
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Letter to President Kiir – Gogrial Diaspora Community Association (GDCA)

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Letter to President Kiir - Gogrial Diaspora Community Association -GDCA

Letter to President Kiir - Gogrial Diaspora Community Association -GDCA

Gogrial Diaspora Community Association (GDCA)

Residing in Australia, Canada, the United States of America & the United Kingdom

Email:; Mobile: +61470641271

Date: 07/12/2023

The Office of the President, J 1, JUBA, South Sudan

H.E. General Salva Kiir Mayardit, The President of the Republic of South Sudan

Sub: GDCA call for an urgent Intervention in Gogrial Counties communal conflicts (Kuac v Aguok and Apuk v Marial Wau (from Jur River, Western Bahr El Ghazal)

CC: Governor of Warrap State, Hon. Governor Kuol Muor Muor

CC: Members of Revitalised Transitional National Legislative Assembly, representing Gogrial Counties

CC: Members of Revitalised Transitional State Legislative Assembly, representing Gogrial Counties

CC: Chairpersons (youth and elders) of Awan Muorkuau, Kuac, Aguok and Apuk Communities.

CC: Elders and Scholars of Gogrial Counties (East and West)

Your Excellency,

Tuesday, 02 January 2024 (PW) — We want to acknowledge your status as one of our nation’s founders and appreciate your resilience, determination and efforts to unite our country in one of the most tumultuous times in our nation’s history.

This letter concerns the ongoing conflict in Gogrial Counties (West and East of Warrap State) between the communities of Kauc v Aguok and Apuk v Marial Wau (of Jur River County, Western Bahr El Ghazal), respectively. We condemned these unnecessary conflicts in the strongest terms possible, particularly the killing of innocent children, women, elders and the sick in the name of revenge. It was not in our Jieng/Monyjieng traditional culture, and it is unacceptable, inhumane, unlawful and against human rights. We are urging the authorities concerned to hold those who committed heinous atrocities accountable and bring them to book.

Your H.E., President, we recently heard that you had directed the authorities (committee formed) to investigate and address the conflicts. However, we continued to hear that the fight is still ongoing. Many innocent women, children and elders are still dying, houses and crops are being burned down, and many are displaced without food, shelter and medicines. 

Given the nature of the ongoing communal conflict among these communities, the members of the Gogrial Diaspora Community Association living in Australia, the United States of America and Canada held an emergency Teleconference meeting on 03 December 2023 to discuss such deteriorating security and humanitarian situation in Gogrial West County (Warrap State) between Aguok v Kuac and Gogrial East County (Warrap State) between Apuk v Jieng of Marial Wau, and other affected areas, including ongoing conflicts in the Warrap State such as between Twic v Abyei and in Tonji Counties.

Your H.E., with due respect and honour, we must bring to your attention that this communal fighting has reached a more dangerous and deadly turn than expected, and it warranted your immediate attention. We heard that some elements of our national armed forces who might be loosely in the area, particularly SPLM IO, are taking advantage of this unfortunate civilian conflict to instigate insecurity in those areas. These communities have incurred a substantial loss of lives and properties, and many civilians have been displaced. It would lead to humanitarian disaster if not averted immediately.

Your H.E., it is not a secret that your opponents would exploit such conflicts, especially in the region you came from, particularly your state, to undermine your government and the planned election next year. Therefore, any lack of prompt intervention to avert these communal conflicts would be catastrophic and disastrous as it would lead to deteriorating insecurity in that region and beyond and continue unnecessary loss of innocent lives. 

Your H.E., due to the suffering of children, women, the sick and the elderly, we are saddened and outraged by the lack of response from the State and National authorities as they allow the conflict to continue. Therefore, we decided to write to you directly, in your capacity as Head of State, an elder and a member of the Gogrial community, and urge you to urgently intervene in finding amicable solutions to these conflicts, which are often related to unsettled border disputes among these sisterly communities. We wanted to see these conflicts resolved ‘once and for all’ so that these communities can return to their peaceful and prosperous lives.

Our communities are profoundly disturbed and affected since the social fabric that holds social cohesion and unity among these communities is torn apart by these unnecessary conflicts. We kindly appeal for your urgent intervention with genuine interest and determination to stop, prevent, deter and resolve the dispute to avoid further loss of lives in Gogrial West/East and Jur River Counties. We are making a similar call to address the continued communal fighting between the Twic of Warrap State and the Abyei Administration and Greater Tonj areas.  

In our meeting, we have desperately examined suggestions and ideas on how to settle the conflicts and disputes once and for all, and our resolutions include the following: 

