
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

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Mama Rebecca Nyandeng’s Lavish Welcome for Bright Stars in Juba After Historic Triumph

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Bright Star, Our Beloved South Sudan Basketball Team, Makes History in Africa

Bright Star, Our Beloved South Sudan Basketball Team, Makes History in Africa

How Mama Rebecca Nyandeng treated Bright Stars to a lavish welcome after their history-making performance at the international NBA

By Dut Abraham Manyang, Juba, South Sudan

Tuesday, September 12, 2023 (PW) — On an unforgettable evening, Mama Rebecca Nyandeng De Mabior hosted a sumptuous dinner in honour of the Bright Stars basketball team, who had recently achieved a historic milestone as the first African champions. Esteemed guests, including H.E. Dr. James Wani Igga, Vice President of the Economic Cluster; H.E. Gen. Taban Deng Gai, Vice President of the Infrastructure Cluster; and Hon. Albino Akol Atak, Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, graced the event. Also in attendance were Hon. Stephen Par Kuol, Minister of Peace Building, and Luol Deng.

Mama Rebecca greeted the guests with a tantalizing aroma of delicacies that filled the air, creating an atmosphere of eager anticipation. Elegantly adorned tables featured beautiful floral arrangements, symbolizing celebration and accomplishment. The dinner commenced with a heartfelt welcome speech by Mama Rebecca, praising the Bright Stars for their outstanding achievement in putting South Sudan on the African sports map. She emphasized the significance of unity, determination, and perseverance in their path to success, earning resounding applause from the inspired guests. Shortly after, Mama Rebecca’s culinary creations were served to the guests.

The dining experience was a sensory delight, with each dish masterfully prepared with a blend of flavours, ranging from traditional South Sudanese delicacies to international favourites that catered to diverse palates. Praises and compliments for the exquisite cuisine echoed throughout the room. Vice Presidents Taban and Igga acknowledged Mama Rebecca’s renowned culinary skills and her consistent ability to craft such splendid meals.

The atmosphere during the dinner was nothing short of magical, with conversations flowing effortlessly, laughter filling the air, and bonds strengthening among the guests. Mama Rebecca’s warm hospitality and the delectable feast provided a perfect backdrop for an evening of celebration and camaraderie. As the dinner neared its end, Mama Rebecca expressed her gratitude to all the guests for joining her in honouring the Bright Star basketball team.

She attributed their success not only to their talent on the court but also to their determination and the unwavering support of the South Sudanese people. The evening concluded with heartfelt toasts, expressing pride and optimism for the future of basketball in South Sudan. Mama Rebecca Nyandeng De Mabior’s dinner for the Bright Stars will forever remain a cherished memory of culinary excellence, camaraderie, and celebration.

Hon. Taban Deng recognized the team’s achievements, emphasizing their contribution to South Sudan’s unity and development. He expressed his gratitude to Mama Rebecca for organizing the memorable dinner and acknowledged her continued dedication to the nation’s cause.

Furthermore, Hon. Taban Deng stressed the importance of youth involvement in nation-building, commending their passion and commitment. He highlighted that lasting change and development can be achieved through the collective efforts of the youth.

As the evening continued, attendees enjoyed the delicious dinner while reflecting on the Bright Stars’ significant achievements. Gratitude, appreciation, and hope for a brighter future filled the atmosphere. The reception at Dr. John Garang’s house, hosted by Mama Rebecca Nyandeng De Mabior, Vice President for Gender, Youth, and Sports, was a historic celebration of the team’s remarkable work.

The Vice Presidents expressed their admiration for the team’s dedication and contribution to the country’s development. The event also highlighted Mama Rebecca’s unwavering support and commitment to organizing such remarkable occasions. The following day, I spoke with Mr. Karbino Awad Pieka, the Director of Youth and Sports in the office of the Vice President for Gender, Youth, and Sport, who provided an update on the national sports team’s recent achievements.

Karbino reported that the team emerged victorious in matches against China, the Philippines, and Angola, but also faced two defeats against Puerto Rico and Serbia. Overall, the team won four out of the six games, securing the number one position in Africa.

In his statement, Karbino emphasized the team’s dedication to the nation and their great patriotism throughout the matches. He highlighted South Sudan’s abundant skills and talent despite its status as a young nation. Karbino expressed gratitude for the support received from various individuals and entities.

He acknowledged the contributions of senior advisor Gen. Kuol Manyang Juk, Vice President for Gender, Youth, and sport H.E. Mama Rebecca Nyandeng De Mabior, and President H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit. Karbino also thanked the citizens of South Sudan for their unwavering spiritual support.

The report mentioned an incident involving Innocent Adaha, a young South Sudanese boy deeply affected by the team’s loss against Serbia, underscoring the emotional connection between citizens and the national sports team. The report noted H.E. President Salva Kiir Mayardit’s steadfast financial and moral support, which served as a motivating factor for the players.

President Kiir’s unwavering moral support significantly boosted the players’ motivation. Karbino provided an overview of the national sports team’s achievements and the support received from various individuals and entities. The report highlighted the team’s dedication, patriotism, and the collective support contributing to their success.

Additionally, it mentioned their aspirations for future events, including the Olympic Games in Paris 2024. Congratulations on your remarkable achievement of securing the number one spot in Africa! Your hard work, dedication, and exceptional skills have brought immense pride and joy to the nation.

Mama, the tears you wiped away from the eyes of the Southerners during the nation’s mourning have now been replaced with tears of joy and happiness. The unity and love you have shown as the nation’s mother have played a significant role in this victory. We thank you for your unwavering support and dedication. We also express our gratitude to the team and a special thanks to Luol Deng for his exceptional leadership and commitment to the sport.

Your extraordinary skills and teamwork have brought South Sudan to the forefront of African basketball. Lastly, we thank President H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit for supporting and encouraging the team. Your belief in their potential and continuous support have undoubtedly contributed to their success.

As we celebrate this momentous achievement, let us pray for unity, love, and prosperity within our beloved country. May the Lord Almighty bring us together with a common purpose and bless us with prosperous times. The success of the South Sudan basketball team can be seen as a significant achievement that aligns with biblical references.

The mention of tall and smooth black people in South Sudan (Kush in the Bible) in Isaiah 18 can now be connected to the talent and potential demonstrated by the basketball team; Mama Rebecca acknowledged that. This biblical reference highlights that South Sudan will rise and be renowned worldwide.

The basketball team’s accomplishments serve as a symbol of the fulfilment of this prophecy. The fact that they emerged victorious against formidable opponents such as China, the Philippines, and Angola exemplifies their potential and talent. The impact and fear generated by the team’s success cannot be understated. The image of a young nation excelling in the sport and defying expectations brings attention to the talent and resilience of the people of South Sudan.

This success story is significant for the sports arena and highlights the potential impact the nation can have on various international platforms. Furthermore, the team’s success serves as a source of motivation for young athletes in South Sudan, encouraging them to pursue their dreams and achieve greatness.

It demonstrates that with dedication, hard work, and a robust support system, extraordinary accomplishments can be attained by individuals and the nation. In conclusion, the accomplishments of the South Sudan basketball team align with the biblical reference in Isaiah 18 regarding the rise of tall and smooth black people in South Sudan (Kush).

The team’s success not only highlights their talent and potential but also instils a sense of pride, inspiration, and hope among the citizens of South Sudan. This achievement demonstrates the power of unity and support and serves as motivation for young athletes. The impact and fear generated by the team’s success emphasize the potential influence that South Sudan can have on the international stage.

The author, Dut Abraham Manyang, is a South Sudanese independent thinker.

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