
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The lack of domestic airline in South Sudan is a national embarrassment

3 min read
South Sudan supreme airline crashed in Wau on landing; no report of casualties

South Sudan supreme airline crashed in Wau on landing; no report of casualties

By Tito Tiel, Calgary, Canada

Wednesday, 10 April 2024 (PW) — The absence of a domestic airline in South Sudan is a significant obstacle that could impede the country’s progress. Depending on another country’s transportation system for importing and exporting goods can lead to increased costs.

It is highly recommended that individuals with the necessary resources consider entering the aviation industry by establishing an international or pan-African airline. This not only contributes to the growth of the aviation sector but also stimulates economic development.

South Sudanese citizens who have greater financial means should be encouraged to invest their capital in the local market by providing loans to individuals who can create employment opportunities. Simply keeping their money idle in banks or at home does not benefit them or the country.

On the other hand, investing in viable ventures offers numerous advantages. It is crucial for the population to understand that the government is not solely responsible for employment; its primary role is to ensure security and provide financial support to businesses through loans.

To reduce the reliance on imported food from the East Africa community, South Sudanese citizens should prioritize improving agriculture within their own region. By establishing businesses, not only can job opportunities be created, but also economic growth can be fostered. South Sudan has made significant progress in reclaiming control of its airspace. The recent completion of the Air Traffic Management System (ATMS) is a major milestone in managing its sovereign airspace.

The ATMS project, which started in July 2020 and was successfully finished in December 2023, aims to enhance South Sudan’s capacity to independently manage its airspace. It includes various components such as the Juba ATMS Center, the Air Traffic Control Tower and Operation Building, the Surveillance System for real-time aircraft tracking, the Navigation System for safe navigation within South Sudan’s airspace, and the Communication System.

Additionally, investing in top-notch education and healthcare services is vital for the progress and well-being of any nation. The significant roles played by teachers, military personnel, and healthcare workers greatly impact the future of our country.

By prioritizing these sectors, we can ensure a brighter future for our citizens. Instead of solely focusing on seeking medical treatment abroad or relying solely on the fluctuating dollar rate for imports, let us concentrate on strengthening education and healthcare. These sectors form the basis of a prosperous society and can help mitigate market prices.

The author, Tito Tiel, is a concerned South Sudan citizen who lives in Canada. For more information, you can reach the author at his email address:

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