
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Tim Monybuny: Preparing today’s youths for tomorrow’s leadership of South Sudan

3 min read
Tim Monybuny is a Ph.D. candidate in Education at UNICAF University. He has been working in South Sudan for the Government, International organizations, and UN agencies in the education in various capacities in the areas of strategic planning, policy, monitoring, research, and evaluation since 2006.

Tim Monybuny is a Ph.D. candidate in Education at UNICAF University. He has been working in South Sudan for the Government, International organizations, and UN agencies in the education in various capacities in the areas of strategic planning, policy, monitoring, research, and evaluation since 2006.

By William Tim Monybuny, Ph.D. Candidate Education at Unicaf University

Sunday, 03 Monday 2023 (PW) — This paper highlights the importance of education and community collaboration in preparing the youths of the Republic of South Sudan for leadership in the future. The study identifies challenges that hinder youth contributions, such as ethnic divisions, inequitable resource distribution, and unemployment, which hamper social, economic, and political development in the post-reconstruction stage following successive wars. To illustrate the roles of education, community collaboration, and challenges in preparing youths for leadership, the study used a literature review from Google Scholar. The findings indicate that preparing youths for leadership requires investment in both formal and informal education that instils the values, norms, standards, and beliefs necessary for effective leadership, starting from infancy. The study concludes that education and community collaborations are crucial in preparing youths for future leadership, as they determine the youths’ potential and their involvement in the country’s economic, political, and social development.

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