
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Why the creation of the prime minister’s post is an alternative to elections in South Sudan

5 min read
South Sudan National Economic Forum

South Sudan National Economic Forum


By Tom Gatdel Malou, Juba, South Sudan

To the proposed subject matter above, it is with my convictions that I write to submit my opinion to the peace partners, the general public of the Sudanese/South Sudanese people (I do not subscribe to the name, South Sudanese) that elections are the best option as I previously wrote on the letter dated on 26/9/2023 published on PaanLuel Wel Media.

For consideration of the other factors, I have decided as an academician to give an opinion on the Prime Minister’s post noting the fact that any predicament must have its best flipside. The Prime minister will be deputized by his deputy whereas the president will have one deputy as usual.

Taking good examples from the UK and France, the system has stood the test of time and functions beyond reasonable doubt. Even if we were to hold elections, I still hold the idea that Prime ministers have to be included in the constitution of the Republic of South Sudan.

I have advertently been wanting this to happen but because time and modus operandi have to be followed to the latter and spirit, then I have to write this article to serve as a mnemonic to the public domain.

The potent of the state lies in the augment of its governance structure, and continuous constitutional enactment when the time called. The prime minister’s post is then a justification and implementation of this statement. Having said this, I viewed this as a privilege for the public and myself to have this iota for the betterment and awakening of the nascent nation of South Sudanat this perilous time.

This document will also aid the presidency in decision-making and political thought adjustment amongst the political parties, civil societies, and other state stakeholders. In state affairs, the rule is cardinal that any change in governance structure has to be done under laws that govern the state; thus, the need for constitutional enactment has to be invoked in this very scenario cited herein.

Elections are not just a walk in the park, equally, governance structure altering is not as well but all that ought to be done is mutual understanding among the stakeholders to make this happen. The time for this proposal to happen is four months (4) for the constitutional enactment processes to be achieved and thereafter, the term for this proposal is a maximum of seven months (7) to make a piloting test or to operationalize the structure that has been proposed above. 

Functions of the President;

1. The head of the state and the commander in chief of the arms forces of the Republic of South Sudan.

2. Be the Security chairperson

3. Appoints the ministers.

4. Assents bill into laws

5. Head of the Executive and appointed by people through election

6. Formulates, and regulates foreign policies and negotiates agreements with other Nations  

7. Formulates, monitors and leads international policies on climate change and environmental conservation.

Prime Minister;

1. Appoints under secretaries in consultation with the President

2. Appointed by the President and ratified by parliament

3. Share cabinet meetings 

4. Responsible for home government policies.

5. Approves government programs’ budget

Their vices or deputies can have other roles and those that are assigned to them by their bosses and laws. 

For the Prime minister’s post to be created, it just takes a simple conceptual framework and no huge impact on other governmental subordinate structures. Below is the conceptual framework depicting the would-be Republic of South Sudan’s proposed governance structure.

President: Salva Kiir

Prime minister: Dr. Riek Machar

Speaker: H.E Wani Iga

vice Presidnt: H.E Taban Deng Gai

Deputy Prime MINISTER: H.E.Hussien Abdelbagi

Source: Tom Gatdel Malou 2024.

The above demonstration shall have a proper executive that has a modern structure that functions without erroneous issues at all levels. Without doing both, the elections or this proposed structure, we shall be having a constitutional crisis; and this maycost us time to gauge a corrective mechanism.

At the same time, this framework challenges the proposed structure made by the leader of the Party of the National Unity (PNU) which almost took us back to the status quo back in the day. In the socio-economic aspect, PNU has neither solved economic problemsnor balanced the economic equilibrium rather, it increases the burden on taxpayers still.

Therefore, I take this opportunity to implore the citizens of South Sudan to embrace this proposal as an alternative to putting elections on hold for a short period. When we focus on downsizing the government considering the cost of politicians’ payments as the key driver of the structure, we will be interfering with other hidden factors that can be hindrances to all the proposals to come to pass.

Let us put more emphasis on modernizing our governance system and fortify strategies that are laid down for our governance system to function per se. I agree with the statement uttered by the President “We have no government and we have never had butwe are in the process of establishing the government.” We have to participate in all national matters to come up with an ameliorated governance structure that is sustainable, governable, and payable to the taxpayer.

In conclusion, let us be involved in government establishment by submitting our views so that decisions are derived from them by the public domains, civil societies, and government institutions.

Kind regard

Tom Gatdel Malou,

Master’s Degree student, 

Environmental Planning and Management

University of Nairobi

Can be reached via


• Trioka Countries


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