
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Barbarism as a Policy: The Case of Gen. Ajak Ayuen vs Ms. Yaar Ayuen Mabior in Bor, Jonglei state

4 min read

By Agar Mayor Gai-Makoon, Cairo, Egypt

Sunday, April 17, 2022 (PW) — I would like to tell you a story, though forgive me, it is one you have heard before. Throughout the last week in fact, and yet inexplicably, infuriatingly, its key assertion is still subject to popular resistance and confusion.

It begins with a call by the Bor residents for one good servant whose determination, knowledge and the habit so practical, was to enable him to clear the city of gangs, criminals and others whose actions omen a future tragedy should it remain unabated.

And as though, they wanted a body that would level a rescue plan for the future by cracking down or putting to minimal the flagrant waves of abuse to the acceptable ways of life that were on the rise. It is unfortunate that we live in such a society that is so unsafe and defenseless against the roaming horrors of immorality.

Yaar Ayuen Mabior
Yaar Ayuen Mabior, whose father, the late CDR Ayuen Mabior (together with A/CDR Mabior Kwir Kooch), was the commander of Ingaz battallion, comprising of Jesh Amer that fought in Kapoeta and Jonglei in early to mid 1990s.

We easily fall for anything. And in fact, this is how a human is precisely defined. That first, they have to fall for anything regardless of what it is. Then, it becomes a lesson and a new beginning that rightly shapes what is to come. Simply put, our future will depend on what we take from the present school of morals and immorals alike across our new state.

Barely a year ago, the call to protect what is right and appropriate in our cultural lens against the unacceptable was answered by the creator through a brigadier general whose rescue plans for the future of morality and integrity have been on the news throughout the last week. 

The operations have met both criticisms and glorifications the same lot. It therefore, baffles me and should do to everyone in this country what it really means to have such a diversion and dissimilar manner of judging our morality. And in fact, it puts to question again what is right, appropriate and the intention of our moral principles.

Ajak Ayuen - women paraded in Bor for indecent dressing
Ajak Ayuen – women paraded in Bor for indecent dressing

I have a strong belief that they are good though not perfectly so, and do not in any way, satisfy a group of people or even gender such that these operations have to encounter such criticism.

It is not right and such drivers and concepts as the freedom and democracy should clearly get defined so that our populations are not deceived and lured into accepting as their own, bad concepts about living a free and just life.

We have to understand that no man or woman is free to do a wrong thing. And perhaps, never has the definition of freedom ever been so unlimited and entirely agreeable as we consider it to be. Instead, it has always been mistaken and a lot of biases topped to its harmonious substance.

Our conscience is unduly rudimentary and imperfect most often, and thus, it does err. It is not infallible and all right knowing and this is why it is important to always put regulations that protect against what is wrong.

And to know which is wrong from a many, it is matter of a virtuous value-system that has shown or has the potential to bring about appreciable advantage. Democracy is never the right fit and procedure for things that underscore the moral principles of a society especially, new nations where knowledge about such precedents is limited or even wrongly understood.

And if we employ it in our important matters such as morality, it is eminent that we are set to lose the good of any existing moral principles. This is though, our choice to make.

But what if we consider the fact that the salvation for the South Sudanese people is twenty years of dictatorship, with anyone asking for democracy executed by firing squad. Then, the family should pay for the bullets. Would it not make a society we want?

Think about it but as you do so, remember that the freedom as we currently understand is highly exaggerated and that it will be of significant impact only if we understand that it has limits. And perhaps, its excess is never a good thing.

The writer is a South Sudanese holder of certifications in Basic Political Philosophy and Advanced Liberal Arts (Philosophy of Knowledge and History). He is currently pursuing MBBS in Human Medicine in Egypt and can be reached via his email: Agar Mayor <>

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