
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

A Poem: You Broke My Heart

3 min read

A young South Sudanese girl poses with the flag of South Sudan

By Makoi Mayen Chienggan, Juba, South Sudan

After you broke my heart and

You went to look for greener

And wild pastures on the other Side

I decided to forget about you

You were no longer in my Thoughts, dreams, what I say

Or what I do. 

I completely forgot about you

From the day your sumptuous 

Wedding was held and 

You and your husband 

Paraded your wealth for the

Whole world to see

You were driven away in 

A sleek limousine and 

I was very happy when you

Greeted me in a style by

Throwing the red earth dust

Into my eyes so that I could

No longer see that love we once Cherished

You sped off in the direction of 

What they called a Capital City

Capital City?

I was dumbfounded

Two things I do not know

Driving I do not know let alone

possessing a car

Capital city I have never been There

I only know of the capital of 

Letter C or A or B

Then this first Sunday of 

December you appear in 

A dream and interrupted my good Sleep why?

Why this particular time?

Do you intend to torture me again

With your beautiful smile?

Can I call it witch craft?

You are so innocent a girl

You have never done it before

You will never do it

Can I call it double dealing?

But you have never been in that

Business. You know not how to

Double deal I know it

Can I call it being loose?

No it is the last thing you

Will ever do on earth here

I strongly believe you were

Deflowered on your wedding Night

What can I call it then?

Love? Why did you appear to

Me in school uniforms?

Does it mean you are being

Schooled now?

Why did you disappear without

Greeting me?

Like I always told you

Once I Love 

I will always love

I am your best husband 

You will never have

But if God WILL

You can be my dear

Wife even after having 

Five children with another man

Can’t you remember when we 

Took this oath in the dead of the

Night under that tree?

Those who will love me will

Only get a fraction of it

You consumed entirely my love

You are at the bottom of my heart

I Love You

But remember

Love once sold and bought will Never be

Like the love it used to be.

The poet, Makoi Mayen Chienggan, is a South Sudanese concerned citizen who can be reached via his email:

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