akook

In the process of fighting with a stick – holding toilet owner, guns were drawn, cocked, and fired randomly. Not at stick – holding fighter, but at public- which happened to be people from Jonglei state, killing four people immediately. A captain from Twic East was murdered in military parade by one of his company’s men. 

Capt. Manyang Chol
Capt. Manyang Chol

All five lives lost do not matter, but Lual’s as he was allegedly president’s stepson. A committee was formed to investigate the cause of the fight, but like all other committees before it, no report was made public. The toilet owner and his partner in toilet business have been “tried and convicted of killing Lual -marine.” The duo has been sentenced to death by hanging. No mention of those Lual and his bodyguards killed, it’s all about Lual-marine. 

Gen. Bior Ajoh Bior

Why was it an injustice when done to us by Arabs and just when done by one of us? SPLM is a typical animals farm. All lives are equal, but some lives are more equal than others. My cousin Magot Arok Maketh was killed in cold blood. He is one of the innocent five murdered by Lual -marine and his accomplices.

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