
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Unregulated Foreign Movement and Engagement: Threats to South Sudan’s National Security and Sovereignty

6 min read
Pyramid Hotel & Radisson Blu Hotel, Nimule Street, Hai Malakal, Juba City, South Sudan

Pyramid Hotel & Radisson Blu Hotel, Nimule Street, Hai Malakal, Juba City, South Sudan

By Bek Dhuorjang Chol, Juba, South Sudan

Saturday, 17 February 2024 (PW) — The situation in Juba, the capital of South Sudan, is becoming increasingly complex due to the influx of foreign nationals engaging in various economic activities. This presence is not limited to commercial ventures but extends into government offices and residential areas, raising significant concerns regarding national security and the well-being of South Sudanese citizens. From unregulated pharmaceutical sales to establishing foreign religious institutions, the presence of foreigners in various aspects of South Sudanese life raises profound concerns about national security, public health, privacy, and cultural integrity.

One notable issue is the unregulated sale of pharmaceutical products by Indian nationals and other vendors, which poses a risk to public health due to the potential circulation of unapproved or counterfeit medicines. Some nationals are involved after being hired. The lack of strict controls by the Ministry of Health and the South Sudan Food and Drug Authority has raised alarms about the quality and safety of these medications. Recently some food imported from the neighbouring countries were written sale to South Sudan without expiry date and not allowed to be sold within the country where it was produced (Uganda). This situation not only endangers public health but also undermines trust in the healthcare system, hence jeopardizing the well-being of South Sudanese citizens.

Similarly, another concern is Egyptian vendors in residential and sometimes in public offices engaging in the door-to-door sale of cooking utensils on installment plans. This practice raises concerns about privacy and the potential for unauthorized data collection, as there are reports of these individuals taking pictures and obtaining personal information from South Sudanese women and girls. Where is the South Sudanese consumer protection unit on the potential impact of these activities on our people? Entering private homes under the guise of business transactions is a great concern for privacy and possible exploitation.

Establishing religious institutions by foreign nationals, particularly those claiming prophetic authority, introduces another layer of complexity. This phenomenon can influence local cultural and religious practices, potentially leading to social divisions and undermining community cohesion. The commercial activities of Ugandan nationals or citizens from East African countries, including the sale of clothing and food, along with Somalians and Ethiopians selling perfumes, sandals, and water supply, respectively, reflect a diverse economic engagement by foreign nationals in Juba as vendors. Such activities can not contribute to the local economy, and improvement of market saturation, competition with local businesses, and potential cultural and social impacts. However, the involvement of foreign nationals in essential services, without adequate regulation, poses risks to public safety and national security.

Furthermore, the accessibility of ministries complex to nationals and non-nationals is an unprecedented practice that could compromise sensitive information. Though there are some people assigned as receptionist or security guards yet, they give access to these individuals under the pretext of customers selling items to workers. There is no country where open access to public offices without explicit scrutiny is ever granted to foreigners or even its nationals. This is unusual and deviates from the norm observed in sovereign nations, potentially compromising the integrity and national security of governmental operations.
The presence of foreigners, especially in remote villages, whether working or selling items to locals, can pose various risks without proper government regulation or oversight. These risks may include economic exploitation, cultural erosion, and even national security threats if individuals with malicious intentions can operate unchecked. Without proper regulation, foreign entities may exploit resources, engage in illegal activities, or undermine local businesses, ultimately harming the economy and citizens’ well-being.
The unregulated movement and involvement of foreigners raise significant national security concerns.

Like many other nations, South Sudan must safeguard its borders and internal affairs against potential threats. Foreign individuals operating without oversight could engage in espionage, illicit arms trade, or other activities detrimental to the country’s stability and security. This includes the risks mentioned earlier and the possibility of destabilizing local communities or inciting conflicts. Foreign actors may exploit existing tensions or manipulate local dynamics for their interests, undermining the stability and sovereignty of South Sudan. This lack of regulation may also contribute to the proliferation of organized crime networks or extremist elements, further exacerbating security challenges.

Our government must implement comprehensive policies that regulate these activities within its borders and premises to address these wonders. This could include:

  1. The government must proactively regulate the movements and activities of nationals and foreigners. This involves strengthening border control mechanisms, implementing stricter visa and residency policies, and enhancing surveillance capabilities to monitor suspicious activities. The government can mitigate security risks and safeguard national interests by exerting greater control over its territory and borders.
  2. Another key aspect is regulating public office access for nationals and foreigners. Allowing unrestricted participation in governance without proper vetting or oversight could compromise state institutions’ integrity. Therefore, establishing transparent and merit-based criteria for holding public office is essential to prevent external actors’ undue influence or manipulation.
  3. Strengthening regulatory frameworks to ensure the quality and safety of products sold within the country, particularly pharmaceuticals.
  4. Enhancing oversight and control of commercial activities conducted by foreigners, ensuring they comply with local laws and regulations and do not infringe on the rights and privacy of South Sudanese citizens.
  5. Promoting local entrepreneurship and businesses ensures that the South Sudanese economy benefits from sustainable development that prioritizes the needs and well-being of its citizens.

Such measures would not only protect the national security and economic interests of South Sudan but also promote an environment where foreign engagement is regulated, respectful, and mutually beneficial. A proactive and holistic approach from the government is needed to protect public health, preserve cultural integrity, and promote sustainable economic development.

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