
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Call Me A Boot Shiner Not A Begging Bootlicker

6 min read
Gen Chol Michael Maker

Gen Chol Michael Maker

By Chol Michael Maker – SPLM diehard cadre, Juba, South Sudan

Sunday, 03 July 2022 (PW) —  The unscrupulous netizens have to borrow a leaf from the lessons learned about self-control as strength and calmness as mastery. Otherwise, they should do research about what was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. Or just keep quiet and listen to those who got it clear as to why they said that as I quote… “if speech is silver, silence is gold.” End quote.

Mind you, one has to get to a point where your mood doesn’t shift based on the insignificant actions of someone else. You have all it takes to weigh your own words and examine them properly before you make a fool of yourself. Don’t allow others to control the direction of your life for it will rain on you alone by the time the umbrella is claimed back by the borrower. Don’t allow your emotions to overpower your intelligence, or else accept the ramifications of your foolhardy behaviour in full gear.

Remember what the legendary reggae artist Bob Marley once said: “Life is one big road with lots of signs.” So when you’re riding through the ruts, don’t complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief, and jealousy. Don’t bury your thoughts, put your vision into reality. Wake Up and Live! ” So please, when you come across an article in which a beggar like me happens to be praising someone who is publicly revered in society as a notable or an icon who distributes valuables like cars, gold, or mansions, then keep a distance from being stained with dirt.

Why is it your business to silence or even mute the laggard of my social aptitude to give you a hard time while soliciting for money or something to bring to the table to feed my destitute family that may be rotten in abject poverty as some of you have long been advocating for our distinction as freedom fighters? 

You have divided us and you are eagerly embittered by our association with our own comrades. 

Why, what wrong have we done to you that our existence has become a source of destitution to most of you? Why can’t you just pity us and at least respect the time we have wasted trying to liberate you. We have suffered a lot, and the agony continues to be gutted. Why can’t you have mercy and empathy for those bandits who have died because they were in the bush to be trained as beggars? 

Don’t you know that you have finished us as you keep on colliding with us ceaselessly? Don’t you have the heart to at least say thank you, comrades, for the blessings brought to you through our suffering in the liberation struggle? Don’t you have fear of God for some whose graves are at Midan Simba, Jebel Martyrs’ cemetery, and indeed the one at the Mausoleum? What about the ones who are not accorded the decent burials they so deserve?

Through your vengeance battles, most of us have lost families. Some are divorced or abandoned by their children because their parents were forced out of their workplaces by the rumourmongers. Social fibres are shattered and things fall apart. Many of us are battling diseases inherited from the bush-related health cases, shrapnel, bullets, or fractions, yet you are pitifully cursing all the few survivors. What will you gain after having realised our downfall?

When we try this, you jump to that. When we agree, you begin a fresh start. Who was exactly a guerrilla who should be jumping like a gorilla between you and us?

Dear rebellious netizens, let’s come to terms with what building a nation is all about and see how best we can live together in peace and harmony. Even some of you who have lost your fathers, uncles, and brothers in the SPLA are on our necks. When and how will you have a chance to talk with some of us who have witnessed how your father or brother fell on the battlefield? 

How will you know how he was killed in action and what are supposed to be his dues? Your father’s pension is your right, and it’s the SPLM-led government that will secure your future, not the unknown system that you may be blindly vying for its salvation. Indeed, some of you are sellouts who are hired to de-campaign the well-placed compatriots who are busy trying to make the general public’s ends meet in terms of mobilising funds in one way or the other. 

The oil dividends are not for distribution to the public and if any of you holds that notion, then it’s just wishful thinking that has never been fulfilled anywhere in the world. Mention one government that distributes cash to its lazy citizens who like sipping tea from under the tree to under the verandah and from underground gossiping to open-air tribal feuds.

Some of the cited hired guns can simply set ablaze the entire Juba city on wildfires only to bedevil some dignitaries whom they would allegedly accuse of corruption as the cartel stages a deadly attack against the minister or any of their easy targets.

When the NilePet MD fell victim, was I the reason or when the Undersecretary in the Ministry of Finance was blackmailed, who was the ringleader?

You have harmed many souls through your propaganda machinery, and many people have lost their jobs as ministers, governors, commissioners, directors, or director-generals. Moreover, your thirst is not yet quenched.

Why does it pinch you in the bud whether I am begging or praising?

Please try to console your greed and compose yourself to emancipate yourself from the grease of indiscipline, and for your information, some of us have been polished up through military training and political orientations through which we’re taught to respect our higher echelons and the lower echelons respectively, not trained or raised as beggars.

By the time we had various military and political education courses, political indoctrination was of paramount importance. And today we’re making use of the inculcated ideas given all the lessons learned. We’re expected to behave ourselves and serve our national interests diligently. Thus, we don’t refer to respect for leaders as begging or when you appraised a given dignitary whose dignity matters, then one is liable to be disdained and consequently salivated upon.

Learn to differentiate between begging and praising for the good deeds and begging for forgiveness or being mouth-fed throughout a handout. 

You the syndicates of doom and gloom must have boundaries and let the freedom fighters regroup and assemble behind our historical leaders because we’re more concerned with our vision and mission.

Begging is foreign to our engagements, especially when it comes to our own selves as Anya-Nya, whether by then or currently.

Dear hired-gun netizens, for your records and take it to the bank, we’re fighting for our political survival not as carnivores to feed on our own flesh and soul. But as freedom fighters who still have a case of a nation to build.

To crown it all, I promise to continually stay focused on polishing SPLM Chairman’s shoes until they shine like a king’s sword. 

Hang yourself if you think I am a beggar!

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