European Union sets conditions for supporting unity government

European Union flag [Photo by EU website]

European Union flag [Photo by EU website]

JUBA – The European Union (EU) has set conditions to support the implementation of South Sudan’s revitalized peace agreement which was signed by the parties to teh conflict in September 2018 but has yet to be implemented as whole.

Outgoing EU ambassador in South Sudan said the continental body would only support the revitalized unity government if and only if the economic reforms and the justice mechanisms provided for in the revitalized peace agreement are implemented.

The agreement states that political leaders and stakeholders shall ensure that the RTGoNU is transparent and accountable, with legal, institutional policies, and procedures fully functional for sustainable development.

It also expects political leaders and stakeholders to commit to the fight against corruption, and that any leader found to have condoned or engaged in corrupt practices shall be held accountable and barred from holding public office.

Amb. Sinead Walsh also stressed that the EU is interested in urgent implementation of Chapter V of the peace agreement, which mandates the unity government to establish transitional justice institutions.

The agreement obligates the government to establish Commission for Truth, Reconciliation and Healing, and the Compensation and Reparation Authority.

It also demands creation of an independent hybrid judicial body, to be known as the Hybrid Court for South Sudan to investigate, and where necessary, prosecute individuals bearing responsibility for violations of international and South Sudanese laws, committed from 15 December 2013 through the end of the Transitional Period.

In 2014, the EU imposed travel bans and assets freezes on some South Sudanese military generals for obstructing the peace process.

According to Xinhua news agency, the EU Ambassador argued that it is difficult to mobilize resources and support in Brussels for South Sudan if donors think that there are high levels of corruption and recurrent cycles of conflict.

Amb. Walsh maintained that the European Union is committed to supporting the government led by President Salva Kiir and First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar in these areas.

The government should exert more effort in resolving the communal violence that continues to kill and displace hundreds of people across the country, she added.

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