Ex-Machar official who resigned last week joins Dr. Lam

Chairman of National Democratic Movement (NDM) and Secretary-General of South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA), Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin [Photo via Wikipedia]

Chairman of National Democratic Movement (NDM) and Secretary-General of South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA), Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin [Photo via Wikipedia]

JUBA – Former SPLM-IO commissioner of Akobo East County who resigned from the main armed opposition group, SPLM-IO, led by Dr. Riek Machar Teny over leadership issues last week, has issued a statement declaring his intention to join the National Democratic Movement (NDM) led by Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin.

Tut Chot Rial said in his resignation from SPLM-IO last week that “my resignation from the SPLM/SPLA (IO) will hurt those who know my role and contribution in the movement so far, but it is difficult for me to continue as a member of the group under these circumstances.”

In a statement on Thursday, extended to Sudans Post on Friday, Tut declared his intention to join the NDM led by Dr. Lam.

“I, Hon. Tut Chot Rial Gaw, after soul searching, solemnly declares to the South Sudanese people my joining of the National Democratic Movement (NDM) under the able and wise leadership of Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin with effect from today

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