
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Dear Dr. Jok Madut: South Sudanese Need Another Dr. John Garang to Stop the Riverain Dredging and Resumption of the Jonglei Canal

5 min read

An open letter to Prof. Jok Madut on the Dredging and Resumption of the Jonglei Canal

By Simon Yel Yel, Juba, South Sudan

Monday, 04 July 2022 (PW) — Dear prof, @Jok Madut, as the dredging and resumption of the Jonglei Canal seem to be unstoppable, methinks there’s a need for a leader to emerge and lead the opponents and put forward more scientific and logical arguments. We can’t sit on the fence for too long. We must leave nothing to chance! It’s an incontrovertible truth that there’s wherewithal and technical expertise required for the dredging and resumption of Jonglei Canal to happen. So, what’s on your mind?

Prof, if you can listen to the speech of Dr. Wani, during the funeral of the late Hon. Manawa, it’s clear that the SPLM has taken a stance. And it’s sad to lately learn that what was in the Manifesto of the SPLM/A, regarding the Jonglei Canal, was just meant to attract the southerners to join the SPLM/A. And they weren’t against it all! It’s very disheartening to hear this confession at this moment.

Therefore, if our opposition voices on Dredging and Resumption of Jonglei Canal (pressure on our leaders against dredging is claimed to have been a factor in the death of Hon. Manawa) make our leaders mortal beings, then can you take a lead and put more kPa on our leaders? The dredging and resumption of the Jonglei Canal are to our disadvantage and we can’t afford to say nothing, regarding them, for our leaders to live longer! No.

Therefore, it’s now a high time for our politicians, those who aren’t Constitutional post holders, academics, and activists, to come out and state a clear position in opposition to this plan since it has now become clearer as the top guns of the Government already confirmed it and told us its Resolution Number.

So, can you please organise social media criminals (Words of Dr. Elia) and make their voices be heard? Or, are you afraid to be part of this criminal enterprise, which is advocating for the future of our grandkids and the environment? Prof, it’s worth joining the enterprise for its martyrdom will be very unique and historical. Take the lead!

There’s a need to conduct public rallies and organise academic debates and public lectures, against this plan, and see if the Government will prosecute the opponents for a crime of treason or whatever crime it may be. The talks on dredging and resumption of Jonglei Canal must be inclusive, scientific and above all, must be subjected to the referendum. We understand the silence of the Parliament and nothing will come out from the Parliament to stop this. But, the fact is, hoi polloi are above all the branches of the Government. So take the lead and speak on their behalf.

Don’t be scared! If we go by the sample, the voices on social media are overwhelming and it tells us the position of the citizens. Do you think Dr. Elia uttered those words out of happiness? Do you think, in their speeches, VPs dwelled on it for a show? No, they understood that citizens aren’t buying it. And that’s why Dr. Wani recollected his oratory and comedic skills into a play.

Prof, can you be our populist to rise on this unpopular Government plan and rescue our environment? Believe you me, it’s going to make you more popular, form your political party (if you wish to), and even challenge the SPLM in the Elections. Who knows the political vicissitudes of each of us? Though I don’t know whether you’re Presidential material or not, but there’s a fertile ground for populism to grow if you take a lead.

The bottom line is for our voices to be heard and put forward the facts and scientific arguments. And indeed, it’s about compelling the Government to set aside this plan or conduct popular consultations. It’s not about power or the Presidency. It’s about the Government doing the right thing by fully taking into consideration the advice of environmentalists, hydrologists, and climatologists. Period!

In Kenya, the No Campaign team, which was against the Constitution, birthed the ODM after winning the referendum. Also, the No Campaign team headed by William Ruto, in 2010, made him more popular and propelled him to form his URP after losing the referendum campaign. And here he is now!

Therefore, can you please create a forum for these social media criminals for their voices to be heard and for Dr. Elia to easily find them? Though you may not be interested in politics, but kindly set a stage for the like minds and patriots to converge and put forward the logical and scientific arguments and alternatives that are beneficial to all citizens. And what will happen after this campaign to stop dredging and resumption of Jonglei Canal will be another story. But as of now, we need the scattered voices to be unified so as to be collectively heard by whoever cares to listen.

Prof, we don’t have brave politicians in South Sudan who speak for their people. Possibly, they might have borrowed the watermelon 🍉 seeds from Steven Kilonzo. No one dares to oppose any policy of the Government that isn’t benefiting the citizens or destroying the environment. So, don’t leave the voids to be filled by a few weak people. Go and speak for the social media criminals and village criminals, too! They all don’t want this plan!

Can you, @⁨Dr. James Okuk⁩, @⁨N. Tiitmamer⁩, @⁨Adv Garang Geng⁩, @⁨Gordon Buay⁩, @⁨Hon Paul Dhel⁩, @⁨Dr Benjamin Bang⁩, and others, be akin to the PCCA leaders? I don’t mean to ask the citizens to topple the Government, but to be bold and take the bull by its horns. I mean to mount enough pressure on the Government to rescind this decision or else, put it on public debate, conduct popular consultation, and indeed, put it on the referendum.

Yours truly,

Simon Yel Yel

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