
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Rumbek Youth Union (RUMYU) Inaugurates Sixth Leadership in Juba, South Sudan

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RUMYU Leadership Inaugural Ceremony at the Freedom Hall on the 29th March 2024 south sudan

RUMYU Leadership Inaugural Ceremony at the Freedom Hall on the 29th March 2024 south sudan

By Boka Junior, Juba, South Sudan

Monday, 08 April 2024 (PW) — Founded in 1986, Rumbek Youth Union is the oldest Union which was formed in Khartoum, Sudan. Since Independence, RUMYU has inaugurated six successful leadership transitions in South Sudan-Juba. The recently held inauguration ceremony for the newly elected leaders of the Rumbek Youth Union on 29th March 2024 at Freedom Hall in Juba, South Sudan was a momentous occasion that brought together youth, women, prominent politicians, and community leaders. The event was a culmination of months of hard work and dedication by the Electoral committee led by Mr. Duluma Maker Dhalbeny, the Chairperson who oversaw the entire electoral process.

As the Chairperson of the Electoral Committee for the Rumbek Youth Union, Mr. Duluma with his committed team had the privilege of ensuring that the elections were conducted in a fair, transparent, and inclusive manner. It was a massive task that required careful planning, coordination, and cooperation from all stakeholders involved as well as promotion and advertisement of the leadership inaugural function to draw public attention. From the delegation process of the delegates and the councilors, screening of the candidates, and the declaration of open campaigns to actual voting and declaration of results, every step of the electoral process was meticulously executed to ensure the integrity of the elections.

The preparations for the inauguration ceremony were equally intense, with a focus on creating an inclusive and celebratory atmosphere that reflected the diversity and unity of the Rumbek Youth Union. The Electoral Committee worked tirelessly to ensure that the event would be attended by a wide cross-section of the community, including youth, women, politicians, and community leaders. The goal was to make everyone feel welcome and valued, regardless of their background or status.

The turnout at the inauguration ceremony was truly heartwarming, with many youth, women, and community members in attendance. The presence of prominent politicians and community leaders added a sense of importance and significance to the event, highlighting the critical role that the Rumbek Youth Union plays in the local community.

During the ceremony, the newly elected leaders took their oath of office, pledging to serve the interests of the youth and work towards the development and prosperity of the Rumbek community. It was a moment of great promise and hope for the future, as the incoming leaders committed themselves to upholding the values of transparency, accountability, and good governance.

In this interview, I had a conversation with the Chairperson of the Electoral Committee for RUMYU Mr. Duluma Maker Dhalbeny who inclusively highlighted the preparations, opportunities, challenges, and triumphs of organizing the elections and inauguration ceremony. He narrated the impact of the event on the Rumbek community and the significance of youth involvement in shaping the future of the Union. Ultimately, the goal of this piece is to shed light on the importance of inclusive and transparent electoral processes in promoting democratic values and fostering unity and cooperation within our community. Explore the interesting interview below.

Boka Jr: Splendid to meet you. Briefly, could you tell the readers the background of the Rumbek Youth Union, especially the genesis and the historical records of the Union?

Duluma: Thank you and it is a pleasure to give insights about RUMYU on behalf of the Union leadership and especially in my capacity as the Chairperson of the Electoral committee that organized the recently concluded 6th inauguration of elected leaders.

The Rumbek Youth Union [RUMYU] is one of the oldest youth unions in the country. According to research I made from one of the founding members, RUMYU was formed and registered in June 1986 in Khartoum-Sudan by the Youths of Greater Rumbek Province. The first team members that drafted the RUMYU Constitution in June 1986 include

  1. Adv. Luka Madit Buot, 2. Michael Wade Akec, 3. Agar Dak, 4. Ustaz Dut Makoi Kuok, 5. Andrew Makuei, 6. George Idris, 7. Eng. Chol Tong Mayay, 8. Dr. Achut Achut, 9. Enock Maper Dumic, 10. Dr. Makandar Makec and 11. Aliabliab. These were the great minds who laid down the foundation of this great association.

