
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Editorial: Condemning the Actions of Caretaker Juba Mayor, Hon. Emmanuel Khamis Richard

6 min read
The caretaker Mayor of Juba City Council, Emmanuel Khamis Richard, who is also the Lainya County Commissioner

The caretaker Mayor of Juba City Council, Emmanuel Khamis Richard, who is also the Lainya County Commissioner

By PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd.

Juba, South Sudan (PW) – In a shocking and profoundly troubling incident that has sent shockwaves across South Sudan, the Acting Mayor of Juba Municipal Council, Emmanuel Khamis Richard, was captured on video wielding a pistol and surrounded by armed bodyguards as he unleashed physical violence against women who were simply trying to make a living by selling goods on the roadside. This appalling display of aggression and disregard for the rights and dignity of citizens has rightfully triggered outrage and condemnation from all quarters.

The women at the receiving end of this assault are already enduring unimaginable hardships, having lost their husbands during the civil war (2013–present) and the war of liberation (1983–2005). In a nation grappling with the aftermath of prolonged conflict and economic crisis, these women have emerged as pillars of strength in their families, single-handedly providing for their children in the face of severe hardships.

However, rather than approaching this situation with empathy and compassion, the Acting Mayor chose a path of violence and intimidation. It is inconceivable that a public official, entrusted with the welfare of the city and its residents, would resort to such brutality against its citizens.

There is no justifiable excuse for these actions. Accountability is an absolute necessity, particularly for those in positions of power and authority. Like anyone else, government officials must be held accountable for their actions, and no one should be above the law.

In the wake of this reprehensible incident, we, at PaanLuel Wël Media, call for the immediate return of the confiscated business items belonging to the affected women, and the prompt release of those who were unjustly detained.

Moreover, we insist that the Acting Mayor, stripped of his immunity as acting Mayor and County Commissioner, must be expeditiously brought before a competent Court of Law to face the consequences of his actions. The principle of equal justice under the law applies to all, regardless of their position.

We stand in solidarity with the affected women and their families and urge all relevant authorities to take swift and appropriate action to rectify this grave injustice. South Sudan deserves leaders who prioritize the welfare of their citizens and uphold the values of justice, respect, and compassion.

City Cleanup Pledge Amid Controversy

Emmanuel Khamis Richard, the Acting Mayor of Juba City Council, assumed office with a pledge to ensure the compulsory cleaning of the city. While this commitment is laudable, recent events have raised concerns about his leadership and decision-making abilities.

While a clean city is undoubtedly a desirable goal, the Mayor’s involvement in violent altercations with street vendors has cast doubt on his suitability for the role. Furthermore, his use of a pistol in the presence of civilians has raised serious security concerns.

As South Sudan faces numerous challenges, including a fragile economy and a history of conflict, leaders must prioritize peaceful solutions and the welfare of their constituents. The Acting Mayor incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for accountable and responsible leadership in the nation’s capital.

Therefore, in the face of adversity, South Sudanese citizens, particularly women who have lost their husbands to war and are struggling to support their families, deserve empathy, support, and respect. Leaders at all levels must work to create an environment in which citizens can thrive and feel safe, free from violence and intimidation.

The shocking incident involving the Acting Mayor of Juba City Council, Emmanuel Khamis Richard, raises numerous questions and concerns that cannot be ignored. We must address these issues head-on. First, can the Juba City Mayor truly affect positive change in the city when he resorts to violence rather than peaceful conflict resolution?

Secondly, what kind of leadership is he demonstrating by physically assaulting a vendor who was merely trying to make a living? Thirdly, why was the Mayor carrying a pistol while interacting with civilians on the street? Is this an appropriate way for government officials to carry out their duties, considering the potential security risks to ordinary citizens?

These questions demand answers, and the relevant authorities must clarify these matters to maintain public trust and confidence in leadership.

The Acting Mayor incident underscores the urgent need for a change in how ordinary citizens, particularly women struggling to make a living in South Sudan’s challenging economic environment, are treated. Violence against vulnerable individuals is unacceptable and must not be tolerated.

The authorities must promptly address such incidents, ensure justice is served, and implement preventive measures to avoid future occurrences. South Sudan deserves leaders who prioritize the safety and well-being of all citizens, and this incident highlights the importance of holding those in positions of power accountable for their actions.

Conclusion: A Call for Change and Accountability

The disturbing incident involving the Acting Mayor of Juba City Council, Emmanuel Khamis Richard, has prompted a collective outcry and condemnation across South Sudan. It is a stark reminder that leadership must be grounded in empathy, compassion, and a deep sense of responsibility for the welfare of all citizens.

The women who bear the brunt of this incident, widowed by the long-lasting civil war and now struggling to provide for their families, deserve our unwavering support and respect. Their resilience and determination to thrive amidst adversity are nothing short of heroic.

This incident should not be brushed aside; instead, it should catalyze change and accountability. We must demand that those in power and authority be held accountable for their actions without exception. The rule of law is the bedrock of a just society, and no one should be above it.

As we move forward, let us remember the questions raised by this incident—questions about leadership competency, security implications, and trust in subordinates. These questions demand answers, and it is the responsibility of the relevant authorities to provide them, restoring faith in the leadership of Juba City.

Emmanuel Khamis Richard’s pledge to clean the city is commendable, but it must be accompanied by actions that reflect responsible and accountable leadership. Violence against vulnerable individuals, particularly women trying to earn a living, is inexcusable and must not be tolerated.

South Sudan deserves leaders who prioritize the safety and well-being of their constituents, fostering an environment where citizens can thrive, free from violence and intimidation. Our collective duty is to ensure that such leaders are held accountable for their actions and that justice prevails.

In unity and with a commitment to justice and compassion, we can work towards a brighter and more equitable future for South Sudan and its resilient citizens.

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