
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Jonglei State Marks International Day for Peace with a Resounding Call for Social Cohesion

4 min read
Jonglei State leadership, partners, and Students posted for a group picture at the end of the International Peace Day event. (Photo: Chol Makol Riak).

Jonglei State leadership, partners, and Students posted for a group picture at the end of the International Peace Day event. (Photo: Chol Makol Riak).

By Jacob Bol Mayar, Bor, Jonglei State

Bor, Jonglei State, Friday, September 22, 2023 (PW) – On Thursday, 21 September 2023, the government of Jonglei State and its partners came together to observe the International Day for Peace, underscoring the imperative of harmonious coexistence among the citizens of Jonglei State.

Addressing the gathering, Malual Gabriel Kon, Jonglei State Minister for Peacebuilding, passionately appealed to the people of Jonglei State and neighbouring regions to embrace peaceful cohabitation. He emphasized, “Peace is not forcibly imposed; it thrives through mutual understanding. In light of the seven years of turmoil our nation has endured, our shared duty as citizens is to unite and propel our country forward.”

Minister Kon further expressed the state government’s unwavering commitment to fostering unity among Jonglei’s inhabitants. He noted, “We have been actively engaging with the areas facing heightened tensions, striving to de-escalate conflicts that have plagued our communities. Recently, our youth responded to provocations from the GPAA, seeking revenge. Such incidents significantly challenge our peace-building efforts in Greater Jonglei.”

Geetha Pious, the Head of the United Nations Mission in Jonglei State, echoed the call for peace and urged citizens to reflect on the destructive nature of firearms. She stated, “This day serves as a poignant reminder that guns do not construct; they annihilate nations and futures. They jeopardize the well-being of our children, subjecting them to suffering.” Geetha reiterated her unwavering commitment to supporting the peace process in Jonglei State and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area.

John Samuel Manyuon, Jonglei State Minister for Cabinet Affairs and Acting Governor, affirmed the state government’s ceaseless endeavours to establish lasting peace in the region. “Under Governor Chagor’s leadership, our government remains resolute in this mission. He affirmed that we are dedicated to ensuring peace becomes a permanent fixture in Jonglei, allowing our communities across all nine counties to coexist harmoniously through our peacebuilding initiatives,” he affirmed.

Manyuon urged the town mayor to enforce strict regulations that would transform Bortown into a firearm-free zone, fostering peaceful cohabitation. He asserted, “As a government, we must do everything within our power to rigorously enforce laws prohibiting firearms and other harmful equipment within our town. This will enable our citizens and children to rest soundly and pursue their education without fearing disturbances caused by gunfire.”

The International Day for Peace, also known as Peace Day, is observed globally on September 21st each year. Established in 1981 through a unanimous United Nations resolution, this day serves as a universal platform for humanity to unite in a commitment to peace, transcending all differences and promoting a culture of peace.

The author, Jacob Bol Mayar, is PaanLuel Wël Media’s regional correspondent covering Jonglei State and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA). He can be reached via his email: Jacob Bol Moses <>

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