After the passing of the constitution, Adv. Luka Madit Buot was elected the first Chairman of RUMYU from June 1986 to July 1988. Around December 1997, RUMYU was revived in Rumbek under the SPLA/SPLM liberated areas and the then Alternate Commander late John Lat Zechariah was elected as the Chairman from 1997 to 2002. When South Sudan became an independent state, RUMYU in Juba elected Mr. Mark Macuei as the First Chairman from 2011 to 2012. So far in Juba, RUMYU has seen leadership transition six times through democratic processes.

Boka Jr: Recalling the 29th March 2024 inauguration ceremony at Freedom Hall, could you provide an overview and the processes that led to the new transition of leadership?

Duluma: The recent inauguration ceremony was conducted on the 29th of March 2024 to ensure leadership transition from the outgone leadership to the sworn-in leadership. On the 26th of November 2023, the RUMYU Elections were conducted. The RUMYU’s constitution provided that the executive committee leadership [Chairman and Secretary-General] be elected by the delegates [75 in number] who are drawn from the three counties of Rumbek East, Rumbek Central, and Rumbek North.

During the electoral process, the position of Chairman was contested by two candidates namely Mr. Laat Nuer Yuot and Mr. William Maker Lueth while the position of Secretary General was contested by three candidates namely Mr. Paul Marial Mabor, Mr. James Magok Mangar and Mr. Marial Marial Maker.

After the count of the votes by the RUMYU Electoral Committee, the results showed that Mr. Laat Nuer Yuot won the elections for the position of Chairman and Mr. Marial Marial Maker became Secretary General.

Therefore, the RUMYU Electoral Committee made the declaration of the results. In order to facilitate the leadership transition from the outgone leadership to the new team, the RUMYU Electoral Committee tried to mobilize financial and material resources from the Agaar Community members. The Committee leadership also managed to make public invitations by creating flyers one month before the D-day.

This helped to attract the attention of the Agaar community and some of their friends who turned up to witness the RUMYU’s leadership inaugural ceremony at the Prestigious Freedom Hall. The RUMYU Electoral Committee leadership ensured proper logistical arrangements on time and obtained security approvals for the Freedom Hall and the function itself to be held in a peaceful atmosphere.

Boka Jr: As the event was massively attended and new leaders were sworn in, what were the goals and objectives of organizing the ceremony?

Duluma: The Major goal of the ceremony was ‘to facilitate leadership transition from the outgone leadership to the new team.’ In breakdown, the objectives of the inaugural ceremony were to:

1. Ensure transfer of power from the outgone leadership to the newly elected youth leaders.

2. Organized a high-level function inclusive of the politicians, youth and women leaders, youths and women, and the entire membership of the Agaar community in Juba.

3. To create a platform where the newly elected youth leaders would be advised by some experienced youths, women, and elders of the community.

Boka Jr: Concerning the preparation, how tied was your schedule and period taken to mobilize resources and people to attend the event?

Duluma: It took 2 months for the RUMYU Electoral Committee to generate the required resources from the Rumbek Community and their friends. We are grateful for securing Freedom Hall free of charge with approval from the Chief Administrator in the Office of the President of the Republic of South Sudan. The Electoral Committee mobilized financial resources to cater for the decoration of the venue hall, hiring Bongo Buses to facilitate transportation, and buying fuel and other drinks like water and soda including snacks for the attendees. The EC leadership also sent out invitations one month before the D-day. We used both electronic “flyers” invitations and physical invitation cards for elders, women leaders, and youths. So, there’s earlier preparation before the function. It was difficult but we managed to organize and host the inauguration ceremony successfully.

Boka Jr: What procedures or mechanisms did you put in place to make sure there was a fair election of the leaders?

