
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Those misleading Governor Mahjoub Biel Turuk are jeopardising the future of Jonglei state

5 min read

By Gabriel Garang Atem Ayiik, Juba, South Sudan

Dear all, this is not a new narrative but rather a revitalised Crown Hotel meeting. Government officials are positioning themselves to represent both the government and communities in oil consultations and set a precedent for related matters. The politicians, fearful of the communities, are attempting to bypass them discreetly.

The Twic East Community has recently devised a comprehensive plan for consultations on oil exploration, which the schemers aim to circumvent. Notably, none of the MPs attended the conference in Twic East County. Whether knowingly or not, the new governor is being drawn into an elaborate scheme to sidestep the voice of the people.

“Organizing a gathering under the guise of a non-existent and inactive group, such as the “Greater Bor” association, is not only disgraceful but also a coercive act.
Furthermore, the so-called intellectuals consultative meeting lacks inclusivity and fails to ensure an equal distribution of power among the Jiɛŋ community residing in Jonglei state. The distribution of attendees from Bor, Twic, and Duk reveals an imbalanced representation:
•⁠  ⁠Bor: 32 participants
•⁠  ⁠Twic: 18 participants
•⁠  ⁠Duk: 9 participants
Instead, it would have been more appropriate to call it the Bor Intellectuals Consultative Meeting. The individuals who are misleading the newly appointed Governor are the ones jeopardizing the future of Jonglei state. This is an unfortunate start for H.E Mahjoub Biel Turuk.”


Firstly, who are the Jonglei Intellectuals? They should encompass both Dinka and Nuer within the current framework of Jonglei State. Secondly, if we refer to Dinka Intellectuals in Jonglei, it should include individuals from Bor, Twic, Duk, and Pigi counties.

The list indeed has much to admire. However, if it aims to be comprehensive and intellectual, notable figures such as Dau Aleer Abit, Ajak Deng Reng, Kiir Garang Kuek, Deng Garang Bany, Alaak Garang, Chol Aruei, Mabior Deu, Jurkuch Barach, Biar Mading Biar, Dut Achuek Lual, Garang Mading Agok, Dau Akech Deng, Panchol Aduong, Mayen Kuol Mading, and many others who hold important positions in their communities and government from Twic East, are conspicuously absent.

In terms of representation, Bor County has 32 members, Twic East 18, and Duk 9. The new governor and his entourage are off to a poor start. Consultations should be comprehensive and honestly conceptualized. A little honesty is critical for harmony.

If the governor is leveraging government structures, it should be noted that there is no “Greater Bor” within the structures of Jonglei State. He should avoid a robotic approach and needs to consult Denay on this matter.

In a conference held at BMC in Juba at the end of 2022, and reaffirmed recently in Twic East, the Twic East community publicly declared that it is no longer part of a non-existent and inactive association. Inviting us under the same name insults our collective intelligence as a community.

That said, we remain united as Dinka and Nuer in Jonglei State. Unity is reflected in both words and actions. The structures of government are clear. The new governor needs to carefully consider how to work effectively with the people of Jonglei State.

The future is bright.

Updated Development: Governor’s Ineptitude Plagues Simple Consultations in Jonglei state

Organizing even the most straightforward of events has become an uphill battle for the current Jonglei State Governor, as a series of embarrassing gaffes continue to plague his administration’s efforts at public engagement. Three glaring flubs marred preparations for what should have been a routine consultation meeting. Firstly, the list of invited intellectuals underwent last-minute changes, sparking mixed reactions and confusion among local communities.

As if this misstep wasn’t enough, the event’s venue was haphazardly shuffled from place to place in a pathetic display of disorganization. Just when attendees thought they had pinned down the location, it would inexplicably change yet again. But the governor’s team saved their most bewildering blunder for last. Despite the Jonglei state coordinator’s office officially authenticating and publicizing the agenda items, the governor himself forcefully intervened at the eleventh hour to unilaterally revise the docket.

The proposed agenda had centered on pressing matters – oil exploration in Jonglei, road construction plans, and strategies for mitigating the looming flood crisis. However, in a baffling about-face, the governor called an impromptu press conference to summarily omit the oil and infrastructure topics, unconfidently narrowing the focus solely to flood mitigation. This jarring reversal has left citizens questioning whether the governor was even involved in the agenda’s initial preparation or if some sinister undercurrent is afoot. The apparent disconnect between the governor’s office and coordination team is palpable.

As skepticism mounts over the administration’s competence, one can’t help but wonder: Why has organizing a simple meeting become such an arduous endeavor for the governor’s team? Are his directives and decision-making truly so haphazard and ill-calculated? Or do these repeated fumbles obscure something more fishy broiling beneath the surface? For a state grappling with myriad developmental challenges, Jonglei’s residents deserve leadership that can at the very least orchestrate coherent public consultations.

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