
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

First National Economic Conference Kicks Off in Juba Amidst Economic Crisis in South Sudan

7 min read


By PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd.

Tuesday, 5 September 2023 (PW) – Amidst economic turmoil and an ongoing civil conflict backdrop, the first-ever National Economic Conference in South Sudan commenced in Juba on the 4th of September 2023. This historic event, which runs until the 8th of September, aims to address the country’s economic challenges and chart a path towards diversified, inclusive, and sustainable growth.

The conference’s theme, “Towards a Diversified, Inclusive, and Sustainable Economic Growth,” reflects the situation’s urgency. South Sudan, which gained independence in 2011, has faced persistent economic hardships and a devastating civil war that has hindered its development.

One notable absence at the conference’s opening was President Kiir, despite being in the country. Instead, he was engaged in discussions with the visiting Sudanese ruler, General al-Buran, raising questions about the level of commitment to the economic recovery effort. Nevertheless, the conference proceeded with various government officials, experts, business leaders, and representatives of civil society in attendance.

Economic Diversification Beyond Oil

The heart of the conference lies in its emphasis on diversifying the South Sudanese economy, which has long been overly reliant on oil revenues. With the fluctuating global oil market and internal conflicts disrupting oil production, the need to explore alternative sectors for growth is pressing.

Agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, and renewable energy are among the sectors under scrutiny for investment and development. Experts believe diversifying the economy will reduce its vulnerability to external shocks, create jobs, and reduce poverty.

Inclusivity and sustainability are also at the core of the conference’s discussions. The South Sudanese government aims to ensure that all population segments, including women, youth, and marginalized groups, have equal access to economic opportunities. This includes formulating policies to promote inclusive growth and reduce inequality.

Additionally, the conference will address economic development’s environmental and social aspects. It seeks ways to promote sustainable practices across various sectors to ensure that economic growth is environmentally friendly and socially responsible.

While the conference offers hope for a brighter economic future, ordinary citizens are left with lingering questions. They expect the conference to address strategies for economic diversification, measures to reduce inequality, plans for sustainable development, and solutions to challenges such as corruption, a lack of infrastructure, and unemployment.

Sustainability and the 2024 General Elections

The sustainability of South Sudan’s economy as the country approaches the 2024 general elections remains uncertain. It will depend on various factors, including the ability of economic policies to withstand political transitions and the commitment of the government and international partners to address economic challenges.

One critical question raised during the conference was identifying the factors behind the downfall of South Sudan’s economy. The complexity of the issue makes it challenging to pinpoint a single entity or group responsible for the economic challenges, which include political instability, armed conflict, corruption, mismanagement of resources, and economic sanctions.

Whether South Sudanese will participate in the 2024 general elections despite economic hardship depends on the country’s political and legal framework. While elections are typically held as scheduled, the decision will be made based on an assessment of feasibility and fairness, given the economic conditions at the time.

A Skeptical View of Economic Conference

Despite the conference’s noble objectives, some voices within South Sudan remain skeptical about its potential impact. Critics point to previous national initiatives like the National Dialogue and the South Sudan Oil and Power Conference, which yielded limited results and faced challenges in implementation.

Furthermore, questions are raised about the allocation of significant funds—$1 million USD—for the conference, with some arguing that these resources could have been better used to address pressing issues such as increasing salaries for uniformed forces.

Some argue that the key to economic recovery lies in addressing corruption at the highest levels of government, emphasizing that no conference can substitute for disciplined leadership devoid of corruption.

In conclusion, the 1st South Sudan National Economic Conference promises to chart a new course for the country’s economy. However, it is accompanied by skepticism, given past experiences with similar initiatives. The success of this conference will ultimately depend on the government’s commitment to implementing the proposed reforms and addressing the root causes of South Sudan’s economic woes.

Past National Projects and Their Failures

To understand the skepticism surrounding the National Economic Conference, examining South Sudan’s history of national projects is crucial. Two prominent examples are the National Dialogue and the South Sudan Oil and Power Conference. Despite their potential, these initiatives faced significant challenges and produced limited results.

The National Dialogue, a platform to foster reconciliation and unity among South Sudanese communities, generated promising recommendations. However, these recommendations encountered obstacles during implementation, leading to disillusionment among many participants. The failure to fully embrace and act upon the outcomes of the National Dialogue has cast a cloud of doubt over the effectiveness of similar national projects.

Similarly, the South Sudan Oil and Power Conference, which could have played a crucial role in managing the country’s oil resources and revenue, faced significant challenges translating ideas into action. The lack of follow-through and political disputes hindered progress, leaving key economic issues unresolved.

Given these past experiences, there are concerns that the National Economic Conference might follow a similar trajectory. Some argue that attending participants may primarily benefit from the per diems and daily subsistence allowances (DSA) rather than witnessing tangible outcomes. Skeptics believe that the $1 million USD allocation for the event could have been better spent addressing immediate issues, such as improving the salaries of uniformed forces, who have long grappled with economic hardships.

The Call for Presidential Intervention

Despite the conference’s noble intentions, some South Sudanese citizens argue that the ultimate solution to the country’s economic challenges lies in the hands of President Kiir. They propose that the President take a more direct approach to addressing economic issues by confronting corruption within his government.

Drawing attention to President Kiir’s past statements, where he acknowledged the prevalence of corruption within the government, some South Sudanese believe that a rigorous anti-corruption campaign is the most effective way to stabilize the economy. Comparisons are made to countries like China, where high-level officials have been prosecuted and held accountable for corruption, resulting in significant improvements in governance and the economy.

In the eyes of these skeptics, South Sudan possesses the necessary policies and human capital for economic recovery. However, the critical missing element is disciplined leadership, free from corruption. They argue that the root cause of South Sudan’s economic woes lies in the corruption that has plagued the government for years.


While the National Economic Conference in Juba holds promise and noble aspirations, it is not immune to skepticism. South Sudan has witnessed previous national initiatives falter, leading to doubts about the efficacy of such events. The allocation of substantial funds for the conference has raised questions about resource allocation in the face of pressing economic challenges.

The future of South Sudan’s economy will ultimately depend on the government’s commitment to implementing the proposed reforms, addressing corruption, and effectively managing the country’s resources.

Whether this conference can break the cycle of disappointment and chart a path to economic recovery remains to be seen. Still, it undoubtedly represents a crucial opportunity for South Sudan to overcome its economic challenges and foster a prosperous future for its citizens.

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