
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Frequent Changes of South Sudan’s Central Bank Governors Destabilize Economic Planning and Growth

5 min read
Dr James Alic Garang Lual, New Governor of the Central Bsnk of South Sudan

Dr James Alic Garang Lual, New Governor of the Central Bsnk of South Sudan

By James Bidal Bilal, Juba, South Sudan

Thursday, 05 October 2023 (PW) — In recent years, South Sudan has experienced a revolving door of central bank governors, raising concerns about the stability and effectiveness of the country’s monetary policy. The continuous change in leadership at the Central Bank of South Sudan (BoSS) has begun to take a significant toll on the nation’s economy, contributing to a climate of uncertainty and hindering economic growth.

South Sudan has struggled with political instability and economic challenges since its inception. One area of growing concern has been the frequent changes in leadership at the Bank of South Sudan, which has disrupted the continuity of monetary policy and created an environment of uncertainty for investors and businesses alike.

The central bank plays a  momentous role in any country’s economy, as it manages monetary policy, controls inflation, and maintains the national currency’s stability. However, South Sudan has seen a series of leadership changes at the Bank of South Sudan, with governors coming and going in rapid succession.

One of the key negative impacts of these frequent changes is the disruption of monetary policy implementation. Monetary policies often require time to take effect and require a steady hand to guide them. Frequent leadership changes can lead to abrupt shifts in policy direction, making it difficult for businesses and investors to plan for the future.

James Bidal Bilal is the coordinator for the South Sudan Human Rights Defenders Network (SSHRDN).
James Bidal Bilal is the coordinator for the South Sudan Human Rights Defenders Network (SSHRDN).

Furthermore, the lack of stability in leadership has eroded confidence in the central bank’s ability to maintain the value of the South Sudanese pound. This has resulted in rapid inflation and a devaluation of the currency, making it more expensive for citizens to purchase essential goods and services. Importers have also faced challenges in predicting exchange rates, leading to increased costs and reduced trade.

The continuous changes in the central bank’s leadership have eroded public trust and confidence in our monetary institutions. This has discouraged foreign investment, hindered economic growth, and left the country more vulnerable to economic shocks.

The revolving door of central bank governors has hindered the development of long-term economic strategies. South Sudan needs a stable and consistent approach to economic policy to attract foreign investment, foster economic growth, and reduce poverty. Frequent changes at the central bank’s top make it challenging to create and implement such strategies.

In response to these concerns, there should be reforms to stabilize the leadership of the Bank of South Sudan; these include implementing fixed-term appointments for central bank governors, improving the selection process to ensure candidates have the necessary qualifications and experience, and providing greater independence for the central bank from political interference.

The government of South Sudan faces the difficult task of addressing these issues to restore confidence in the country’s economic institutions and promote long-term stability and growth. Without addressing the negative impact of the continuous changes in the central bank’s leadership, South Sudan’s economic future remains uncertain.

South Sudan should invest in training and development programs for its financial sector professionals, including those within the Central Bank. Continuous learning opportunities and career advancement prospects can motivate professionals to stay with the institution. Also, fostering a research and innovation culture can help Central Bank Governors tackle complex economic challenges effectively.

The frequent leadership changes have had a detrimental impact on the country’s economy. The lack of stability and continuity in monetary policy has led to inflation, currency devaluation, and reduced investor confidence. It is imperative for South Sudan to take steps to address these issues and create a more stable and effective central bank leadership structure to promote economic growth and stability in the nation.

In conclusion, retaining experienced Central Bank Governors is essential for South Sudan’s economic stability and growth. The government should take proactive measures to ensure competitive compensation, maintain institutional independence, and implement sound economic policies.

By investing in human capital, fostering transparency, upgrading infrastructure, diversifying the economy, and seeking international collaboration, South Sudan can create an environment conducive to retaining and attracting top talent in its Central Bank leadership. These steps are crucial for securing a brighter economic future for the nation and its people.

The author, James Bidal Bilal, is a passionate Human Rights defender and researcher currently working as the South Sudan Human Rights Defenders Network (SSHRDN) Coordinator. He can be reached via his email address:

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