
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

During elections, a hyena can promise animals to become a vegetarian in South Sudan

4 min read
Malek Arol Dhieu, South Sudanese writer and journalist

Malek Arol Dhieu, South Sudanese writer and journalist

By Malek Arol Dhieu, Juba, South Sudan

Wednesday, 05 June 2024 (PW) — It is possible for a hyena to become a vegetarian. Sometimes, a starving hyena can eat the innermost part of a dead tree to break starvation. In fact, a hyena can eat anything, but the fact remains that it is a carnivorous animal.

But the overriding question is that, can a hyena truly, after being voted in power, become a vegetarian? To me, it cannot. A hyena can kill a delivering antelope, buffalo, giraffe, deer, elephant, goat, cow or any vulnerable animal. It can kill sick animals as well. To a worst extent, a hyena can chase a squirrel with a full energy, wanting to kill it for food. Such a leader with itching teeth cannot be trusted with the power. That may guarantee it to kill animals at the rate it wishes to kill them.

In the year of elections, contestants can promise anything. It is during the year of elections that new promises are discovered. Some contestants can promise to build bridges where there are no water bodies. Others can promise to build a tall wall like that of Israel around the country.

Conditions are expected to improve in the year of elections. This is because contestants do anything to please the electorates to vote for them. The contestants in power improve conditions by providing electricity, clean drinking water, food, security and start building roads, schools, bridges and hospitals.

The contestants out of power drain themselves of the little resources they have and try so hard to provide two or three important things that are of great improvement to the electorates. This way, elections are crucial to conduct because they come with development and a number of opportunities to the citizens. But the way elections are conducted in South Sudan is disgusting.

Elections are scheduled for December, but it completely looks like there are no elections this year. It is this thing called endorsement of the flag bearer that somehow shows it that there are elections. Instead of using the resources for the endorsement of the flag bearer for campaigning or paying the hungry civil servants and soldiers, they are wasted on something insignificant.

Two endorsements have taken place, and one is underway, what for? People can vote for Salva Kiir Mayardit even if he is not endorsed, and conversely people cannot vote for him even if he is endorsed. So, the endorsement cannot force people to vote for him. Why would a lump sum of money be wasted on the endorsement thingy?

It is up to the electorates to decide who to vote for and who to leave. It is a simple thing to deal with. Unless elections are not conducted, but when they are conducted, it is not a thing to fight for. It is a thing that needs smartness. Above all, I love the way people vote in this modern world. Voting is secret and that is the power of an electorate.

One goes as smart as ever, carefully ticks against the name of his chosen leader, casts the vote and comes back normally. One can even hug a contestant he has not voted for and tell him that he has voted for him. Who has eagle eyes to detect it?

President Salva Kiir Mayardit once said, “I’m working with hyenas”. So, all the hyenas contesting in this year’s elections should promise to be vegetarians. They have been meatarians, eating public money and corruptly owning public property as if they are the only South Sudanese on earth. It is time they should control their itching teeth in biting public money and property.

Thanks for reading “Sowing The Seed Of Truth”.

The author, Malek Arol Dhieu, is a concerned South Sudanese medical student at Juba University who writes under the Column “Sowing The Seed Of Truth” and can be reached via his email address: Malek Arol Dhieu <>

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