
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Press Release: Condemnation of the Barbaric Attacks on Poktap, Duk County, Jonglei State

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Names of people killed in Poktap by Murle on 04.01.2024

Names of people killed in Poktap by Murle on 04.01.2024

Press Statement: Condemnation of Attacks by Murle Criminals in Poktap, Duk County, Jonglei State

Friday, 05 January 2024 (PW) — Duk county of Jonglei State began 2024 with grief and shock as a result of tragic incidents that unfolded on Friday, December 29, 2023, and Thursday, January 4, 2024 where Murle criminals attacked Kadiang Boma of Duk Payuel Payam and Poktap Boma of Ageer Payam respectively.

In Kadiang, Murle criminals ambushed and opened fire on a group of women and men who went to harvest thatching grass, leaving one person dead.

On Thursday, January 4, 2024, at around 3 pm, inter-tribal clashes accelerated by cattle raiding occurred between the Murle armed youth and the Duk youth in Poktap, resulting in a significant loss of life and property.

The violent encounter led to the untimely demise of 23 lives (22 youths from Duk County and one from Uror County) who were trying to recover the cattle and repulse the attackers. 17 youths from Duk County were also wounded, they are nursing wounds in one of the hospitals in Juba.

In the aftermath of the inter-tribal clashes, approximately 7000 herds of cattles were raided, further exacerbating the economic losses on the affected communities.

We Duk County Youth in Jonglei strongly condemn this continuous barbaric act of Murle criminals which is given deaf ears by both the State and National governments.

We therefore urge the state and national governments to provide protection to civilians and their property and ensure that the culprits are brought to justice.

We stand united as a community against violence and divisiveness, emphasizing the importance of coexistence and harmony among different tribes, and ethnic community members must come together, supporting one another and ensuring that such tragic events do not recur.

We urge the neighbouring counties of Uror, Nyirol, Ayod, Akobo, Twic East and Bor to be very vigilant and ready to defend themselves in case the same incident occurs.

We extend our sincere condolences and solidarity to the families who lost their loved ones during this difficult situation.

May the souls of innocent sons of Duk rest in peace.

Noble Leek Goi, DCYA Chairman, Jonglei State.


5th January, 2024

The government of Jonglei State shockingly learnt that the criminals from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) carried out an attack on Duk County, Poktap Boma on the 4th of January, 2024 at around 2pm.

This attack led to the death of more than 20 youths with over 20 others wounded and over 7000 herd of cattle raided.

The government of Jonglei State condemns such barbaric acts and call upon the leadership of the Greater Pibor Administrative Area to rein in on the criminals and hold them accountable.

Such unprovoked attacks are detrimental to all peace efforts and gains made in peace building among the communities of Jonglei State and GPAA.

The criminals are lurking all over the State with numerous reports of ambushes on the roads and attacks on innocent civilians going about their daily activities.

The State government stand in solidarity with the people of Duk County at this very critical moment and share with them the sorrow and grief over the lost of lives and wish the wounded a quick recovery.

The State government is coordinating with both the National government and the leadership of the GPAA to ensure necessary steps are taken to avert further escalation of the violence.

Source: Press Unit

Office of the Deputy Governor

Bor, Jonglei State.

Subject: Condemnation of the Attacks on Poktap Boma, Ageer Payam, Duk County, Jonglei State, South Sudan

By Hon. Anter Bayak Kuol

Former Member of Parliament (MP)

Jonglei State Transitional Legislation Assembly (JSTLA) and Member of SPLM, the ruling party

Date: January 5th, 2024

Dear Citizens and Stakeholders,

I write to express my profound condemnation of the heinous attacks perpetrated on Poktap Boma in Ageer Payam, Duk County, Jonglei State, South Sudan, on January 4th, 2024. This reprehensible act, orchestrated by criminal youth from the Murle tribe in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA), resulted in the tragic loss of 15 lives, injuries to 17 individuals, and the plundering of cattle.

I unequivocally denounce, in the strongest terms possible, this latest assault by the Murle criminal groups from GPAA on the innocent cattle keepers of Poktap Boma. Such acts run counter to the spirit of peace that our communities in Greater Jonglei aspire to achieve, and the recurring devastation is deeply troubling. The Murle’s repeated attacks, documented and reported by international communities, target vulnerable individuals, indiscriminately causing harm and suffering.

For years, the Murle have persistently attacked our communities, and despite our efforts to discourage retaliatory actions from our youth, the Murle leaders and elders have failed to rein in their own youth engaged in child abduction and cattle raiding. The recent offensive against the Dinka Duk and other communities in Jonglei State demands urgent attention.

If the Murle community fails to address this behavior, I urge the government and the international community to take serious action. The people of South Sudan yearn for peace, and it is imperative that the Murle cease their destructive actions. We, the Duk community and Jonglei at large, seek peaceful coexistence with our neighbors, including the Murle. I implore the government and the international community to intervene decisively and resolve this longstanding issue.

On a personal note, as a former member of the Jonglei State Legislative Assembly, representing Duk Constituency, I extend my deepest condolences to the families of the brave youths who lost their lives in the tragic events of January 4th, 2024, in Duk Payuel (Poktap Boma). The events of that day are truly indescribable, and my prayers are with the injured for strength and healing.

I pay sincere tribute to those who lost their lives in these senseless acts perpetrated by individuals associated with the Murle. Such actions are utterly condemned, representing a blatant violation against Duk County, Jonglei State, and South Sudan as a whole.

May the Almighty grant you the strength to endure this tragedy.


Hon. Anter Bayak Kuol (MP)

Former Member of Parliament (MP)

Jonglei State Transitional Legislation Assembly (JSTLA)

Member of SPLM, the ruling party

Republic of South Sudan, Duk-Padiet


Contact: 0926555405, 0915866996

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