
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan – Full List of Unified National Army Forces Command Structure

2 min read


JUBA – President Salva Kiir Mayardit on Tuesday night issued several Republican orders reconstituting the command of the unified army, police, prison service, national security service, civil defence and national wildlife service.

Below is the full list.
Unified command structure of the army (SSPDF):

  1. Gen. Santino Deng Wol – Chief of Defense Forces (CDF)
  2. Gen. Gabriel Duop Lam – Deputy Chief of Defense Forces
  3. Gen. Koang Gatkuoth Kerjok – Inspector General
  4. Lt Gen. Thoy Chany Reat – Assistant CDF for Operations
  5. Gen Peter Dor Majur- Cdr Sector to Malakal
  6. Gen. James Koang Chuol- Assistant CDF for Training and Research
  7. Gen Stephen Marshal Babanen- Chief of Military Intelligence
  8. Gen. Malual Majok- Assistant CDF for Administration and Finance
  9. Gen. Ernest Dut Wol- Director for Procurement
  10. Gen. Al-Tayib Gatluak –Director for Military Production
  11. Gen Thiik Achiek- Commander of Ground Forces
  12. Rabi Majung Emmanuel- Commander of Air force
  13. Gen. Wesley Welebe Samson – Assistant CDF for Logistics
  14. Gen. Ashab Khamis Fahal – Assistant CDF for Moral Orientation
  15. Lt Gen. Garang Ayii Akol- Commander for Riverine units

Unified command structure of the National Police Service

  1. Gen. Benjamin John Batisto – Assistant IGP for Social Welfare
  2. Gen. James Duop Gatleak Koryom- Assistant IGP for Training
  3. Gen. Peter Gasango – Assistant IGP for Medical Services
  4. Gen. Dr Olaw Adiang Nyijok – Assistant IGP for Borders Police

Unified command structure of the National Security Service

  1. Gen. Akol Koor Kuch- Director-General of the Internal Security Bureau
  2. Gen. Yiei Dak Wiu – Deputy Director-General for Intelligence Operations
  3. Gen. Louis Natale – Deputy Director-General for Administration and Finance
  4. Gen. Simon Yien Makuac – Director-General of the General Intelligence Bureau
  5. Gen. Khalid Botrous Bora – Deputy Director of the General Intelligence Bureau
  6. Gregory Deng Kuch –Deputy Director for Finance and Administration at the General Intelligence Bureau

Unified command structure of the National Wildlife Service

  1. Gen. Khamis Adiang – Director-General
  2. Gen. Pur Tach Chak – Deputy Director-General

Unified command structure of the National Prisons Service

  1. Gen. Henry Kuany Agwar- Director-General
  2. Gen. John Jok Gai – Deputy Director-General

Unified command structure of the National Civil Defense Service

  1. Gen. Jameson Stephen Lupai –Commissioner
  2. Gen. Stephen Pal Kun Keak – Deputy Commissioner

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