
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Rise and Fall of Prophet Abraham Chol Maketh of Cush International Church in South Sudan

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Prophet Abraham Chol Maketh

Prophet Abraham Chol Maketh

Who is Prophet Abraham Chol Maketh of Cush International Church, South Sudan?

By PW Staff Writer, Juba, South Sudan

Monday, 24 April 2023 (PW) — Prophet Abraham Chol Maketh is a controversial religious leader in South Sudan who claims to be a messenger of God and has made several prophecies about the political situation in the country. He is the founder and head of the Cush International Church, which has a large following among some South Sudanese Christians.

Chol rose to fame in 2021 when he prophesied that President Salva Kiir and First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar would be kicked out of office by or on Independence Day 9 July 2021. He also predicted that a new leader would emerge from the Equatoria region and bring peace and prosperity to the nation.

However, his prophecies did not come true and he was arrested by the National Security Service (NSS) in July 2021 on charges of inciting violence and spreading false information. He was also accused of violating the social distancing rules set by the Coronavirus Taskforce in Juba during his church services.

Chol spent more than a year and a half in detention without trial or conviction. He was only brought before the Juba High Court for the first time in September 2022, but his case was adjourned several times due to various reasons. His lawyers and supporters claimed that he was being persecuted for his religious beliefs and demanded his release.

In March 2023, Chol was finally released from detention after the NSS dropped all charges against him. He was welcomed by a large crowd of his followers who celebrated his freedom and praised him as a true prophet of God. Chol thanked God for his deliverance and vowed to continue his ministry despite the challenges he faced.

Chol’s release was seen by some as a sign of goodwill and reconciliation by the government, while others viewed it as a political move to appease some segments of the population ahead of the general elections scheduled for later in 2023. Chol’s role and influence in South Sudan’s politics and religion remains unclear and controversial.

The Rise and Fall of Prophet Abraham Chol Maketh in South Sudan

Prophet Abraham Chol Maketh was once a popular and influential religious leader in South Sudan. He founded the Cush International Church, which attracted thousands of followers who believed in his divine prophecies and miracles. He claimed to be the reincarnation of Abraham, the father of faith, and the king of Cush, a biblical kingdom that encompassed parts of modern-day Sudan and Ethiopia.

However, his fame and fortune came to an abrupt end when he made a controversial prophecy in July 2021, stating that President Salva Kiir and First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar would be kicked out of office by or on Independence Day, 9 July 2021. He urged his followers and the security forces to rise up against the government and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity.

His prophecy did not come to pass, and instead he was arrested by the National Security Service (NSS) and charged with treason, incitement, undermining constitutional order, and insulting the president. He was detained for nearly two years without trial, despite repeated appeals from his lawyers and human rights groups.

He finally appeared before the Juba High Court in October 2022, where he pleaded not guilty and maintained his innocence. He said he was only exercising his right to freedom of expression and religion, and that he had no intention of overthrowing the government or harming anyone. He also said he was tortured and mistreated while in custody.

In January 2023, he was sentenced to 31 months in prison by a special court that found him guilty of all charges. His lawyers said they would appeal the verdict, but they faced many obstacles and delays. His supporters protested outside the court, chanting slogans and holding placards that called for his release.

On March 29, 2023, he was unexpectedly released from detention after serving less than half of his sentence. His church issued a statement that confirmed his release and thanked God for answering their prayers. They did not give any details on why he was released or what his plans were.

His release sparked mixed reactions from the public. Some welcomed it as a sign of goodwill and reconciliation from the government, while others criticized it as a political move to appease certain groups or individuals. Some questioned his credibility and integrity as a prophet, while others remained loyal and faithful to him.

What is clear is that Prophet Abraham Chol Maketh has left a lasting mark on South Sudan’s religious and political landscape. He rose from obscurity to prominence, and then fell from grace to disgrace. He inspired many with his charisma and courage, but also angered many with his arrogance and audacity. He was a man of God, but also a man of controversy.

Denying Christ, Dismissal from the Church Leadership?

Abraham Chol is a self-proclaimed prophet and the founder of Cush International Church, a religious group based in South Sudan. He has been making headlines for his controversial claims and actions, which have led to his dismissal from his role as a church leader by the church’s high council.

One of his most shocking claims was that he denied Jesus and asked his congregation to worship him as God instead. This caused a deep rift within the church, with some members following his new teachings and others rejecting him as a lunatic. The church has not yet issued an official statement on the situation with Chol.

Chol is also known for his political prophecies, which have landed him in trouble with the authorities. He was arrested in July 2021 after predicting that President Salva Kiir and First Vice President Riek Machar would not remain in power for much longer. He spent more than a year in detention without trial until he appeared before the Juba High Court in September 2022. He was charged with treason and incitement, but his case was adjourned until October 5th.

Chol’s followers have appealed for his release, claiming that his health has deteriorated in prison and that he is a victim of religious persecution. They believe that he is a true prophet who speaks the word of God and that he will be vindicated by God soon.

Chol’s case has raised questions about the freedom of expression and religion in South Sudan, as well as the role of religious leaders in influencing public opinion and politics. Chol’s supporters argue that he has the right to express his views and beliefs, while his critics accuse him of spreading false doctrines and misleading people.

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