
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Dear Governor Kuol Muor Muor: Open Letter to the Newly Appointed Governor of Warrap State

6 min read
Ariik Atekdit

Ariik Atekdit

By Ariik Atekdit, Tonj, South Sudan

Wednesday, 29 November 2023 (PW) — Based on our experiences as the people of Warrap State, I usually abstain from congratulating appointed government officials. This is because we have often celebrated their appointments, only to face numerous challenges in removing them from their positions.

Throughout the SPLM governing system in our state, several governors have held leadership positions, including Ustaz Anei Kuendit, Late Bol Madut, Tor Mawien, Nyandeng Malek, Akec Tong, Bona Panek, Aleu Ayieny, and most recently Manhiem Bol. However, despite their efforts, the primary issue of persistent insecurity caused by land disputes and cattle raiding still remains unresolved. Unfortunately, these governors were unsuccessful in addressing the security challenges they were appointed to resolve, ultimately leading to their removal from office.

I am concerned about the situation in Warrap State and do not want you to suffer the same fate as your predecessors. Therefore, I offer some suggestions that could help to reduce conflicts and increase security in our state. It is important to note that Warrap State has experienced a high turnover of governors under President Kiir’s supervision, with nine SPLM governors. Interestingly, only three governors (Tor, Nyandeng, and Bona) were from the Gogrial region, while the remaining six were from Tonj. Moreover, four out of the six governors from Tonj hailed from Tonj North County, including yourself (Anei, Bol, Aleu, and Kuol). This situation raises doubts about the potential for any significant change.

Your name is not well-known in the political arena of Warrap State. Many people may not be aware of your previous political accomplishments or your plans for the betterment of our state. We are left pondering if you will be a better governor than the big names that have held this position before you. Or are we just taking another chance, hoping for a different outcome? Only God knows.

The residents of Warrap State have faced immense difficulties and are searching for a governor who can deliver tangible results and efficient governance. Presently, promises alone do not suffice. We need a leader who can translate those promises into action and bring about actual progress in our neighbourhoods.

We hold high hopes and expectations for a competent governor who can effectively tackle the pressing issues of insecurity, land disputes, and economic challenges. We desire a leader who prioritises the welfare of the people and strives relentlessly to enhance their lives.

Although we are unfamiliar with you, we are open to allowing you to prove yourself. We urge you to demonstrate your capabilities and achievements through your actions. Show us that you are distinct from those who have come before you. Display the vision, determination, and leadership skills needed to guide Warrap State towards a better future.

The people of Warrap State have suffered enough and desperately need a governor who can bring them the success they deserve. We are placing our hopes in you, Mr. Governor, and we pray that you will rise to the challenge and fulfil the people’s aspirations.

I would like to share some strategies with you, hoping they may contribute to your success. Please remember that I am not writing to you, assuming I know everything. Rather, I am simply making my intellectual contribution. If someone close to you has shared similar suggestions, I apologise for any redundancy. I humbly request that you consider these points:

  • Prioritise conflict resolution: Make conflict resolution and establishing lasting peace your primary focus. Dedicate sufficient resources and attention to addressing the root causes of land disputes and cattle raiding.
  • Engage local communities: Foster meaningful engagement with local communities, traditional leaders, and civil society organisations. Seek their input, listen to their concerns, and involve them in decision-making processes related to security and conflict resolution.
  • Strengthen law enforcement: Enhance the capacity of law enforcement agencies, such as the police, by providing them with adequate training, resources, and equipment. Ensure their presence in conflict-prone areas to deter and respond effectively to security incidents.
  • Promote dialogue and mediation: Facilitate dialogue and mediation processes between conflicting parties to find peaceful resolutions. Engage respected mediators and utilize customary dispute resolution mechanisms to promote reconciliation and mutual understanding.
  • Improve intelligence and information sharing: Invest in intelligence gathering and information sharing mechanisms to enhance situational awareness and proactive response to security threats. Collaborate closely with relevant security agencies to gather and analyze data for effective decision-making.
  • Encourage community policing: Promote community policing programs that involve local residents in maintaining security. Establish platforms for regular interaction and cooperation between law enforcement agencies and community members to build trust and improve information sharing.
  • Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) programs: Implement comprehensive DDR programs to disarm and reintegrate armed groups and combatants. This process should be carried out transparently and inclusively, ensuring the safety and well-being of former combatants while addressing the root causes of their involvement in conflicts. Establish strong coordination with the neighbouring states to consider doing disarmament at a similar time in their areas so that your citizens cannot be victims of the exercise.
  • Invest in education and youth empowerment: Prioritize education and youth empowerment programs to provide opportunities for personal development and reduce the appeal of engaging in cattle raiding or other criminal activities. Support vocational training and skill-building initiatives to create alternative livelihood options.
  • Foster cross-border cooperation: Collaborate with neighboring states and national authorities to address cross-border security challenges. Strengthen border security measures, intelligence sharing, and joint operations to prevent the movement of armed groups and cattle raiders across borders.
  • Socio-economic development: Address the underlying socio-economic challenges that contribute to insecurity. This can help reduce the susceptibility to recruitment by armed groups and alleviate the factors that fuel conflicts.

The suggestions provided are not comprehensive, and the intricacies of the situation might call for more approaches. Nevertheless, I hope these initial recommendations can help you start your efforts. I wish you all the success in bringing about constructive change and lasting peace in Warrap State.

Yours Sincerely, Ariik Atekdit.

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