  1. We call for a rapid deployment of professional security forces as quickly as practical to stop the ongoing fighting immediately.
  2. Prompt integration or redeployment of the SPLM IO forces in the area so they don’t get involved and exploit such unfortunate and unnecessary conflicts.
  3. Regular forces must not take sides and must stay out of civilian conflicts to avert prolonging the conflict.
  4. Holding instigators accountable and expediting the court cases relating to these conflicts is imperative since delays in prosecuting perpetrators always lead to frustration and protracted revenge killings.
  5. Engagements of leadership at local and all levels in finding amicable solutions.
  6. Land disputes must be resolved through the national government with the assistance of the local chiefs.
  7. Restored Qanun Wanh-Alel (Customary Laws) ‒ a customary law of the Western Jieeng enacted in 1975 (probably reviewed) to regulate common offences. As mentioned above, we want to see our local Chiefs engaged and empowered to resolve these unnecessary conflicts. Historically, our local chiefs have played a significant role in resolving disputes as they are directly connected with their people at the grassroots levels.
  8. Urge all the Members of Parliament (TNLA of Gogrial Counties) representing all parts of Gogrial to go to their constituencies (villages) to work with their local leaders, such as chiefs and heads of youths who are fighting to find immediate solutions to these conflicts.
  9. Appoint the most neutral officials (well-known problem solvers: chiefs, leaders and elders, even from other communities) to help find the root causes of these conflicts, particularly border disputes and permanently resolve them.
  10. Provide prompt protection and humanitarian support to the displaced and those whose food and properties are destroyed, especially the most vulnerable ones, including women, children, the sick and the elderly.
  11. We urge the new Governor of Warrab State to take swift measures to address these conflicts within Gogrial and with its neighbour Jur River, including Twic v Abyei, and protracted skirmishes in Greater Tonj areas so that total calm and peace are restored in that state like its neighbouring States.
  12. We also urge the Governor to work with his counterpart, the Governor of Western Bahr El Ghazel State and the Chief Administrator of Abyei, to find amicable solutions to these conflicts.

Finally, your H.E., the undersigned GDCA members, strongly believe that your direct intervention would end this shameful and aimless conflict in Gogrial West (Aguok v Kauc) and Apuk v People of Marial Wau and across Warrap State. We hope your administration will prioritise this concern and the attention it deserves.

We wholeheartedly thank all sons and daughters of Gogrial in the Diaspora for standing united together with one voice and calling for unity and amicable solutions to the conflict in our counties and beyond.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Santino Atem Deng Anyuon (PhD), Chairperson, GDCA

Nyibol Nying Wol, Deputy Chairperson, GDCA

Chol Akot Atem, Secretary General, GDCA

On behalf of the GDCA Executive, Board of Directors, Electoral Committees and members

GDCA Teleconference attendees/signatory’s list:

  1. Amb Mariano Deng Ngor, Australia
  2. Akech Deng Piu (Director of the Board, GDCA), Australia
  3. Deng Akol Mawien (Assistant Director of the Board, GDCA), Australia
  4. Agieu Akol Ayok, Australia
  5. Dr Atem Deng Anyuon (Chairperson, GDCA), Australia
  6. Chol Akot Atem (Secretary General, GDCA), USA
  7. Luka Bak Bak Ngor (Advisor to Electoral Committee, GDCA), Australia
  8. Akot Riiny Ayok, Canada
  9. Nyibol Nginy Wol (Deputy Chairperson, GDCA), USA
  10. Anyuon Agoth Manyuon (Secretary of Electoral Committee, GDCA), USA
  11. Peter Aguek Madut Deng (Secretary of Finance, GDCA), USA
  12. Madut Athian Aken (Chairperson of Gogrial Community in New South Wale), Australia
  13. Achuil Tong Wol (Chairperson of Gogrial Community in Victoria), Australia
  14. Achol Awak Thongjang, Australia
  15. Nyibol Tong Aleu, Australia
  16. Kon Akol Tong, USA
  17. Thiek Kiir Anuong (Secretary of the Board, GDCA), USA
  18. Kuot Madut Akol, Australia
  19. Atem Madut Ater, USA
  20. Longar Kur Agok (Chairperson of Gogrial Community in Australia), Australia
  21. Achol Aduol Wol (Assistant Secretary of Youth, Sport, and Education, GDCA), USA
  22. Deng Madut Akech, Australia
  23. Peter Mathon Achuoth, Canada
  24. Akok Deng Madit, USA
  25. Chol Achuil Akech, USA
  26. Dut Bak Chol (Chairperson of Gogrial Community in South Australia), Australia
  27. James Maper Agany Door (Assistant Secretary General, GDCA), USA
  28. Muong Muong Kuot, Australia
  29. Athiou Yel Malual, Australia
  30. Achol Manyuat Lueth, USA
  31. Mapiu Akech Deng, Australia
  32. Malek Kuot Bol, Australia
  33. Arop Ajang Makoor, USA
  34. Martin Atem Mathiang, USA
  35. Athian Bangjak Bol, Australia
  36. Anei Anei Aruop (Auditor of the Board, GDCA), Canada
  37. Gabriel Door Deng (Assistant Secretary of Finance, GDCA), Australia
  38. Wol Door Athuai, Australia
  39. Akol Akech Mayuol, Australia
  40. Adeng Geng Deng, Australia
  41. Anger Ayii Madut, Australia
  42. Angelo Yai Baak Madut Nyok (Chief of Electoral Committee, GDCA), USA
  43. Martha Adut Deng Aluk, Canada
  44. Samuel Awan Deng (Secretary of Reconciliations and Community Relations, GDCA), Canada
  45. Mary Achol Hol Achiek, USA
  46. Madut Nyok Bul, USA
  47. Yar Barkuei Bul, USA
  48. Flora Aweng Barnaba Chol, Australia
  49. Bakhita Nyibol Aleu About, Canada
  50. Wau Anyar Longar (Secretary of Youth, Sport, and Education, GDCA), USA
  51. Tito Thiep Bol, USA
  52. Paulo Deng Aleu, USA
  • Executive members
  • Board members
  • Electoral Committee members

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