Duluma: There were the Constitution and the electoral bylaws in place which helped us to conduct the elections. RUMYU uses a delegates’ system where the executive committee leadership is elected by 75 delegates drawn from the 3 counties of Rumbek North, Rumbek East, and Rumbek Central counties. The Council leadership is also elected by the 27 councilors drawn from the above-mentioned counties. The electoral committee ensured that all the screened delegates and councilors were registered in the voter register and each one of them was issued a voter card that qualified him or her to vote during the voting day. There were electoral observers [internal and external] and each candidate’s agent.

Also, the electoral process was conducted, and coverage was streamed live by some popular Facebook Live Media Pages such as Lakes State Media, MuorAger Facebook page, and MC Anyarjur Media. So, all these processes ensured that everyone had access to information and the Electoral Committee allowed the agents to have access throughout the electoral sorting and counting of the votes until the final declaration of results. So, the process was free, fair credible, peaceful, and democratic.

Boka Jr: According to the publication on media outlets, it is understood that the event was highly attended by youth, women, elders, and prominent leaders, what’s the magic behind it?

Duluma: Yeah sure, there was a huge attendance from the Rumbek Community and our friends. Among the attendees include prominent SPLM Political Bureau Members like Cde. Akol Paul Kordit and Cde. Paul Mayom Akec. There were also in attendance the Deputy Minister for Interior Hon. David Marial Gumke and the Deputy Minister for Finance and Planning Hon. Agok Makur Agok. Many youth leaders from Rumbek, Lakes, Bahr el Ghazel, and from Upper Nile Region were also in attendance.

The magic behind the big attendance is the fact that there were proper logistical arrangements put in place to transport community members from where they reside within Juba, there were also earlier invitations sent out and proper engagement with the youths, women, and elders. The publicity about the function was enhanced by the social media platforms, especially the Lakes State Media, Akon-Buoi Press Facebook Page, Muor-Ager Facebook Page, etc.

Boka Jr: What specific initiatives or projects does the leadership of RUMYU have for the youth this year?

Duluma: The capable inaugurated leaders have clear plans. However, some of the things that the new team will do shall contribute to the unity of the youths of Rumbek in Juba and will probably engage some youths in life skills activities and in paying their tuition fees. I think they’ll execute their manifesto promises in line with the objectives defined in the RUMYU’s constitution. For the new team to succeed, they need support from the members of the Rumbek community and other well-wishers because as a not-for-profit organization, it depends on support from the members of the community.

Boka Jr: What resources and support does the association seek from the community and other stakeholders to achieve the goals of the union?

Duluma: The new leadership needs financial, material, and moral support from all the people of Rumbek. There’s a need for Youth a center to be established for example for vocational training and research, stationery, furniture, and electronics to be procured, skills-based capacity building, and changing the mindset of young people to be creative and self-reliant which can be achieved through mentorship programs.

Boka Jr: What are the needs that were raised concerning the RUMYU during the inauguration ceremony?

Duluma: The new leadership needs financial, material, and moral support from all the people of Rumbek. There’s a need for a Youth center to be established, stationery, furniture, and electronics to be procured, skills-based capacity building, and changing the mindset of young people to be creative and self-reliant which can be achieved through mentorship programs.

Boka Jr: How does the Union foster a sense of pride and ownership among the youth for their community?

Duluma: This can be achieved through engaging youths via different approaches. For example, the recent inauguration is a testament that the youths were probably engaged and that’s why there’s a huge turnout for the first time in the history of RUMYU in Juba to record an estimated attendance of over 1500 Youths, Women, and Elders. This indicates that RUMYU is a people-centered youth organization. The youths need their voices to be heard and no youths should be isolated in the key decision-making process. It needs an inclusive and participatory leadership approach.

Boka Jr: What message would you like to convey to the youth of Rumbek regarding the future of the union and their role in shaping it?

Duluma: My message to the youths of Rumbek is that they should see themselves through RUMYU. They should support the new leadership that took the oath of office on the 29th of March 2024 at Freedom Hall. The union can’t be successful if the leadership doesn’t get the financial, material, and moral support from the Rumbek Community and the well-wishers.

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