
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Central Equatoria Governor Emmanuel Adil Appoints Madam Flora Gabriel Modi as Juba City’s First Female Mayor

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Madam Flora Gabriel Modi, Juba City's First Female Mayor

Madam Flora Gabriel Modi, Juba City's First Female Mayor

Breaking News: Governor Adil Announces Gubernatorial Decrees Bringing Changes to Various Government Institutions. In a Historic Move, Madam Flora Gabriel Modi Takes the Helm of Juba City.

By PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd.

Juba, South Sudan, Saturday, October 7, 2023 (PW) – Central Equatoria Governor Emmanuel Adil Anthony made a groundbreaking announcement on Friday by appointing Madam Flora Gabriel Modi as the Mayor of Juba City. This historic appointment marks a significant milestone as Madam Modi becomes the first woman to hold this prestigious position since the country’s independence.

Governor Adil further enhanced the leadership team with the appointment of Mogga Franco Wani as the First Deputy Mayor for Administration and Finance, Thiik Thiik Mayardit as the Second Deputy Mayor for Social Service, and Emmanuel Juma Diyo as the Third Deputy Mayor for Environment and Waste Management.

The advancement of women in national leadership roles has faced numerous challenges, primarily due to the deeply entrenched patriarchal nature of South Sudanese society, which has traditionally confined women to domestic roles like child-rearing and cooking.

Madam Flora Gabriel Modi’s appointment as Juba City’s Mayor signifies significant progress toward gender equality and the active participation of women in national leadership. It sets the stage for a series of other positions to be filled by women, marking a turning point in the nation’s history.

South Sudan has seen remarkable women assume critical roles in its governance. Notably, Madam Rebecca Nyandeng Garang, the first female Vice President and wife of South Sudan’s founding father, Dr. John Garang De Mabior, has also served as the first female Minister for Road and Transport.

Madam Angelina Jany Teny, wife of SPLM-IO leader Dr. Riek Machar Teny, achieved multiple historic firsts, serving as the first female Defense Minister, the first female Interior Minister, and the former State Minister of Energy and Mining in Unity State.

Madam Nyandeng Malek Delich of Warrap State earned her place as the first female governor, securing a popular election victory against many male competitors. Her footsteps were followed by Governor Nunu Kumba of Western Equatoria and Governor Sarah Cleto Hassan Rial, the current governor of Western Bahr el Ghazal.

The South Sudan national assembly also witnessed history with the appointment of Madam Nunu Kumba, the former Governor of Western Equatoria and ex-Minister of Gender, Social Welfare, and Religious Affairs, as the first female Speaker.

Even during the war of liberation, women like CDR Ageer Gum emerged as commanders, playing pivotal roles in South Sudan’s struggle for independence. The Late SPLM/SPLA Commander, Mrs. Ager Gum, was a revolutionary heroine of the South Sudanese liberation struggle, having fought in both the Anyanya One Movement (1962-1972) and the SPLM/SPLA (1983-2005) armed revolutionary struggle against successive Khartoum regimes.

Governor Adil’s decrees regarding these appointments are as follows:

(A) Suspension

Hon. Moro Issac Jenesio has been suspended from his position as the Minister of Local Government and Law Enforcement Agency.

(B) Relief

1. Hon. Flora Gabriel Modi is relieved of her position as the Commissioner General of the State Investment Authority/Corporation.

2. Hon. Rufas Juka Samuel is relieved from his position as the Coordinator of Wonduruba Administrative Payam.

3. Hon. Stella Felix is relieved from her position as the Executive Director of the State Anti-Corruption Commission.

4. Hon. Dwoki Moses Ismail is relieved from his position as the Executive Director of the State Investment Authority/Corporation.

5. Hon. Peris Kaji Kenyi Elia is relieved from her position as a Member of the State Insurance Regulatory Authority.

6. Mr. Richard Lokosang is relieved from his position as the State Director General, State Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Investment.

7. Cde. Mogga Franco Wani is relieved from his position as the Director General, State Ministry of General Education and Instruction.

(C) Revocation

Mr. Eliaba Loro Gala is revoked from his position as the Technical Advisor in the State Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Investment.

(D) Appointment

1. Hon. George Pitia Stephen is appointed as the Commissioner General of the State Investment Authority/Corporation.

2. Hon. Towongo Stephen Michael is appointed as the Coordinator of Wonduruba Administrative Payam.

3. Hon. Rufas Juka Samuel is appointed as the Executive Director of the State Anti-Corruption Commission.

4. Hon. Stella Felix is appointed as the Executive Director of the State Investment Authority/Corporation.

5. Hon. William Tombe Kalisto is appointed as a Member of the State Insurance Regulatory Authority.

6. Mr. Chandiga Emmanuel is appointed as the Director General of the State Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Investment.

7. Mr. Luate James is appointed as the Director General, State Ministry Of General Education and Instruction.

8. Mr. Eliaba Loro Gala is appointed as the Technical Advisor for Planning, Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Investment.

9. Mr. Richard Lokosong is appointed as the Technical Advisor for Finance, State Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Investment.

10. Cde. Dwoki Moses Ismail is appointed as the Technical Advisor to the State Investment Authority/Corporation.

(E) Restructuring of Offices in Juba City Council

1. Mayor, Juba City Council

2. Deputy Mayor for Administration and Finance

3. Deputy Mayor for Social Services

4. Deputy Mayor for Environment and Waste Management

(F) Leadership of Juba City Council

1. Hon. Flora Gabriel Modi is appointed as the Mayor of Juba City Council.

2. Hon. Mogga Franco Wani is appointed as the 1st Deputy Mayor for Administration and Finance.

3. Hon. Thiik Thiik Mayardit is appointed as the 2nd Deputy Mayor for Social Services.

4. Hon. Emmanuel Juma Diyo is appointed as the 3rd Deputy Mayor for Environment and Waste Management.

5. Hon. Elizabeth Sarah Doa Zozimo is appointed as an Advisor to the leadership of Juba City Council.

These gubernatorial changes came into effect on Friday, October 6, 2023.

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