Ex-Longechuk commissioner, minister of defunct Akobo state shot dead in Juba  

Former state officials of Maiwut and Akobo state who were killed in Juba on Wednesday night [Photo obtained by Sudans Post]

Former state officials of Maiwut and Akobo state who were killed in Juba on Wednesday night [Photo obtained by Sudans Post]

JUBA – Two former senior state government officials have been killed in the capital Juba by unidentified armed men, according to former colleagues who said they witnessed the deadly incident.

“Yesterday, we were at the Quality Hotel in Juba. Some police men came and they stood outside the hotel. Later on, they disappeared and in a matter of ten minutes, two others came and opened fire,” one former Maiwut state government official said.

“So, when they opened fire, they killed Dok Tuach Bithouk, and Yiey Ruazel,” the official added.

Dok Tuach is a former commissioner for Longechuk in the defunct Maiwut state. Yiey is a former minister of Education in the country’s defunct Akobo state.

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