
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan must do things differently on the anniversary of the tenth year of independence from the Sudan

6 min read

By Dut Augustino Agei, Helsinki, Finland

Friday, July 09, 2021 (PW) — A duration of tenth years mean much. This year the independent anniversary of South Sudan from Sudan should be a moment of change. A situation where the commemorations of the independent ninth July 2011 must be a time of looking back with a different contemplation of governing the country like not before. In all the independent African nations the independent South Sudan from Sudan in all the parameters of the nation state rank South Sudan low entirely. South Sudan is a fifty-four newest African nation, South Sudan according to UN also rank last in the community of nations membership and above all under the UN security council sanctions over the reasons of human right violation with the highest number of forced displacements without stability according to internationalism.

As South Sudan mark the anniversary of the tenth years of the independent from the Sudan let us remind ourselves about the duration of the independent. As a nation, have we change anything different from the time when we were Sudan and to what extend have we prove our former masters wrong from the time of succession in 2011. This year anniversary would have been a moment of proudly educating the world about different story that South Sudan had made anything else different from the same fighting of before and after independent without solution of durable peace. Political stability is not supposed to be forever a nation state must change the story and this should be an invitation of South Sudan to the rest of the world.

According to human development there are moments when a state of nation made informed decision for changes to prevail. In the aftermath of wars people must look back with a different approach of getting things fixed differently in a way different from before for instant whatever kept people hostage must be handle differently “from the point of development instead of politics” and from the point of cooperation instead of competition and eventually from the point of mastering togetherness instead of ethnic polarizations that caused us lack of progressed and prosperity across several years of the independent.

As from the worldly government the anniversary are the time of state transformations and also moment of people getting transformed from the olden ways of conflicts instead of dialogue with that different ways of exploring the betterment of the national cohesion instead of interests and from utilitarianism instead of politics of the struggle for occupation of national helm and finally should be a moment of national healing and forgiveness to enable the nation move forward instead of individual life matters in a strategy of do or die.

Some of us who love the republic of South Sudan desired the national progress to be achieved over the reasons of why the world moved and South Sudan never moved. In the international fora there are long term visions sets by a country and those are the one politician debate on, and the means of arrivals are what defined politics. In some western nation the case of Finland the national outlook after tenth years duration already evaluate whether the national policies are contributing into the general welfare of people who are Scandinavians with considerations of state obligations with the outside world.

As South Sudan mark the anniversary of the tenth years of the independent, there are moment when nation must compromise some principle that are under popular believes of not progressing the nation under which ever circumstances and above all that are contributing into similar position of before and that are preventing the republican progressed. ’According to different time of the independent celebration in Juba, South Sudan, people who are South Sudanese are said to shall have lack acceptability of each other, something contrary to the reason of liberation struggle for independent South Sudan from Sudan. The politics of identity was what made two Sudan the case of north and South Sudan.

Just as South Sudan marks the anniversary of tenth years duration ‘’ there are some national directions that are under recommendation of the adjustment to be done to enable us met the standard of the world instead of constant political crisis. Several South Sudan peace agreement end up dishonoured and the trends under whatever discussions from all over the world put South Sudan as a third world nation. People who are South Sudanese are perceived differently worldwide in agreement of the country background of civil wars although they were fought with the only objective of the independent and not the extinction of society.

Tenth years anniversary must consider constant warfare that left people with no option but forced displacement. Emigration reasons a time contributed into amalgamation of people brains drains and economic hardship all over the country enforced visualization of better Sudan instead of South Sudan. The anniversary duration should also consider making living in South Sudan attractive by strategizing the promising future to come from all disintegrations into national integrations that promised a better future to come. South Sudan has a potential if not a told of moving several backwards as the world moved several step forwards.

In conclusion the state anniversary of the tenth years of the independent according to the internationalism means a moment of a different story from the situations of before. A tenth-year durations are moments of looking back some national milestones by critically evaluating the facts from popular believes and more specifically the decision moving the country way forwards. Several authors of South Sudan educated the world about the faulty of the republican South Sudan independent and may the tenth years anniversary introduced the opposite of the believes that for they will never rule themselves.

Accordingly we are at the point of creating the betterness from the aftermath of the civility of wars in the imagination of different roads network all over South Sudan the case of Sweden ups and down roads the imaginations of social security that guarantee individual freedom the case Netherland and eventually the imagination of durable peace all over South Sudan the case of Rwanda that can promoted the national cohesions and the abolition of class struggle in the expense of the fellow countrymen and the situation of laws enforcements to whomever a South Sudanese.

Finally, the tenth years anniversary should be a moment of change. State transformation are inevitable as one can just imagine that we do not have anything else called home but South Sudan. By getting into a constant fighting will a created a generation that will only find peace but only in graves. Several peace agreements of South Sudan are supported by people who believe in humanity, and they are at a point of enough happened to be enough for South Sudan.

Individually there are moment one should think that I must change because changes are considered to inevitable and that should be our national ninth July anniversary of our tenth years of the independent from the Sudan. A moment of silent for our unsung heroes and heroine.

~Happy Independent Day South Sudan~

Dut Augustino Agei is a member of South Sudan diaspora civil society group, a Vatican scholar at pro peace institute at the University of Oslo, Norway, a member of the upcoming South Sudan online Blogger South Sudan Foreign Relations Politics and Diplomacy (SSFRP&D) and a teacher at Comboni College in Khartoum & in Juba; he can be easily contacted via his email address:

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